News - Top 5 Warzone Meta Loadouts After Haunting Event Update

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And then I tuned it for aimed sight speed and sprint to fire speed. You're firing one shot; you should not be tuning this for recoil control; it literally wouldn't make any sense. I have the SA DB 107 muzzle. I simply threw this on because you get bullet velocity and damage range, and that's going to extend, the one shot one kill potential to longer ranges that's exactly what you want so we have that on and we tuned it for aimed on sight speed and bullet velocity again we're just staying away from recoil control aiming idle stability it's so irrelevant for this build we then threw on this Barrel here once again more damage range and more bullet velocity so that's obviously why I threw it on, and then I tuned it for damage range and aim walking speed we have on the VK laser.

I'm aiming down sides with this all the time, so I feel like that just really helps out with the one shot one kills cuz of the pellet spread as well; it's so much tighter on EDS, and then sprint to fire allows the weapon to come up quick after sprinting, and I tuned this for sprint to fire and aim down sight speed, so I just tuned it for what the pros were, and then my final attachment is the heist, stock mod, and this just gives you a huge increase in mobility so you can get up close and personal, in the enemy's faces, and you cannot tune this attachment.

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If you're not using this man, you're just going to run into it and get super upset, so I highly recommend having this equipped at all times. For our second loadout, we have what I believe to be the number one long-range meta weapon in War Zone, the cast-off 762. It was recently nerfed, but it doesn't change anything; it's still the number one go-to long-range weapon, starting off at 40R mag (if this was a 60, I mean).

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Don't even get me started; it would be ridiculous, but this is the largest magazine you could throw on; it'll help us take out multiple enemies without having to reload; we have on the best under Barrel. For any long-range weapon, the FTAC ER 56 has a huge increase in accuracy. You're able to see a lot better; it's just super clean and clear, and then the tuning on this is close so I can see things a lot better visually, and then with the slider on the left, we did aim down sight speed; we could take this thing to the firing range, and you're going, you see.

I mean. It literally does not move. Super accurate The time to kill is incredible, I mean. Again, this is the number one long-range weapon by a mile. For loadout number three, we have the Lockman Sub, which was actually recently nerfed. It's no longer the number one meta SMG, but it is a very close contender, and we'll cover the meta SMG after this one.

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So with this, we got the 40-round mag; I think 50 is a little OD. I don't really need it if you miss some of your shots or feel like you need it. Go ahead and rock it. I think 40 is just perfect for me. We have what makes the MP5. The MP5 is just so damn good. The hollow point rounds; when you fire one of these bullets at an enemy, they can't sprint; they're slowed down.

The gunfights over you got to have these on the tuning on this with did damage range and bullet velocity which increases the damage on these things we then have on the Falcon Barrel we get movement speed and even on sight speed so this will just help you get up close in person with the enemies land the first shot put those hollow point rounds to good use and the tuning on this is recoil that need a on sight speed We have the VK laser, quick and snappy with the shots weapons up and ready to go with that aimed at sight speed and sprint to fire, and I tuned it for exactly that, and then my final attachment is the Ft Mobile stock, which just gives you a huge increase in mobility.

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Sprint speed, aim walking speed—that's every gun fight you're strafing back and forth every single time with it aimed at sight speed, and then I just fully dedicated the tunings to mobility because this entire tachment was dedicated to being fast and quick, and then we can bring this in into firing range again.

It was nerfed, but it's almost not even noticeable; you guys could see it's just beyond accurate. It's so stupid and so good. I love it so much. Loadout number four: we have the brand new, meta SMG in War Zone. The bass P is also the same setup and weapon that I used to break my PR in War Zone, which was 44, so we got the 50-round drum so we can take out multiple enemies without having to reload the base, which is 30.

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The other option is 20, so you have no choice but to throw this on. We then have the brute pendulum muzzle, where you get a huge increase in your recoil control from the vertical and horizontal recoil controls. The tunings on this are recoil stabilization and recoil control. This is going to help you land so many more of your shots, and that'll lead to a faster time to kill.

We have the Brewin Drake Barrel, where it's basically a movement. Barrel is similar to our Lockman sub-movement speed aimed at sight speed, and I tuned this for recoil steiness and aimed down sight speed. I mean, it's quite literally the exact same tuning and barrel that we have had on our Lockman sub; we have the VK laser, for the same reasons I threw it on as I did on the Lockman sub, and I tuned it the exact same way; and then our final attachment is the Bruan Flash V4 stock.

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Once again, this is basically the Ft. Mobile stock we had on our MP5. Once again tuned it the exact same way, super quick, easy build to go over because this is the build, similar, and then doesn't move. Dtk is incredible; it has very, very good range. Not to mention, I mean, you have so much mobility with it, and that's what makes it the brand new meta SMG in this game.

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If you're not using this, I'm telling you are seriously missing out, and then for our fifth and final loadout, I decided to include the M4. It's a weapon I recently uploaded. I thought it felt incredible, especially after they buffed it, and again, it's good or reliable. You could always fall back to this thing no matter what, so we got the 60-round mag on so you can take out multiple enemies without having to reload, especially at those longer ranges.

This will definitely be needed again as the best underbarrel for any long-range weapon in a war zone. The FTC Ripper 56—just look at the increase in accuracy; it's unbelievable. Again, the tuning is messed up under Barrel, so I can't even show you what it is, but just tune it for recoil stabilization and then recoil control.

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The Harbinger muzzle I simply threw this on for the bullet velocity and damage range. It'll increase the ttk, make it so much stronger, and make it a lot more reliable. I tuned it for recoil smoothness and bullet velocity, so if you get recoil control and range, those things go hand in hand if you want to be more accurate at those longer ranges.

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