News - Best Solo Xp Farm New Dmz Or Warzone 2. 0. How To Gain Weapon And Xp Fast. Tips & Tricks

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Welcome back to the gaming brigade, and in today's article, my friends, I want to show you one of the fastest ways for solo players to level up their characters in either the DMZ or Warzone. Now. I did put out a few articles over the last few days, but in the DMZ farming article. I didn't go over the information that well, so today I wanted to do a combination of both articles and show you how you can stack XP as a solo player insanely.

Fast forward in this game now if you happen to be new here. So once again to be clear, this can be done in DMZ or Warzone; it does not matter, and in order to make sure you're playing as a solo player, in the bottom left corner, you can see there's the right trigger. Pushing that is going to turn off the game's ability to match you with anyone else, so once you're solo, you're totally good to go now.

First of all, the DMZ is a much more hilly area as well. There are a ton of bots that you're going to run into, so you can get kill XP for them as well. However, the main focus regardless of which game mode you choose are the different contracts you're going to see on the map, and in my opinion, you want to target either safe crackers or Intel because they are going to give you a ton of XP and you can get through them really quick.

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Once I have a weapon, I keep that weapon as my primary, and that's when I start doing the different projects. When you're jumping into a war zone, you really don't run into too many people. Often, I stand on the outskirts because, remember, my main goal in doing this is to stack that XP as quickly as possible by doing as many contracts.

As you can, you can do it in both the DMZ and the war zone. DMZ, you're going to run into more bots in the war zone if you play it carefully. You can't avoid players until the very end, and you're going to see. On one of my solo runs in the war zone, I wound up doing four different contracts, finishing sixth overall.

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I did have my double XP activated, for both weapon and character, and at the end of the thing, it took about 20–25 minutes, something in that range, but I got over one hundred and eight thousand XP for my time, which is absolutely insane. Now again. If you finish in the top 15 or whatever it is, and even if you're in the DMZ, you'll probably get at least 25 thousand XP at the minimum.

modern warfare 2

With all that being said, my friends, I'm going to start wrapping this up as always. Some of you have reached out to the channel. I will be putting together different farming articles as well. I'm also working on a article showing you some of the best drop locations. You want to hit up places where you can get some of the best crates right out of the gate, and as soon as that's ready, I will bring it to you.

Take care of yourselves, be kind to each other, and we will talk to you soon. Thanks again,

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