News - Fennec 45 Vs Lachmann Sub. Best Smg Warzone 2

Fennec 45 vs lachmann sub

Fennec 45 vs lachmann sub

The Finnick 45 versus Lochman, sup When I ran a poll on the best close-range weapon in Warzone 2 with nearly 8 000 votes. Finnick and Lachman Sump were the top two vote getters, and I thought the best way to solve this debate was to compare the weapons directly and help you decide which weapon is the best for you to ascend your gameplay in Warzone 2 all the way to victory.

I'll give you some stats and give you my opinion, and then I'll give you the best class setup for each weapon to help you dominate the competition. I'm going to start off with some big-time stats that you care about the most: fire rate, time to kill, and recoil. For the fire rate, we're going to have 1091 rounds per minute for the Finnick and then 800 for the Lochman sub.


This is a huge time advantage for the Fennec because it actually makes the weapon way more forgiving if you miss a shot because the time to kill is affected less when you miss. This could be a significant factor when picking between these two weapons. Now, let's move over to time to kill against players with 250 health, meaning they have three plates, and the Finnick 45 will be better across the board with 495 milliseconds at close range, compared to 525 for the lockman.

Those are incredibly fast because these are the two fastest times to kill for SMGs at close range, and at long range, the times to kill will be 880 milliseconds and 1125. Both weapons are going to have five damage ranges, and the Phoenix Advantage is going to be that the TTK grows bigger the farther you go, while the mid-range GTKs, which are going to be from about 18 meters to 25 meters, are going to be 715 milliseconds to 900 milliseconds.

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Gun this gives the Finnick a big time advantage when it comes to upside over the lockman, but then again, these are just theoretical times to kill, so if you hit all of your shots, the advantage will do no good if the recoil is terrible on the fennec. So let's head over to the firing range and compare their recoil patterns.


The 15-meter target is a little bit out of reach for both of them, but that's to be expected with both of them being SMGs, which are their best at close range. Now I'm going to transition to the stats that people don't find sexy but that drastically impact how their weapons perform and could make the difference in which weapon you prefer to run with.

I'll start with average damage at close and long range, where the lockman sub will be dramatically better with 36.2 to 288 and 17 to 16, which results in way fewer shots to knock people up close, which is why their times to kill are so similar even with the slower fire rate on the lockman. But at long range, that advantage is almost gone, and that's why the lockman sub's time to kill falls off so much as you get farther and farther out.

best smg in warzone 2

But the good news for the lockman is the damage for mag is far better at close range with 1448 to 1296, and the lockman could improve this to 1810. If you use the 50-round mag instead, this makes a big difference in the bigger modes, such as quads, and not having to reload mid-fight all the time equates to basically faster time to kills and easier times winning at mid- and close-range, which is where you should be using these SMGs.

100 percent of the time, let's take a look at the close-range damage per second, where the fennec will be better because of its insane fire rate, and it will be 491 to 453 DPS. What the damage per second pretty much equates to is just time to kill; whichever weapon has the faster damage per second will have the faster time to kill, but it also takes into account damage for mags and reload time, making it a better overall indicator than ttk sometimes.

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With that being said, close-range fights can become a lot easier to win with good mobility, so let's actually take a look at those stats. With these stats being very similar, the lockman sub will still have a minor advantage with better movement speed and aimbound sight movement while having equal ad and sprint of fire.

fennec 45 vs lachmann sub

The Lochman sub is actually the fastest mobility SMG in Warzone 2, and this will make a small difference while using the weapons as you can move from point A to point B faster, but the ads and sprint to fire are the most important mobility stats for close-range weapons, and they're equal here. That's why I like to use the 40-round magazine on the Lockman to keep its mobility advantage over the other SMGs.

And one set that I find to be very important on SMGs is their range, and this is where the Finnick is going to have a big time advantage over the Lochman sub, where it has 12 meters to the Lockman sub's 8; you might not think 4 meters is a big deal, but think of it this way: that is a 50 percent increase over the Lockman sub, and those four meters are going to be a lot of your engagements with an SMG where the Finnick is still absolutely frying and the Lockman falls off a bit, so I think that could be a deciding factor when choosing between these two weapons.

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The last stat I would love to go over quickly is Bullet Blossom, where the Lockman is significantly better at 540 meters per second than 300 on the base weapons, and the Lockman is almost as good as assault rifles with the baseball velocity, which is wild. This is definitely a nice benefit to the lockman, but it would only come into play if you want to use these weapons as a sniper; it shouldn't be a deciding factor when choosing which one to use as an SMG.

My opinion

My opinion

and I put a lot of effort into these articles, so please make sure to like the article if it's been helpful and subscribe for more Warzone 2 content to help extend your gameplay.

The only drawback is its damage for the mag and how fast the mag empties with its fire, which is why for quads it is a little bit difficult to use. That's why the lockman is the choice for that moat, and it is a great close-range SMG. It just isn't the most versatile one you can use, but the time to kill and movement make it a top-tier SMG that anyone can pick up and use effectively inside buildings.

Let's jump straight into how to set up these weapons to be their best, and I'm going to go over the Finnick 45 first.

Fennec 45 best class setup

fennec 45 vs lachmann sub best smg in warzone 2

My suggestion is that we're going to go with a barrel that actually makes it so we can't use a muzzle. I'm going to use the VX pineapple under barrel because it gives us great hip fire as well as some recoil, steadiness, and aim locking settings that make the weapon more accurate all around, whether you're aimed on sight or on hip fire, and because of how I do the tuning.

I actually go towards ads speed at a negative 0.25 on the bottom because I find that to be more important than hip fire accuracy. In my estimation, then, we've got to go with the 45-round magazine because that's the biggest magazine we can have, and with the fire rate, you need all the extra bullets you can, and if we move over to the rear grip.

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