News - Best Meta Loadouts After Season 4 Reloaded Update Warzone 3

best loadout

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard. I'm T Captain X, and today we're going to be covering the top loadouts after season 4 reloaded. Update in war zone first I want to cover what guns were buffed and nerfed in today's update number one the kar98 did get nerfed although not massively so they actually nerfed the amount of aim assist that the that controller players will have with the car to be in line with other snipers because previously it was a marksman rifle so it actually got a little bit more aim assist they also nerfed the damage range and the bullet velocity, just slightly not massive differences so it will still one shot headshot within that first damage range so the k98 will still be very dominant now a few other things they did buff a bunch of the MW2, lmgs but none of these will be anywhere close to meta also Buffs to three different SMGs fjx Horus with the skimmar kit got range Buffs Striker got a buff to its stomach damage and the Rival 9 got also some very small range Buffs but not too anything crazy there MTZ 762 battle rifle also got Buffs to its range, don't think it's going to be enough to make it up into the meta but maybe a decent option.

Six different assault rifles got buffed: bow 27 got a stomach damage buff; MCW got a damage buff at long range and a bullet velocity buff; hoger 556 also got a damage range buff; and bullet velocity buff MTZ 556 got a bullet velocity buff; and then the M16, amp, got a damage range buff. Doai, this is an AI-powered meta finder website that I myself, Cupa Joe, and AO garness have all helped develop.

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It's a very powerful tool. I would highly recommend you guys check out the website yourself because there are tons of builds. There are multiple builds per gun. You can sort things by your play style, long range, close range, and weapon type. It's just a very powerful site. I will say that a lot of the data on this is totally free to use.

best loadouts 3

We do have a subscription. For the website to see everything, we do have a subscription, for the website to see everything though the reason we do that is running this website it costs a lot of money because there is so much data here, it is either n bucks a month or $69. For the entire year so just want to throw that out there but I will be covering and showing you guys kind of a lot of these builds today anyways so first we're going to look at the long range meta here so if I filter by long range here we're just going to score by overall which averages the different play Styles here car 98 is still ranking number one we've got then the SVA 545 MTZ, are up here Tac Eradicator hoger and so on there's a few other options here we can add in more tiers here but we're going to kind of focus on what is the best now I've went ahead and I've added a few of these guns if you hit the drop down here you can hit this compare details, that will then add it so that when you scroll down here we can now look at a bunch of different stats here so let's first look at time to kill of what I've got as kind of like a rough top five here so number one you're going to see bp50 and green great close-range, ttks.

mw3 season 4 reloaded

But this gun struggles in terms of its damage per mag which is a big limiting factor for it MTZ 556 and blue phenomenal ttk that basically all ranges overall MTZ is basically the best as long as you can handle the recoil SVA 545 does not have great ttks, but it has basically zero recoil when we use it on the Burst Mode hogre 26 in purple, kind of a peashooter at long range but very low recoil then the MCW did get buffed in today's update it's a long range ttk is a little bit more competitive but it's close to mid-range is not quite good enough to really kind of be a top dog from what I would say now if we look at the damage per mag chart one thing I want to point out is that guns like the bp50 and MTZ, they kind of struggle here they don't have huge magazines and this is one thing that limits them whereas other guns like a hogre 26 in the purple line up here has a huge magazine, really good in like a trios or quads type game mode if we scroll down here you can look at a bunch other stats here one of the big ones I want to point out is the weighted ttk Basically, this says what the time to kill is that you can most likely expect to get, and the MTZ is by far the best, which is why for Resurgence, this is going to be hands down the best gun out there.

warzone 3 best loadout

Now scrolling down, there are a ton more stats you can look at and really start to compare guns. We also have something called weapon synergies, which is a really cool thing that looks at how different stats kind of coincide with one another, but let me just give you guys the quick summary: the MTZ 556 is overall the best AR, especially on Resurgence.

warzone 3 best loadouts

But it'll be a little bit wobbly at longer ranges in terms of its recoil SVA 545 on that burst mode zero recoil great for a big map or if you just don't have good recoil control hoger 26 if you want a full auto low recoil gun this will be your best option not the best handling cuz it's an lmg, but great option especially for big map ukan players bp50, is phenomenal in solos or if you're just not Ultra aggressive and you're not trying to take on a whole team by yourself, and then the MCW kind of an honorable mention there's a lot of other guns we could put there and I'd encourage you guys to check out the website yourself and look at some of these other kind of meta and a tier guns but it's a decent option.

Now if we go over to the close-range meta, so I've got this sorted for close range, you're going to see there's kind of three SMGs at the top: superi, wp9, and fjx horse are basically at the top, and then we have a lot of other kinds of Fringe ones we've got some of these amps with, like the lmgs and some pistols in there.

warzone 3 meta loadout

And it depends on the play style. In a lot of play styles, the WC9 is best, or maybe the FJX horse. It kind of just depends, but overall, the superior ranks really well for every play style algorithm. Because it's kind of just the most well-rounded. And when we look at the ttks here now. I've got the MCW, aftermarket added here; it actually in the red line has the best close-range ttks, great range, but it struggles with handling in Mobility, which is why it doesn't rank as meta.

The superi in blue has great ttk at basically all ranges, and it checks all the other boxes for mobility handling recoil. All that wp9 fjx and the striker are all kind of similar close range, but one thing I want to point out is if we switch this from expected ttk to ttk on paper, which will take out of the equation something like an open bolt delay that wp9 has now all of a sudden the wp9 in Orange has a very fast etk in line with the MCW.

Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 Reloaded is FINALLY HERE and TCaptainX has the TOP LOADOUTS for Warzone Season 4 Reloaded. With the Warzone 3 Season update and patch notes, there were a TON of nerfs and buffs to some of the best weapons in Warzone. Now there's a NEW meta for assault rifles, SMG's and snipers for Warzone Season 4 Reloaded.
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