News - Cracked Player Using Crazy Loadout - Warzone 3 Spectating


They've got Borealis, they've got the updates but they're not all good at the game here as we're now following with germ, what the heck germs in the game everybody, you know he's good cuz he watches the stream, this is so exciting and he's not even using the pistols teabag his ass are you kidding me that guy's using the pistols and can't even kill you germ you're just better let's see if he can bring home the win and he's even rocking the classic mcpr although he's got the 15 rounder on it I haven't seen this since way back in the day he also has got a back stock on it for a little stability he's actually looking to do some more long range mcpr action which you don't typically see because, it has such a slow bullet velocity but that's one of the Specialties of the mcpr, it does take out Vehicles extremely quickly you pop tires with it as.

Well, buy station in pocket, mortar strike in pocket, no selfie; it's going to make sniping quite a bit more dangerous, especially against some of these fast velocity cat snipers. Let's take a look at the map. Oldtown looks to be where the game is ending as he spots one snipe shot going down, Range, looking like at least 100; maybe that's 150, Shot.

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One of the other go-to submachine guns he's using here is the WASP swarm. I actually have been preferring the WASP 9, although that's much slower firing. It reminds me of the Milano, which is just an all-time glorious one. This one has been a little bit more favored, from what I can tell, because of the rapid rate of fire people have been pushing with this thing.


What do you guys say 10 gifts into the chat if Germany wins it? A man of the people, let's see, myself. Mortars, the challenge whenever somebody's pushing you into Vehicles you kind of got to watch the tack map to see when that vehicle goes white and he jumps out but you also got to keep an eye on him you also don't want to full drain your magazine and be caught reloading that's the best time when the utx drivers like to hop out on you huge damage to that vehicle though forces him out sniper shots coming in can't go into his own mortar smokes the hill to see if he can regain height team, he's got to listen here he needs to use his audio cues, catch this guy if he pushes up through the bushes although he's full dodging all the way back he wants to get back killed get out of snipers line of sight, probably a good call doesn't know exactly where those shots were coming from as now a Tav enters to play.


It's one of the most common ways that I die in this game, especially because I run a sniper with a sub or with some other weapon. What we're seeing here is like somebody pushes you if you full drain your mag and you're reloading; they get out on you. At any time they are, it's like having high ground right; they get to choose the pace of health to fight; you can counter them, and especially if you can land some opening shots on them, if you got SMG AR, land a couple shots with your assault rifle on them just to force them to either drive away or if they do try to commit to the fight and jump out on you, at least you've got a little bit of health to fight with a health lead.

Right, landing shots on the tab that's going to do some good damage to it while listening for the hit marker that was an upper body armor. Crack, you don't get the proper hit markers, especially with these explosive rounds. I turned off the audio effect for hit markers at one point, and then I said, You know what?


I need to leave these on just so I can see if I can hear better, but I feel like it was so useful for knowing if I tag somebody in vehicles that I decided to leave it on as he gets these portable radar down drop shots at one. HP, cut him up; cut him up camping in here with the Claymore too; cut him up.

Great drop, and that's also why I've really been shifting away from doing so many drop shots because there is more mobility in this game; it's cost me so many gunfights. It's been a hard lesson that I've been trying to adapt to. But using the heartbeat sensor and the portable radar, there are so many more actual ways to play the game or things to hold.

warzone 3

That's one of my favorite things about this update overall. Obviously, a lot of it is pulled to certain metas, but even within a week of the game, they nerfed. Many of the guns were considered the most overpowered. Granted they didn't do, a really great job of it but I can only assume based off of how quick quickly they acted on that one that they're going to continue to act quickly and that's my hope at least in terms of pairing back these guns that are absolutely crazy and we don't get stuck with crazy boring long metas using the same thing over and over again for a long time although it does seem like there's other bugs like the Mountaineer perk seems to give you Resolute at the same time it seems to give you double buff off of that, finally started running it and, at least that's what I think is triggering it there so there's still, definitely some bugs but like even the perks as well you can run different perks to get more benefit out of what you, or to get more options out of the ways that you could play the game.

Even the times that I did run a close range or long range without a sniper, it felt great. Sniping felt great like there's been multiple, and now it also might be partially that this is like just the honeymoon phase of the game, or at the very beginning of it. I love it when they add new maps; even when they add a count, they are a Fortune's Keep, which is also coming back, rebirthing all of them, ashika vond Del.

warzone 3 meta

I've played through every single one of them and been grateful for all of the updates we've gotten from them. I know a lot of people, not as many; even for Calder, a lot of people quit off of it. I played it the whole way through I've been. I just love having more options and ways to play the game.

He spots one on the bridge; there is a firefight on the left; and a beautiful clean-up eats a shot at his. Zone he's still playing edge zone; he's getting a little kill-hungry here now. This is another big shift that I've noticed in this game. Zone 4, Zone 5, you absolutely need to forget what you're doing and go play center zone.

warzone 3.0

It has been if you've seen any of my winning game plays that I've done so far, it is like n out of 10 times the way. I am not doing that. You know, even in Duos, when I'm playing with crazy players, we're playing on the edge of Zone, just going for kills popping off, and then it's just too crowded on the inside, it's impossible, to even pull the win out at that point, but maybe it's possible for germ here as he eats a couple shots this is going to be from the single fire Interceptor most likely coming in massive damage off of this gun they did this was part of that Nerf that they did from a two point two times multiplier to a 1.5 times so it does do a little bit, less reloc the one jump down from the top, unfortunately he goes down, but now we're fallowing with, elegant.

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