News - Best Landing Zones For Solo Players Warzone 2. 0. Loot Locations For Solo Players Warzone 2. 0

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Thank, you. I'm going to be showing you some great drop locations for solo players in Warzone 2.0. Now some of you have reached out to the channel, asking. It really does help the channel out. You can feel free to subscribe here or join as well, and we do have giveaways here; our current one is for an Xbox series.

The winner will be announced on December 31st of this year, so to be very clear, this article is not for the most popular landing zones in the game. This is for those of you that want to be able to drop into the game where there are not a lot of players. You want places that have really good loot that you can pick up and then make your way towards the center.

Now, as most of you know, anytime you drop into the plane, you can enter the map from multiple directions. For me, I like to be one of the last ones out of the plane, so I'm going to show you four different landing locations. They are on the outs. That way, you have a really good chance of jumping out toward the end and finding a spot that has some really good loot.

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The first spot I'm showing you is just southwest of Seraphine. Now. Now, as most of you know, the black sites do not become active until later in the match, but at this location, you can access the black site, and there is a ton of great loot laying around. However, I try these areas with everyone that I'm showing you multiple times in succession to ensure that what I'm telling you is actually accurate.

When you get here, you're not going to find just body armor and that's it; you will find some great weapons. You're also going to find some other stuff as well, so again, take your time. Well, don't take too much time, obviously, but you'll be able to rip through this pretty quickly and get some really good stuff to start off, and remember, because you're jumping into this black site right when the match begins, there is no AI activity whatsoever.

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Just grab the loot; do not attempt to open any doors. You do not have a black side key; you can only get that by clearing a stronghold first, so grab the loot and get out. I'll zoom out in a second so you can see exactly where it is, but again, this is one of those areas that, if I'm flying in from west to east, is one of those drops that's going to put me at the very perimeter of the map, which is how I want to play this game as a solo player.

I want to stack all my loot and gear and then make my weight go inward toward the middle, and again, all of this depends on your gameplay. But for those of you that want the opportunity to try to pick up loot before you really go after other players, this is a great way to do it. But once again, remember, when you're farming these areas on the map, the loot boxes and weapons may be in different locations on the map or in the buildings, but you will always find great stuff on a consistent basis.

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Again, like I said earlier. I farm these spots over and over again, so even though the location of the actual loot may change, you will always find it in this area, and as we make our way to the next location, this. This is going to be the first of many, many articles I put together showing you some great places to hit up as a solo player when you're starting off, and obviously if you're in a group, you can do this as well.

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Most people in a group like to go right to where the action is, but if not, this is a great alternative. Like I said, get some great stuff and make your way towards the center. The next spot I'm showing you is on the northern part of the map, just east of Turok Village, and again, you're going to notice it's on that perimeter of the entire map, so that's the way if I'm flying northbound.

I have the opportunity to be one of the last ones to jump out of the plane, and I'm going to do that and hit up this area now it's just a big ass warehouse, and, once again you're going to find great stuff on a consistent basis here however this is a location where if you get here a little bit later in the game it will either already be cleared or you're going to find other players there so again you want to try to hit this up as your first point when you're jumping out.

modern warfare 2 multiplayer

Our final location today is just south of Turok village. Now this one's a little bit different because this one has to be unlocked at a certain point, so in the game, you're going to see a notification on the screen that says Strongholds are now available, and when they are, you will be able to enter buildings like this.

So you could see this is a little bit later in the game; the strongholds were already unlocked, I could go in, and there was a ton of great loot. Now on my next attempt. I do a few contracts. With all that being said. On that note. I will see a notification that strongholds are unlocked. I'll come back to the building and get all the good stuff, like I said at the beginning of this thing.

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We would love for you to be a part of our gaming family. But most importantly, take care of yourselves, be kind to each other, and we will talk to you soon. Again, everyone.

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