News - Finding Legendary Aether Tools Warzone 2 Zombies Is Easy Now


So there's been a bunch of rumors going around that after season 1 reloaded, there's been a bunch of buffs to the loot that you can find in the red tier zones and in the dark ether, and from my last few runs. I could definitely tell that there is a difference, but we're going to make a run here and see what we can come up with at the end.

I appreciate everybody stopping by the article today. You guys have just been absolutely killing it, so we're actually going to be doing two things in this article. I brought in the new LMG, and I wanted to test this thing out against a bunch of the HVTs and whatnot, so that's what I did right here. I tested it against one in the first zone and then in the second tier zone, but I finally made my way over into the red tier zone, and this is where things got kind of interesting.

I don't know about you guys, but I feel like the red tier zone and the dark ether have both been kind of buffed up now. I don't know if it's just the sheer amount of these things, or maybe they're running like a millisecond faster, or something, but I feel like I'm just a little bit overrun. Which is actually kind of a good thing, because I think the trade-off with this is that we're going to end up getting some better loot out of these zones.


I know that's been kind of a big complaint from the community and also from myself. Just spending a lot of time in these high-tier zones and getting that absolute loot just really doesn't feel good at all, especially when we have to wait on these cooldown timers and stuff that is up to 3 days. It's just ridiculous, but look at that man from our very first HVT in the red-tier zone.

We ended up getting a legendary ether tool. You know, I really think they might be right, man, because I've been finding these things way more often. Let's keep it going and see what else we can find here. We ended up getting another HVT. On this mangler down here, he was being a bit of a pain in the ass, but this guy finally got the job done.

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This thing is not bad at all. This gun is pretty powerful. I actually kind of like it; it's got a 400-round mag after it's been packed and punched. Plus, it holds 5,000 rounds. I mean, this thing is just insane; it's a great gun. Honestly, hell, it even took down this Mega. No, we're not going to talk about that sentry gun after completing quite a few HVTs.


I figured we would go off and complete a different contract and just see if we could switch it up a little bit and see if we could pull something else. Now I noticed that this Outlast contract spawned down here, and this is one of the easiest contracts you guys can do in the red tier zone. I just jump through the window and down towards that platform, and I just kind of train him in that circle, and I hop back on the roof and back in the window and keep repeating the same thing until the contract's done now.


the weapon raid stash contract that actually spawned in the same building now that one used to be even easier than this you could just sit on the roof and the zombies wouldn't follow you up there you could just shoot them if you had like a wonder weapon or an ether blade or something like that well now the zombies and hellhounds and everything will actually follow you onto the roof so that one's going to be a little bit harder now but finally with getting this one done let's jump down here and see what we got and a Sigil, man I'll take it I'll take it.

I only had one of these things left up in the stash, and these are always really good to have, so you can go into the dark ether and build up things like those ether blades, those golden armor plates, and the dog bones. I mean, those things are some of the best, like items and acquisitions, that you can have, but next off, we got another hvt, on another mimic, and look at that another ether tool, another legendary ether tool.

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Yeah, that's kind of crazy. I mean, honestly, it could just be my luck here, but I think the drop rate on these things has been raised. We got two legendary ether tools in the same match. That's, yeah, that's kind of crazy. I decided to complete one more HVT. Before going into the dark ether, we got one on this Mega Abomination, and he dropped me two precision air strikes.


I mean okay, but he did end up having an epic either tool inside of his Rift, and I will definitely take that, but now that I'm starting to run out of time and we've completed a bunch of contracts here in the red tier zone and we've already come out with two legendary ether tools, it's kind of a good run already, but we're going to go into the dark ether really quick and test our luck in there, so starting off in the dark ether, we're going to use our scorcher case to boost up and get the ether extractor bunny that's on top of the building to the left.

The scorcher case is going to make this contract incredibly easy and just traveling through the dark ether in general, but if you guys want to know where any of the Mr. Peaks bunnies are to start any of the contracts or anything is inside of the dark ether, I'm going to throw up this map up on the screen right here, so big shout out to mwz, hub.


They're the ones who put together all these maps. Also, if you guys want a full guide on the dark ether, I have one of those up on the channel, so you can check that out as well. But after getting this ether extractor contract done, we ended up with a golden armor plate and a couple of perks. Not bad.

I will definitely take that golden armor plate is one of my favorite acquisitions, to get in this game well, and The Ether Blade right after that, we're going to go over here and grab the holdout mission now with the scorcher case. I would say that the ether extractor is probably the easiest contract, but if you don't have the scorcher case.

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I would say the holdout mission's probably the easiest, and you don't have to worry about activating it and throwing decoys or monkey bombs or anything like that; it's just as long as you can shoot zombies and stay alive, then you're good. So we got this one completed, and we got a refined crystal and a dog bone man.


Not bad, not too bad. Now I did go look for one of the wonder weapon cases in one of the locked rooms, but unfortunately it wasn't there, and I honestly just didn't want to go look for the other ones. I don't know if you guys know, but after the season 1 reloaded update, trying to complete the escort mission solo with the VR11 has just been an absolute pain.

I don't know what's been going on, whether it's just been more zombies or whether they're doing more damage to the ACV, or whatever is happening, but it's been really hard to complete, so with that. I think we're going to go to Xville and check out our loot really quick. Yeah, guys. I don't know if you saw my run from yesterday, and plus this run here.

Today we check out how much the loot has been buffed after the season reloaded update and apparently the legendary aether tools have been dropping more. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost. Previous Video.
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