News - How Sbmm Works Warzone 2

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X number of those games are going to be bot lobbies, and finally, let's talk about how the different game modes are going to dictate how strong your skill-based matchmaking is with this lottery system. I believe the number of games that every player in your squad has played is going to factor in. The number of bot lobbies that you get, for example, if you log in and play five solo games before joining a squad of three other people to play quads You've already played five solo games today in your timeline of games played in Warzone, whereas your buddies have maybe played three games today so far while they were waiting for you as a combined unit.

Your squad has now played, I don't know, let's say a total of 16 games when you tally all of them together. The total number is now going to be used differently for your quad skill-based matchmaking, and it's going to give you maybe, out of a squad total of 400 games, 20 bot lobbies. I think that makes sense the way I'm explaining it.

does warzone 2 have sbmm

It's essentially still taking every individual player's total games played, but now tallying it as a part of the squad. It's not using your average KD for the squad; it's obviously using that to find lobbies that are appropriate skill levels for everybody in the squad, but it's tallying the total number of games and the lifetime that player has played to help find those "golden bot" lobbies.

So I hope you enjoyed my theory on how skill-based matchmaking is working. I really do believe that I've solved the matchmaking process and how it uses both retention-based matchmaking and skill-based matchmaking on a regular basis to give you, the player, the most brain-breaking experience because that's what these game developers are doing.

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They want you to spend as much time as possible on their game, and I think I've figured out how they're doing that. All the time I'm live playing Warzone, I make shorts, and I make YouTube articles like this. I would really appreciate it, and honestly, that's it for me talking today.

There have been many, many theories regarding Skill Based Matchmaking in Warzone ever since the early days of Verdansk. From VPN's to low players hosting. But today, I present to you what I believe to be the most accurate SBMM explanation on YouTube to date.
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