News - Hard Stuck Platinum/diamond Ranked. Follow These Tips To Rank Up Rebirth Ranked Warzone

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So I'm going to peek in, but notice how I don't just fully send it. I know there's multiple people in here. I see this guy running across my screen, so I make the call out. Hey, we got someone in here. I'm just going to hold this angle, Swipe is going to actually pick up a guy to the right. When this guy starts to move across, we get a live ping so that I can see him better in a dark area and also so my teammates can see the third player is going to run out in a round, so again, we go to cut him off.

We don't chase, swipe, and I kind of just stack this out. Even though that guy hits a good drop shot because we are playing together and with numbers, it makes it an easy fight again. I cannot stress this enough, guys. Playing well with your teammates is what ultimately is going to help you rank up more than having crazy shots or crazy movement or anything like that.

warzone ranked

Now with the Zone moving in we want to continue to kind of keep this High Ground area we do have a player that is pinging on top of the water tower so I'm going to Ping or I'm going to mortar strike him that is going to force him to jump off that way I don't have to worry about him while I'm focused on this guy Turk and swipe are focused down towards industry, but they're kind of staying up now when swipe picks up a knock, he's going to make the call out we I've got a knock let's go again when you get that opening knock when numbers go to your side that's when you have to take the advantage to push I'm going to try to get this guy get this guy absolutely one HP but as soon as I realize I don't I can't get him now I'm back to come help my teammates and again I'm still kind of playing this anchor role where I'm playing back just a little bit, now Turk goes though down goes go down but I get that Last Enemy absolutely one HP so that swipe can to pick up that last, kill.

Now Resurgence is disabled at this point, and when we're going into the end game, it is extremely crucial that you have all of your teammates, so luckily we've kind of cleared off this side of the map, so Swip's going to go back up and he's going to buy Turk back, and we actually have a ton of money at this point.

warzone ranked guide

Now one of the reasons we have so much money is that because we've been moving, we've been picking up a lot of kills, we're looting other players, and we're completing bounty contracts, so having this insane cash flow at the end of the game is going to be crucial because I'm going to call in like four UAVs here and get a very long-lasting advanced UAV, and I'm going to also stow a UAV.

We're in a great spot make sure you're going into end game try to have self reses make sure you have gas masks all of that good stuff I probably to be honest should have also bought something like a precision air strike to hold as well here but I forget to, so there was one player sitting in this little Hut here and I make a call it to my teammates hey let's just stack this guy out he's just kind of sitting in here hiding maybe trying to pick up placement, and he's literally just hiding in the corner, whatever we pick up an easy kill here now we're in an okay spot we've got cover zones moving in, we've got probably two teams down here toward industry and bio and we've got one team back at chem as well.

warzone ranked tips

We're going to focus the team at chem because they're going to get forced out and have to rotate out; they're on the roof; they throw smoke. I'm just trying to spray in; don't pick anything up here, but again, notice how we're all looking at the wayy here, and we're going to just team shoot this. We end up finally spotting one.

Okay, now the zone is moving. Early rotations are absolutely crucial and ranked; if you are rotating late, you are going to get held by teams that have better positioning, so what I'm going to do here is we've got a Munitions here, and I'm going to drop my smokes and some of my plates. Able to pick up a knock, trying to see if I can pick up that finish, but I don't want to give him a high ground.

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Now swipe does go down, but again, Turk is with him and able to get that trade and pick him up while swipe is able to sell for us. I'm going to throw a smoke on him just to allow him to hopefully get a res, and we are actually just down to 3v1. Again, I'm anchoring, kind of just holding The High Ground.

warzone ranked tips and tricks

They're going to pick up that last kill kill, and bam, we're going to pick up a very high kill Sr game. I believe this was the game that put me up into Crimson after this, but I hope you guys found this article helpful. I cannot stress enough playing together as a team, and that chemistry is probably the most important thing.

TCaptainX has the BEST tips and tricks to RANK UP FAST in Call of Duty Warzone 3 Season 3.
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