News - Cheater Symfuhny Humiliated Warzone 3

Then we've got Wy Wand, who says you should stream. I enjoy watching bots, meaning that my opinion of this clip is wrong because I'm a bot, apparently, but still, it was a blatant rage hacker, and we have Sam Cotu saying he has you on strings like a little puppet. I had every single one of you guys on strings like little puppets because I've just proven that you guys will literally defend the rage hacker as long as you think it's your favorite streamer.

streamers cheating

And don't get me wrong, guys. There were a couple of people who commented on the fact that it was fake. I actually made it obviously fake with the little strip underneath the webcam so you could see like the original map movements, but still, these are the people who commented. Defending, a rage hacker, because they thought it was Symphony.

And I can guarantee, so now that we've made all the Symphonies Fanboys look like absolute bots and idiots. I'm glad that we've got to the end of this article, but this is Food for Thoughts for a lot of you guys. You're willing to defend a streamer just because you like them. You don't analyze the clips.

Also read:

You don't focus on what's actually happening in the clips. It's been proven here today because what I did with a very badly edited article proved that you guys would defend the rage hacker, and that's just sad. Hopefully you can get to this stage in your life, because right now I'm truly rooting for you.


One day your eyes will be open to just how bad the cheating problem is in this game, and it starts at the top with all your favorite streamers, like Symphony. So you don't miss our future uploads, and if you guys want to contact me about a streamer who you believe is Chees Meting, hit me up over on Twitter at Bad Boy.

Bean one and one last thing before we go. A big shout out to Apex PCs. Co., Ltd for sending me this amazing gaming rig. If you guys want to get your hands on a PC like this, head over to Apex PCs. Co., Ltd if you want to buy a pre-built gaming rig, then head over there. You've got so many options, but not just that.

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