News - Hard Stuck Platinum/diamond Ranked. Follow These Tips To Rank Up Rebirth Ranked Warzone

rebirth ranked

And this is where you have to be very careful as soon as you go down a teammate, and now my third teammate goes down swipe, so now I'm the only one left. Good teams will take advantage of this, and they will recognize when they have numbers and momentum, and they will fool you into sending you because their goal is to wipe as many teams out of the lobby as possible because they want to start getting those higher placement points.

So when I recognize this, I completely slow down. All I'm doing is waiting for my teammates to come back, and I'm holding to see if they're going to push me. Tur is able to start respawning here, but again, I'm still playing slowly. My teammates are trying to find more guns when we are now starting to get pushed with sexas.


I come down low with a swipe when Turk gets down here and he's making callouts that he's above. This guy, though, is smart; he gets the down; he recognizes that he's by himself; he can't push down because he'd be in a 1v2 situation and he's going to run away; he also did a great job of throwing the shock stick down, which allowed us to not push and chase him, so once again we do not have numbers on our side, so we have to slow down and play safe.

Now I'm down low, just waiting to see if anything happens, and I get absolutely fried. From down low, I do have a self-revival, and I make the call out to swipe. Hey, there's one pushing down low. I have myself. Play your life. When I say play your life, that means do not worry about me; focus on yourself.

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So he's going to come down here and win this first gunfight. But the second teammate is now coming down, and this teammate is probably getting yelled at from the other teammate, saying,Help me, help me, help me, so he probably sees me, but he's like. I have to help my teammate win this, and he does, but he doesn't realize that I was just finishing my self-revival, so a little bit lucky there, to be completely honest, we got pinched by multiple teams.

warzone 2

But I'm glad we're able to just sneak away and get my other teammate to respawn here, And we've kind of, thank goodness, kind of survived this fight here under control. Now zone is moving though, and we have to get going. We are likely not going to have time to rotate up to the top towards headquarters, so we're going, but there's clearly a team on top prison based on this ping, so we're going to have to rotate low here, kind of out in the open, which is not the most ideal thing to do.

Now, at this point, I actually had thought that we had cleared that team out, but I was hearing aut's back behind us that there is a guy back here. Notice how I get the down, I get the reload, and notice how Turk is going out to get the finish again. The importance of trades is that when you get the down, your teammates are there to help you get finishes.

warzone 2 ranked

If you go down, they're there to help you win the fight. Again, I cannot stress enough playing off your teammates very well here, so recognizing that we have to get rotating, we can't go up and take high ground smoke grenades are absolutely crucial. Guys, in rank, you have to run smokes. I'm telling you stems are just.

They're not it for rank; you absolutely have to run smoke grenades here. Now we're trying to get some picks here, but then we, the team that is on top prison, realize we're up here and we're in a bad spot here, so I'm going to plate behind cover, throw a smoke, and we're going to go and just try to get through the tunnel, and then start working up under through prison where we're not going to get fried from up top.

warzone 3

Now swipe is going to go in here he's going to get it down but notice how the second he gets a down he comes back in because he lost a lot of Health here but now Turk and I are up here and we're ready to go through and trade so we get the down but now here comes the other teammate but guess what we're all together we're here available to get trades, now we get an armor crack there and instead of just following him notice how we take a different route to cut him off and guess what he's tries to run away.

But because we cut him off, we're able to get it easy down here, so now we're kind of back in a good spot here, we're all together, and we've got our loadouts again. We kind of survived the early hecticness of that fight. Now we're getting pings that people are above us here; top prison is always a power position and ranked, but you have to be very careful about playing on top prison simply because there's so many angles to get on top there; it's not.

warzone 3 rebirth island

I don't really recommend just sitting and holding a position all game, especially not top prison. Because we are very able to sneak up, these guys are focused. Elsewhere swipe gets one down when we get two pings on the roof here so again swipe and I are moving together we've got Turk kind of anchoring, behind us and also I want to touch on this concept of anchoring really quick anchoring is just where your third teammate is going to play off just a little bit in case two of your teammates go down right away you've got a third teammate who's kind of playing safe and can kind of be the guy to survive so you guys can respawn and get back in here swip's going to pick up another knock here again I'm with him to help him get his finishes, the third teammate is going to get away here but we've.

We've successfully pushed this team off the roof to the safe zone. We're not going to go jump down and necessarily chase this guy because now we've got great positioning on the roof here, and with the zone working in, now it's going to be a lot easier for us to hold the prison roof because now we're only going to have to worry about this side and not the side towards headquarters.

warzone best loadout

Now Swipe did jump off because he had a gas mask and he wanted to go. He had a ton of money, and we have a lot of money right now, and we want to try to spend that. We want to get some UAVs. Get self-recess gas mask things like that, so that's why he jumped off to go take advantage of that while Turk and I are going to work back here and we're going to just try to hold the roof here got people landing in able to pick up a good down with the MTZ, here.

Looking at more people landing in, I'm able to get a great long knock from this guy. And again, at this point, because half of the prison roof is out of zone, we're going to look to hold. Now that we know the top of the prison is in a power position, we have a UAV up with a ton of people around us.

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We're still eight teams up at this point, so it's still a very healthy rank. We're looking at the people directly below us here. Notice how they start going down, and I take a different angle right now. Supply has rest, so those two are running together. I'm going to kind of come behind them a little bit; they're going to pick up a, Knock.

TCaptainX has the BEST tips and tricks to RANK UP FAST in Call of Duty Warzone 3 Season 3.
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