News - Super Easy Battle Royale Win Glitch. How To Get Super Easy Battle Royale Wins Warzone 2 Season 6

b man

Today, we've got an awesome one for you guys. Yesterday i uploaded a article talking about how you can get your stats for Battle Royale from Lockdown. Right, guys, well, today I've got a article of me going into lockdown. And you can complete your Battle Royale wins in lockdown, guys, so as you'll see, not only that, but it also it shares stats so now making this article afterwards, as you'll see right here I have total wins of three because I've just played a lockdown match of lockdown I come first and it counted as a quads win if you guys see my article from yesterday I only had one quads win and now I've got two, so it's simple as that you're getting Battle Royale wins on your stats total wins for quads just from playing.

Lockdown, guys, and it's complete battle royale wins and everything, guys, now. I don't play Resurgence or any battle royals, but my ones are just from playing lockdown. The mode is right here, so let's get in and we'll show you the gaml of that. So if you saw my stats before, then here are my stats from right before that game.

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As you'll see, I only had one game of quads where I only had one win on quads, then we went through and I did a solo of lockdown. Now, guys, that's as simple as that. That's that, guys, and well, now I'll just let this game play out for those that want to see how I went about winning this solo. There are lots of zones, and I don't recommend going to the high-value zones because that's where you're going to have to fight a lot and you're going to have a lot of time.


If you're not the best player, you're going to be dead a lot, and when you're dead, it's time where you're not getting scores, so you're not going to be getting ahead. So you can go to the outskirts and find the less hot zones and camp in those zones, and as long as you camp in those zones for a lot of time, you can still win the game without being in the high-value zones, guys.

So for the people who aren't the best and don't want to have to take on all the players in the high-value zones and think you won't be able to win this, yes, you still will. As you can see from this game. Leave me an awesome comment, and the comment, Cod, is broken. This is a step glitch that really needs to be fixed because any of the actual legit players for quads, well, this is just destroying.

All of your guys deserve glory for your wins because people can just go along and get them. 30 wins and quads, just like playing this mode and then having 30 wins in the real quads, doesn't really mean much. But, when you die and you die more often there, unless you're a highly skilled player, then you're going to be better off just sitting in these lower valued zones, guys.

b-man glitches

As you see here, the consistency of having points coming in throughout the time is better than getting big chunks of points coming in, bursts, and also once your zone thing, if you're having a way to kill yourself, that can be faster than running to the zones. Just redeploy in the air onto the zone, and you'll get there faster.

That's another tip for this, but how are you guys liking this haunting event? I'm really loving this haunting event; it's got me playing consistently. I've got all the bosses and DMZ, done a whole few of the Easter eggs or the ones that I want the items from, and all sorts of guys. I'm loving the dark mode.

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I love the way that your guns glow, and all the glowing things are coming out. I'm really lost as to where they're going to leave this after this haunting event. Bang the gun, the game lags out, and your load-out menu pops up on the screen. It's weird as well, and how's that guy's range on his mely just there he was like.

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3 meters away, and he destroyed me. I need to try out that melee weapon; that's the Batton—the police Batton type one, I think—but as you guys see, I'm already far in the lead. It's not hard; it's easy, especially if you're running this broken class here, so please do not run this class. I'll include this class and tune at the end of the article so that you guys know exactly what to avoid when you're in the gunsmith so you don't become one.

b-man warzone

And as you see we're not focusing on the high value zones, because those zones have lot more competition so you have a higher chance of getting pushed by the sweatiest squads that work really hard together in which case when you're solo that can end up you can end up dead you might get two of them then the third one kills you and then that's a whole lot of downtime of not getting your points right so I find it better to just go off to out of the way Zone and just sit in that zone because you're not getting pushed so heavily and there's not as much downtime to collecting, points and even better if you have a full Squad I'm just doing it solo because I like to play solo but if you've got a full Squad and you're doing this again it's going to be even easier, so you guys can see how easy this is the most easiest quad Battle Royale win ever.

This, but as you see here this is the go super easy come to a, as you said die and just fly straight into the zones and this is how you win this is how you get a battle royale win right now during The Haunting event is Camp these zones that are the non, main ones because the main ones obviously going to have a lot more heat and then you're just going to die and you're going to have a lot more down, time especially if you're solo this is the tactic for when you're solo I mean if you've got a full Squad go for Glory go to the main zones and hold them off and fight the whole game hard but if you're solo then this is the way you can do it and you can still win it you can beat squads and everything solo just sitting in a Zone and get a easy, as, quads win [Laughter].

battle royale win glitch

Guys, don't hit your shots; you end up dead sometimes. Eh, that was me being a bot just there. See, that's what happens when you camp too much, you camp too much, and you just drop your skill level just drops while you're camping the longer you camp your skill level drops down that's how you become good is you never camp and you keep your Skool level up here then you stop and you camp for a little bit your Skool level will drop, so the people that camp all the time your Skool level is going to be down here all the time until you stop camping bring it up a bit more.

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I camped a bit much there; my school level [Laughter] went the same here; I'm camping; my skill level was up here. Chopper, but yeah, guys, simple as easy as that, and as you see, that's going to count as a battle royale win, so yes, this is broken, and yes, this needs to be fixed, so the more articles we make on this, the faster this will get fixed, but in the same process, you guys that want super easy battle royale wins, you guys that have trouble getting battle royale wins, this is your moment to shine.

THIS IS SUPER BROKEN ! this is a WARZONE 2 glitch for super easy warzone 2 battle royale wins for the warzone challenges to unlock calling cards and also to get battle royale wins and more on your stats.
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