News - The Easiest Solo Dark Aether Acquisitions Warzone 2 Zombies


Now I know there's a lot of people out there that are just like me and play Zombies solo, so this is going to be your easy guide to getting all the new dark Aether Acquisitions. Some of these things are the most powerful things in the game and are going to really help you guys out a lot, like the Ether Blade, the dog bone, or even the golden armor plate, which is a huge lifesaver.

So if you guys are into zombie content or, honestly, anything Call of Duty, please do consider dropping me a like and a follow. It would mean the world to me. I try to stay as up-to-date as humanly possible. I'm also going to clear up a small mistake that I made in my last article. Honestly, I hate giving out wrong information, and if I have the chance to clarify and make it correct, I will definitely do so.

So in my first quite a few runs of the dark ether, I was getting the ether blade every single time I was doing the ether extractor contract. At least three or four times in a row, I was constantly getting the dog bone out of the holdout mission. Tonight i actually flipped and ended up getting the ether blade out of the holdout.


Mission, and I ended up actually getting nothing out of the ether extractor. Mission, so that leads me to believe you can get any of the dark ether acquisitions. Out of any of these contracts that are in the dark ether, like I said in my last article, assuming you guys have gotten all four of the pieces and have at least been in the dark ether at least once, you have been able to farm the sigils from doing the contracts in the red tier zone.

Placing these sigils inside of the rift is going to give you guys access to the dark ether, so as a solo player, you're going to want to make sure that you are fully geared up and ready to go inside of this thing, so make sure that you are grabbing an operator that has all of the right equipment, make sure you have a three-plate vest, a large rucksack, and equip your operator with decoys and throwing knives.

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Also, the large backpack is not only so you can bring in some of your best stuff to start. This will make gearing up to go into the dark ether much easier, but you're also going to need the space to save those self-revivals, plates, and whatnot. When gearing up to go into the dark ether, honestly, I would say get the majority of your perks.


It's okay if you leave out one or two, but get the base ones at least. Make sure that your weapon is at least at a pack-a-punch of two. I would honestly say to go for three if you really can, but two would probably work, and make sure that your weapon also has a rarity of at least Epic on it now.


If you don't have a dog bone or if you can't find any chunks of Flesh honestly don't worry about it because as a solo player when you enter the dark ether you're going to have a friendly hellhound, even if you didn't have one I know this isn't really accessible but if you can get the Juggernaut, kill streak if you hold that out and don't throw it you're actually going to be running way faster than any of the super Spinners, so when you think you're fully ready go ahead and go into the dark ether you're going to notice the Mr peak's bunnies kind of fly off into the distance well they're going to be scattered all over the map in these certain places and when you walk up to them and activate them they're going to start a contract now there's three contracts, that are going to be on the map there's going to be the hold.

On mission, there's going to be the ether extractors, and there's also going to be the escort mission, which is almost impossible. For a solo player, if anybody actually has any tips or tricks or knows anybody who's done that solo, please leave me a comment, but by far the easiest mission for you to do as a solo player is going to be the holdout.

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Mission: Now the bunny is going to be located on the exact opposite side of the fortress from where you spawned. He's going to be sitting in the front window of a bus that's right along the edge of the road on the edge of the fortress, so what I like to do is run straight forward, take the zipline on top of the fortress, and run all along the edge around until I get to the very back.


You'll notice the little bathroom building right next to where you fought the worm, while the bus is going to be right beside that. Just drop down from the top of the fortress and activate Mr. Peaks now this is going to be your quickest way into the holdout. Just turn around and look directly at The Fortress, and there's going to be a zip line that goes up.

Take that zip line up and then take a right once you get to the top, and then you'll notice that there's going to be a window. Go through that window and through the next door, and you're going to be inside the holdout. This is just like it is on the big map, so just go ahead and activate the machine, and you'll notice these staircases.

On each side, what I like to do is kind of hold out on each one until I get kind of overwhelmed, and then I just jump off the edge and repeat. On the other side, be sure to make full use of your decoys and of your field upgrade if you have to now in doing this contract in particular. I have yet to go down solo; I've gotten close, but it just hasn't happened yet.


Now the Aether Extractor one—that's the other one that I can complete alone, but honestly, I usually go down once or twice while doing it personally. I would usually do the Aether Extractor one as well, just so I can try to get as much good loot as I can before I extract from this place. But if you want to just do something really easy, that's going to be your easiest, so contract to do it as a solo player just to get you some really quick acquisitions, and try out some of the new stuff if you've got what you want and your rucksack is completely full of good loot.

Go ahead and head down to the bottom of the fortress—well, underneath the fortress, actually—and there's going to be a portal where you can extract. That's going to be about it, guys. I appreciate everybody who stopped by the article. If you want some tips on the Aether extractor, contract Please check out my previous article.

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I just did one on how to complete that one. I do appreciate all the support that you guys have been showing me lately. It honestly does mean the world to me. Thank you, guys, so much. We're on the road to 7, 000 subscribers. Man, I'll catch you guys in the next one.

Today we take a look at the easiest contract to complete for a solo player in the dark aether. Doing this can get you some of the rarest acquisitions. The zombies community has been awesome to me, I appreciate all the love and support recently. Thanks everyone.
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