News - Haymaker Cqb "sniper" Shotgun - Explosive And 12 Ga Slug Guide And Classes (warzone)

Overall thoughts

As for my overall thoughts on the slugs on this gun, they are damn solid. You can see that the damage potential is there; they have a crazy range. But they are being let down for a few different reasons. First of all, the haymaker is a challenging gun when you're kidnapping out for slugs, because no matter how you kid it out, the gun itself is always getting in your way if you want better recoil.

modern warfare 3 best shotguns

It's going to be slow as hell, so you can't really use it very well up close and personal with people jumping and sliding around, but on the other hand, if you try it out for speed, the recoil is just too much, and it's just kind of all over the place. The visual kicks are really annoying. So that's why I landed on that caned vibro-dot laser build because it just seems to be the best of both worlds, and it has a sort of good compromise between mobility.

And being Snappy on the draw, that's why I like that build, but overall, on paper, these things are definitely worth giving a shot. At least try them out to see if you like how they feel, but be warned, they are a little hard to use. I had a challenging time trying to get some gameplay with these generally because I go in and I get deleted by a swarm.

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I'm trying to hit my shots, and they're jumping around with a swarm, and it just gets a little difficult at times, but once you get the practice down and get the hang of it a little bit, you'll start to see these things have some true potential, and who knows, it might just be a skill issue. These things may just click super well with you, but of course you have to give them a try.

I would say to try out that caned laser build first and then kind of mix and match your attachments as you see fit, depending on whether you want more recoil control or mobility. So that's pretty much going to do it for this article, guys.

Haymaker Slugs and Explosive slugs are incredibly strong, and can give some guns a run for their money. This video explains the damages and ranges of both slug ammo types and I share 3 awesome classes to use.
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