News - Best Way To Level Up Your Guns Warzone Mobile

Gun XP, and then battle pass XP went up as well. We didn't play too well; we only got 29 kills, but if you get closer to those 40 kills, this will actually level up a lot faster. While I'm here, I might as well talk about tactical and lethal tactics. You unlock them as well as you play the game, or you can buy them from the Arsenal store.


Personally speaking, right now I haven't really tested any of these. I think battle rage is very strong, personally speaking, but again, that's just me, and then lethal NES are good at throwing knives. I personally like using throwing knives so I can get the kill as well as finish them on your knock, so I like using those perks, but I actually think this one is probably the best one to have.

Having a ghost is actually very useful if you're playing MP, though I think Sentinel might be one of the better ones to have battle hard and c and quick fix, which is very nice, but also if you want to, you can get away with what's called Warden. Having the double timer as well as the fast hand is actually very useful.

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I just like having Quicks fix a lot, but in BR, I think having ghosts is actually very useful, especially since UAVs are so strong. Potentially speaking, it might even take a high alert, but that's the one that I would be using. Anyway, that's a quick rundown of the gun system as well as the gunsmith, as well as how you can level it up pretty fast.


Hopefully this article helped you guys if you guys find any other ways that you can grind out these guns. To be honest, grinding out the gun is going to be one of the longest things in the game, and this is the best way you can do it.

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