News - How To Beat The Red Worm Solo Warzone 2 Zombies All Bosses Challenge


Speaking of decoys, you're also going to be shooting the zombies with the vr11; you're not going to be running out of ammo either, and when you shoot the zombies with a vr11, they will turn and literally turn into decoys. Themselves so not only will these things be shooting the other zombies and clearing them out for you but they're going to be distracting a bunch of them for you which is a huge help also if the worm picks you up in his mouth be sure to be spamming your vr11, cuz while you're shooting inside of his mouth you know pause but that's going to be doing a lot of damage to him and then once he spits you out pause again be sure to pull your parachutes, so that way you don't go down but beware it can tilt your screen and if it does get tilted like mine does a couple times in this match here usually what I like to do to fix it is just try to spin around in a circle as much as I can I notice the more that I spin it kind of levels out the camera back out yeah just seeing how powerful that this vr11, is against this red worm is insane.

I was not expecting this fight to go over so well, and honestly, it was so easy. I would say that if you guys are comfortable with zombies, especially modern warfare zombies, if you have yourself with a vr11 case, and if you don't have some of the stuff that the red worm can provide, give this a try.


Man, it's not hard at all. I think with just a little bit of confidence and knowledge, defeating this red worm can be done really easily. I guarantee you there'll probably be people who think we got this guy just about halfway done, and man, the zombies are getting just more and more intense. This was my very first time attempting to do the red worm completely, Solo, and it was actually going quite well.

I've joined up with a bunch of other people, and with nobody on my team, I just run up and join in the fight with them, but I've never actually attempted. 100% solo, this was definitely kind of a new experience for me. When you're with those big crowds of people and everything, it's hard to tell, like with all those zombies and bosses that are running around.


Yeah, you know that there's a bunch of them, but when you're in this completely alone, you can really tell all the zombies and stuff that's running around. Now, there's going to be a couple of guys out here that are going to be walking around trying to make your life incredible. Hard like those disciples and stuff so I would suggest you guys try to take out those guys when you can usually when I fight the red worm I end up seeing like Mega Abominations, out here and stuff now luckily when I was fighting him in this match I didn't get any Mega Abominations out here thank God I don't know why but I have a feeling trying to fight one of those guys and dealing with this red worm and all the other zombies and everything at the same time would have been just a complete pain in the ass we got this guy at about 3/4s of the way dealt with and this last little bit went by a little bit faster than I was expecting cuz it only took just a couple more shots with this vr11, to put this red worm down and guys I have to say finally defeating this guy completely Solo, felt, amazing.

I always love seeing this thing blow up, and all the guts just go absolutely everywhere—just red mist and everything. I think it looks so cool. It just kind of ends up being Raining Blood for a little bit, like a Slayer song. Now this guy ended up dropping me a VR11, Case, and the legendary ether tool schematic, so that's definitely cool.


I kind of wish there was somebody here in the match with me so I could drop those for them, but unfortunately we're going to be leaving them right in the reward rift. Now it's time to take our scorcher. I don't know about you guys but I feel like this worm is a little bit more active than the red worm the red worm definitely feels like it has more Health but I feel like this guy just moves more like he shoots, those beams, down a lot more and he just tries to bite you a lot more I really could be completely wrong on that that's just kind of how I feel but I did notice right away as soon as I was getting into this fight that this guy's Health was falling off of him way faster than the red worm fight and we're going to have this one done, way faster than that previous one this was where I was really testing out those sentury, guns and when I put one down one of the other ones would break so yeah I think three is definitely the limit honestly for this guy I don't even think we really needed those sentry guns I think we would have been just fine without them yeah this guy's pretty much the same exact thing as long as you just stay, continuously.


Moving and trying to shoot those things out of the sky that are going to be chasing you he's getting ready to shoot that beam, be sure to get out of the way cuz that thing is an instant down and him actually biting you and picking you up in his mouth is actually something that you really want cuz you can do a lot of damage while you're inside of his head like that just remember that when he spits you out be sure to spam that parachute, or else you're going to be going down look we've already only been in this fight I think for just over 1 minute we already got this guy over, halfway, dealt with I don't know why but this guy kept trying to pick me up into his mouth and for some reason it kept like shooting me off to the side and I kept like kind of falling down just be sure to keep pulling your parachute if something like this happens man and I don't know about you guys I am so excited for season 2 reloaded.


We desperately need some new content. Here in Modern Warfare Zombies, having those new schematics to go for is definitely going to be cool, and we have a whole new dark ether area to go to, which is definitely going to be cool. I cannot wait to go over and explore that thing. Hopefully we got some new contracts in there, and they don't just recycle the same things that they have from this dark ether.

Like, hell, who knows, maybe they could use some of those contracts that are out in the main map that they haven't used yet, like an HVT contract in here or a raid contract or something. I just think that they should do something different with this dark ether. It's going to be a little bit disappointing if it ends up being like the same contracts.

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