News - Dmz: New Top 5 Fastest Ttk Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Ttk Weapons


Ladies and gentlemen, poison envy Welcome back to the DMZ once again. I know we just covered this about two weeks ago, but things are moving fast and things are changing fast, so today we're going to go over the top five fastest GTK guns in the game once again. That way, you guys know what is the absolute best to use, no matter your skill.

Gap I'm going to cover There's high skill and low skill here, so let's get into it, and we'll start off with the bass p, as there's been a recent change to where the integrated suppressor is. Barrels Now work like the regular suppressors; do so, and we completely change our build to be the absolute best this gun could possibly beat, even better than it was before.

I promise you, we're going to start with a 10-and-a-half-inch Bruin Tyson barrel. You can add the Vok seven-milliwatt laser, the agent grip over pressured rounds, and the 50-round drum. We're going to tune our barrel up into the left agent, our grip up and to the right, and our laser down into the right agent to maximize all of our stats to the best of their ability.


Then we're going to tune our over-pressured ammo up to the left to push our damage range out just that extra little bit and get a little bit more recoil. Control: This thing is the best SMG in the game right now, and you cannot tell me different. Yes, you're going to talk about a gun I've talked about a lot on this channel and I don't see anyone else talking about, and that is the F-Tac.

A recon setup is a DMR or Marksman rifle; we're going to start with the Nulsound 90. The Edge 47 grips the high-velocity ammo, the 15-round mag, because sadly that's the largest one this gun gets, and then we're going to use the Drexum. Prime 90, or Schützer Night View to get the maximum range while we pop shots downrange.

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To tune all of this, you're going to tune your suppressor down into the left, the Edge 47 up and to the right, the high-velocity ammo up into the left, and then the optic down into the right to get the maximum stats out of this game and your maximum precision. Once you learn the bullet drop and velocity of this gun, it is absolutely amazing, and I would take it over any of the actual marksman rifles currently in the game.


Next up, we're going to talk about the actual fastest TTK gun in the game, which is the Lochman 762. I run this gun unsuppressed, so I can have the muzzle break, and there are two optics that you can run on it, so let's start from the top. There's the Tempest GH-50 muzzle. The Edge 47, the foregrip, the high velocity, the 50-round drum, and then either the SC SR07.

For medium range or the Cronin mini pro for close range, such as Building 21 for the GH-50, we're going to tune up and to the right for the edge 47; we're also going to tune up and to the right for the high velocity; we're going to tune up and to the left; and then whichever optic you do use, you are going to tune down into the right so you get the absolute max stats.

Out of this gun, this thing absolutely fries. Just be mindful that you're extremely loud. The next gun we're going to talk about is the number one gun for all of the meta guns in the game, and that is the M13B. We're going to start with the FSS Covert V, then we're going to use the Agent Grip High Velocity 60-round magazine, and I use the Choreo Enforcer Optics.

top 5

You can use the Amop Choreo Rex or even the Cronin Mini Pro. You will fry at 10 meters, and you'll fry at 120 meters. The M13 is the best gun in the game right now, and did you guys know that we've picked up over 450 subscribers? I love you. Next, we're going to talk about a gun that literally no one is using, even though it absolutely fries, and I can't understand why no one's using it.

That being the M16, we're going to start with the FSS covert V. Again, the Edge 47 grips the high velocity, as always, of the 60-round mag, the Amop V4, or the optic of your choice. Once again, for tuning on that coverage, we're going to tune down into the left, the Edge 47 up to the right, the high velocity up to the left, and then the object of your choice down into the right to get the maximum stats out of this gun.


I'm telling you, take the M16 out. It is very, very good. It's a top-five gun, in my opinion. But wait, there's more. Let's talk about the rap H the wrap. H is easily the best lmg of all of the lmgs in the game, and we're going to start with the Husher 65 silencer. And add the agent grip, the high velocity ammo once again, the FSS oleav, laser, and the choreo rex, or AMA V4 optic.

To tune this beast, we're going to tune the suppressor down into the left, the agent grip up and to the right, the high velocity up into the left, the Oleav laser down into the left, and then the optic of your choice down into the right. This thing is phenomenal. It does not feel like you have an LG in your hands until you go to reload it; it feels like an AR, and it absolutely fries, and those are the top six fastest, ttk, guns in the game.

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We're also live five days a week. We're blowing up over here, going to blow past a thousand on our way to 10,000, and we would love to have you again. Over 70 of my viewers are not subscribed, so double check that you are. I'll catch you next time, GG boys, foreign.

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