News - I Got The World Record Kills Warzone Mobile. Touch Player


No, see you; I'm too good. There was one thing I had in mind, and no, it wasn't being partnered with War Zone Mobile. I'm in [__] talking about a kill wreck. You've seen me do it on many different titles before, but I had to lock it in for War Zone Mobile, and on the first day of release, I was able to get 32, which was not bad; kill was decent.

This one I'm about to show you was pretty. Good, got him a nice team, Wipe, damn, the whole squad's dead, and at that point it actually was the record, but it was day one. I wanted things to settle down a bit, but settling down is not what I did. I did start off as any normal old match, land in as usual, and hunt enemies, and my god, did we do just that?

I was going to land at the Super Store, but here we are. yeah, I'm really starting to wish that guy didn't steal my kill chat. Not going to lie, 16 already. I started to realize pretty quick that I was on a very solid pie of frags when people left, and the potential for a 40-bomb was definitely.

bobby plays

There, what the dog? Everything my truck exploded, which kind of stinks, and I had no mobility. The only thing that can stand in my way is the random teammate that somehow got in my lobby while I was queuing. I was just fingers crossed that he didn't steal any kills. I know this guy on my team's going to start getting kills and stuff too, which stinks next talks.

Please keep the game holy. Why are you coming? me. Let's go i got a 40. I got 40; that's the most I've seen from anyone since Global Chat. I've never seen somebody get 40 after Global. That might be the world record if mobile gamers are real. Gamers,

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