News - Easy Warzone 2 Zombies Easter Egg Guide For All Schematics. Dark Aether Tier 4 Tutorial & Walkthrough

There'll be another tear in the sky. You'll go through that second tear. It will spawn in a contract that you need to pick up and grab. It will then be a bounty contract, and you need to take down a bunch of mimics. And then, when you've taken them down, a rewards Rift will spawn, and you'll be able to grab yourself a gold version of the pill box.

Our next item is going to be a CCTV. Camera, and this requires the use of the Dead Wire ammo mod, so again, spawn in with it or find it from ether nests and infected strongholds, and stuff like that. Once you use Dead Wire on a weapon, you're going to want to roam around your map looking for a purple.


Harvester orb those are those orbs that you can shoot to get points to drop from them and they have some Fairly reliable spawns so you'll often see them, sometimes on the outskirts of the map in the sort of grassy areas there's a few spawns in tier three there's one spawn over there just over the bridge there's another that's a really common spawn in the stadium area and once you find an orb shoot it with your dead wire weapon and it should turn gold you then need to just continue to shoot it to take it down and once it's dead it should drop you a purple CCTV.

Camera, grab the camera, and then once again look for an ether tear, go through the tear, glide through the colored tear that appears, grab the contract that it gives you, and take down the disciple or disciples to get a reward rift, which will contain your gold. Camera, now if all of this is too difficult to do in one game, like you've got two items but you don't have all four, don't worry, you can fill.


With like a gold camera for example and then bring it into your next game so if you want to just chip away at this to get progress on it that's absolutely fine it's not a problem but once you've got all four items, you are going to need them all in one match so we're going to xill we're going to get comfy, take a breather maybe and then spawn in with all four items that's the gold loocks diary the gold camera, the gold pills box and the gold dog collar and you're going to spawn in with all of the upgrades that you have if you've got a Flawless Crystal now if you've got a Gold Wrench if you've got any other stuff that you can make yourself more powerful with bring it into this next game also if you've got one item gold and your teammate has three items gold that's fine for what we're going to do next okay so spawn in get set up get tier three Pack-a-Punch, get fully loaded out and ready to go then run over to these four pedestals.


And place the items down in the following order: the locked diary is going to go into the cryofreeze; the pedestal is on the left-hand side; the next pedestal is brain rot, and that needs you to place the Pill Box on it; the third pedestal is dead wire; and you need to place the CCTV. Camera on top of that one, and the fourth pedestal is a napon burst, and you need to place the dog collar there.

When you've done all four, a massive structure is going to form in front of you, and out of it is going to pop a massive abomination. There are also going to be a lot of zombies spawning in, and this can get really hectic, so don't be shy. Use your decoys, and use your throwing knives, monkey bombs, and all that sort of stuff, and work together as a team to take that Mega Abomination down.

Once you've killed it, congratulations. You're sort of a third of the way through the Easter egg at this point because the reward Rift that the Abomination drops for you is going to contain your first ever sigil. Which is basically a key that we can use to open this massive Gateway in front of us to get into the tier four, version of the dark ether this is kind of a third of the way through the Easter egg and it means that we don't have to worry about the dog holl and the ccdv, camera anymore and stuff so you making great progress so grab your sigil from the rewards Rift and then take a second here to get any further Pap TI that you need or to go and buy perks if you still need to do that or if you lost them during that Abomination fight and then run back over to this massive triangular, structure, and on the front of it you'll be able to use your sigil on the left hand side to pull your party, into the dark ether now the dark ether is very difficult so you're going to want to have as big a party as you possibly can so I'd recommend recruiting some randoms to get a six-man Squad.

If you can manage to do so, once you load in, you're going to see three bunnies floating in front of you, and they're going to then fly to three different areas of the map. Usually, one goes far left, one goes far right, and one goes kind of middle right. You're also going to be on a 30-minute timer, and zombies and any other enemies are going to be very strong, so you're going to need to work together to take stuff down.

I recommend you run for the left bunny first, just because it's very nearby. But a quick tip for all of these bunnies is that if you can't find one from my instructions, maybe it happens to be in a different area of your game. You can find them via sound cues, so listen out for a chuckling sound like a chuckling child, and that's going to indicate that the bunny is nearby.

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Still. I'm going to show you locations now so that the first left bunny is going to be up this kind of bending from where you enter the dark ether, and you'll then need to climb onto this building and climb the ladder to get onto the roof, and then when you're up there, you'll be able to find the bunny holding square on it, and that's going to start your first dark ether contract; it's The Ether Extractors.

So three rockets are going to land, and you're going to need to run over to each one and hold square on it to blow the rocket up. Once you've destroyed all of the rockets, you'll get a reward, Rift, and I highly recommend that you make sure that you grab that reward. Don't just skip it to move on to the next contract because you might get gold armor plates, you might get a dog bone, you could get the ether blade from this, or you might even get an elder sigil, which we'll talk about later.

The next bunny spawn is going to be this one up here, as you can see. I've marked on my map where it is, and it's going to be right on top of the battlements. So get on up there and grab that bunny, and once you activate it, it will spawn in an escort vehicle that you're going to need to escort through three stages, just like you would in Zstan.

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