News - Call Of Duty: Warzone 2. Has No Heart


In life, there are three guarantees: death taxes and Call of Duty robbing me blind every year. As much as I want to be done with Call of Duty, there we go. Fellas, on December 22nd of 2022, I made a article on the MW2.20 22's campaign, and if you haven't seen it, watch it later. Don't ruin my watch time, but straight to the point, this is a article about modern warfare's I-eyes, Campaign, but that's annoying to say, so we're going to call it Triple EY from here on out.

It sounds like a spell-shadow wizard. Money Gang If MWI I is a game with no guts, then MW Tri I is a game with no heart. This game's campaign is an embarrassment and somehow managed to make me feel like a joy ride in comparison to the shallowness of the experience. Call of Duty is boring. It's so boring that I didn't even want to play it for this piece of footage in a Call of Duty article.

Does that make sense? Does life make sense? No, but life could be boring, and that's why we tend to spice it up with addictions and bad habits like spending money we don't have or eating food that's not good for us. Something else that could be boring is your default browser. I like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge because I like lag and boredom, math, and vanilla ice cream.

call of duty

Shut up, young Sheldon. And a outof pocket Twitter account, Opera GX, has recently introduced a feature that lets you customize your browser even more than you could before. With GX mods, you could add personality to your browser that you would never see in any of the other boring ones. For example, look at this MW3 background, the good one, and with this background, you can enable funny features like, when I type it, spam hit markers like a montage parody from 2011.

There's also more sounds and features you can enable in the mod menu, like when you open a tab, close a tab, or brush over icons. But with Opera GX, you're able to lower RAM and CPU usage, so I can play Elen Ring and die 100 times while having 10 tabs of Young Sheldon open at the same time. When typing these scripts for these articles, my eyes are usually burning from staring at Pure White for hours at a time, and I'm not talking about Young Sheldon.

call of duty modern warfare 2

Opera GX now has a feature where you can force dark pages, so now my eyes could rest easily on a white or black surface. Now back to the article. First off, it's been over a year since the last Call of Duty article, which is strange. Modern Warfare came out in 2019, and Double Eye came out in 2022. Double Eye had a normal Call of Duty development cycle of around 2 years, and the plan for Double Eye was that it was going to be the first Call of Duty to break the cycle of yearly releases and have support for 2 years until Treyarch's next title, giving them three full years of development since the Black Ops Cold Wars release.

This would also help Sledgehammer, giving them more time for their next title as well. Overall, it helps Call of Duty since the game's developers won't be getting whipped as much now. Well, none of that went according to plan. Everyone hated Sledgehammer and ripped it apart for being Call of Duty Vanguard, the immersive World War II shooter with King Kong and Godzilla.


War Zone was boring, and not the same as our beloved Verdansk. DMZ was shallow with reused war zones. Pois, spec ops was a joke. The progression system was terrible, with barely any good maps to play, and the multiplayer was weak since the mechanics were limited for the sake of realism. It was the same game that added Nicki Minaj.

They also gave up on the war zone, and this made them shoot a flare for Sledgehammer to slam the brakes on whatever they were making and begin whipping them to make an NW2. Expansion in less than a year to be sold as the next holiday title for $70. And with a Mainline Call of Duty title comes a Mainline campaign.

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Triple Ey's campaign is the shortest to ever come out, but that's not the problem, sorry. Kratos Cod campaigns are usually short. I talked about this before in my Black Ops 2 article that got demonetized. A Call of Duty campaign isn't going to be an amazing narrative that cures Parkinson's. This isn't God of War Ragnarok or Red Dead 2; even Cod G is a cheesy action-packed blockbuster that is meant to be dramatic with spectacle.

doctor skipper

It's not that it's the worst Call of Duty campaign I ever played, and in all honesty, you flat out should not play it. There were multiple times where I considered closing the game and watching a YouTube let's play instead, and I promise you on Rocket's life that even watching a let's play is more beneficial to your life than playing this game, and if I'm lying, may God murder my children; please kill them today.

Double Eye Story wasn't good, but at least I had an enjoyable time playing its bad story. Not as much as the OG, but it was at the very least enjoyable. Instead of making a fun Call of Duty action movie, Sledgehammer decided to cut corners and not even make a basic campaign, which is the first time this has ever happened in COD history.

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Instead of creating unique set pieces and unique missions. Sledgehammer just used war zone assets and pois, which for casuals who don't weigh 1,000 pounds and play League of Legends or something. POI stands for point of interest, which are funny little locations found in big maps like tilted towers or salty springs.

doktor skipper

By the time this article comes out, OG Fortnite will be done, and most of you already have Peter Griffin in this campaign. These pois are used to create generic sandboxes and objectives where you can make your own fun, which is [__] terms. We were rushed to make a surprise CoD game, so this is all we could do to meet the quota or else.

Activision is going to send us and our families out of the airlock. These missions have no narrative progress; they are objective-based completions. Quest where you can loot and scaven like DMZ or war zone, so instead of hanging off a car or fighting to save the White House, or, let's be honest, any of the stuff you could do in 2019.

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Or, double ey, you know you have to do the same repetitive The quest from cut scene to cut scene was unbearable throughout my entire 3 hours, and I was played by the worst thing you can experience in a article game: boredom. The more I think about it, it's kind of funny in the double-eye article. A complaint I had was that the open-ended maps were spammed too much, and the only creative one was the soap mission, while the others felt like filler.

doktor skipper call of duty

Instead of fixing that, we now have a whole game of that sentiment, but even more lazy speaking of not listening to my criticisms, the game is still narratively from one perspective; you still play as a bunch of Task Force 141 members, and the only three missions where you don't are the intro and an AC-130.

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