News - Best Meta Loadouts After Season 4 Reloaded Update Warzone 3

warzone season 4 reloaded meta

I like running the Recoil stock over the brew and heavy because the brew and heavy give us a big penalty to our aim-down sight speed. So to avoid that, we just run the stock if you don't mind the iron sights taking off the optic, and I would recommend the rear grip actually here because it's basically the same stats as the brewing and heavy but no penalty to our ads, or you could also swap that you go something like high grain or high velocity here, but you don't really need to anymore since that recent buff the bullet velocity, and then coming in at number one, we have got the superi 46.

Now the superior, you can run this with basically any of those other ARS I already mentioned. It pairs well with basically any gun. This is kind of my hybrid, like aggressive but also can be a sniper support build sock in rear grip to help, and then the rescue stock gives it amazing mobility. It's so much fun to run with this Xtra K Edge, and it also helps a ton with that mobility.

Now this is kind of my sniper support build, but what I really prefer running is taking off that rear grip and running the Zulu light barrel, which gives you crazy good strafe speed. If you're going to run this with an AR, you can take off the Rescue 9 stock and run the Jack Cutthroat stock, which makes it insane.

warzone season 4 reloaded patch notes

Good straight speed I mean it's like dumb how fast you can aim walk but I wouldn't recommend running this setup with a sniper this is more to pair with an AR right here and then finally at the number one overall kind of longrange gun it's still going to be the kar98, it's not going to be as dominant but it's still going to be exceptionally good want to make sure we're maximizing our range and bolt velocity so Sonic suppressor, the long barrel and then High grain to do that we're still even after this Nerf we're still going to have a damage range one shot damage range up to 75 M, buol velocity is going to be like 60 or 70 m/ second slower than what it was so you're not going to feel a massive difference in this to be honest now the other two attach a little bit more up in the air I like going with the target sling cuz it speeds up our aimed out sight speed quite a bit you could swap this and go no stock instead.

warzone season 4 reloaded update

But the noock makes it kind of wobbly and harder to use at longer range, so I don't like doing that. As far as optics go, there are a lot of options. Personally, I love the kind of OG car scope, which is the range collar, V3.4. Statistically, the x10 IntelliSense is actually better; it actually gives it about 50 milliseconds of faster ads, but it's a little bit more awkward of a scope, so it's up to you.

warzone top 10 loadouts

Another good one is the SPX. The scope here is the SPX, 86.6. That is also a really nice one you can get some really just clean clear dots on this one now before we wrap up here one other thing I want to talk about are my tacticals and lethals I always run smoke grenades here they I just think get you out of way more situation than stems do stems are nice in very specific situations especially endgame but generally I think smokes are just better I play Resurgence so throwing knives are really nice to help finish all your kills, but if I didn't play Resurgence maybe if I was playing ranked or big map I'd probably say the sticky grenade or the stex grenade would be best C4s, did get a Nerf today so they're not going to be quite as strong although they'll still be very decent.

But Breer drones also have very underrated thermals, not bad as well, and as far as my perk package goes, one thing that is unique is that whenever I am sniping, I always run cold-blooded. Cold-blooded prevents your enemy's high-alert perk from working and also prevents combat. This is just really nice when people are not getting high alert when you're trying to snipe them in the back if they don't know you're looking at them.

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It just gives you time to kind of line up that extra shot, but if I'm not sniping, I'll usually go either quick fix or temper, just kind of depending on which one I'm feeling. And then always her perk: one and two double time and Mountaineer, and then always for four. I'm always on high alert. I just think it's so strong, especially with how many people are sniping.

Flex has decent combat. Scout's kind of underrated, but I just think it just helps you in more situations. All right, guys, that is going to wrap things up again. I appreciate you all having a great day.

Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 Reloaded is FINALLY HERE and TCaptainX has the TOP LOADOUTS for Warzone Season 4 Reloaded. With the Warzone 3 Season update and patch notes, there were a TON of nerfs and buffs to some of the best weapons in Warzone. Now there's a NEW meta for assault rifles, SMG's and snipers for Warzone Season 4 Reloaded.
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