News - 24 Things Sweats Do To Drop High Kill Warzone Games. Resurgence Tips & Tricks


The reason why you need to slow down here is that the teams that are still alive at the stage are usually better coordinated and have good loadouts, and of course, since you can't respond, it'll really slow you and your team down if they have to revive you. The only time you shouldn't need to worry about this as much is if your team has flares to get you back into the fight right away or you guys are playing around near the buy station here at the 12-minute mark.

I want to emphasize a great way to maximize kills in the lake game, which is to hold teams that have to rotate towards the zone. Focusing on teams who are rotating is super easy; they have to worry about their zone at their back; they have to be fully sprinting. Because zone is pushing them towards you, they're not going to be able to shoot back well when zone is going to be doing damage to them constantly, so it's important in the late game to get into zone and then try to identify where it's possible for other teams to come from.


Now we finally get down to the last team; it's a 2v3. I almost die, but thankfully, if a guy whiffs his shots on me, then I'm able to drop down and get a two-piece, which shouts out to mount. By the way, this play is not possible without this perk, which is why I always recommend it as one of your perks, and boom, that's a 20 bomb, so as you can see, pacing is extremely important, and if I had played faster off the drop, faster after we got our loadouts, this could have probably been a mid-20s to even a 30-kill game if I had done those things differently.

Breaking down a duo 20 bomb

Breaking down a duo 20 bomb

All right let's move on to game number two and this is a dual game and in general dropping lots of kills in dual games is tough, because teams die out so fast when you're playing with just two people if one of you gets knocked chances are the other one of you is very close by and you guys are just going to get wiped which is why these lobbies die out very quickly so in Duos you really can't afford to have a slow start to the game if you're trying to drop 20 or more kills in general I'd recommend you guys play trios or quads as it's definitely easier to drop 20 bombs in those types of game modes, so right off the rip once again you'll notice I'm landing at a busy POI, which is keep with plans to do the Easter egg and get into the vault at the bottom of keep typically keep drops are pretty hot but not so much in this case, now if you guys are trying to do the Vault I have a quick tip for that which is to the second you get down into the bottom room have one of your teammates turn off all the Torches.

While one person is waiting for the lights to pop up on the door, at the 2-minute mark, my teammate and I have all the loot from the vault, so we immediately start pushing. Although it wouldn't take too long to grab a load out here, we have good loot from the vault, so we can actually just start pushing without stopping to get our load out.

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Now here i take out a couple of kids who don't really shoot back a ton. But now, what do we do? We keep it moving, and what's nice about keeping it moving is that rotation is super easy for your next fight, so compare this to the last game. We have our load out at the 3-minute mark with three kills instead of at 5 minutes in the last game with only like two already.

We're on a much better pace for this game. At 4 minutes and 30 seconds, I picked up some more kills total. We're at seven kills total, and we're in the other game. I didn't even have my load out yet, so once again, notice how I'm not stopping to pick through every little piece of Loot and Minmax, my inventory.

I just run through the loop pile and keep pushing. Of course, I'm looking out for any kill streaks or field upgrades, but I'm not checking every little thing going in and out of my bag to make sure that I have everything. The best loot possible, looting quickly, is extremely important in war zone matches now; just a minute later.

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I've got 11 kills, compared to four kills at the 8-minute mark, so once again, pacing, especially in duos, is incredibly important. At the six-minute mark, I kind of troll this fight and get cooked, which is bad play. Here, by me. I should have just stayed outside the building instead of running into his teammate.

However my teammate clutches up and it's not the end of the world now this is something that's extremely important and really I don't see happen a lot in games especially in public matches which is people in general don't really seem to shoot out counter uavs but how are you supposed to drop a 20 bomb when you can't see where people are showing up on the mini map, if you're not mid gunfight you need to prioritize shooting down counter uavs, now at the 8 Minute Mark I run into Zone to buy a Precision air strike and a self-revive I probably should have bought a UAV here instead of a PA but this is a big point that I want to make for Fortune keep in general utilize, fire sales always buy as much stuff as you can while the fire sale is up because they are incredibly, strong in general during fire sales I pr advertise self- revives, gas masks and then extra loadouts or uavs in that order, now at the 9 Minute Mark I die once again which is an absolute Burger play by me I thought that this guy would run since I drill charge his wall but nope instead he makes a very good play and catches me sprinting.

And this really slows me down and it's something that I want to end emphasize to you guys when you're trying to get 20 bombs dying isn't especially when you die in a bad position like this I'm away from my teammate it's going to be tough to get my loot back since it's on the wall, and now that might seem kind of obvious but I still really want to emphasize that point, but thankfully at the time that I died I've got a ton of kills already, and there's only a few people left and the zone is still pretty big so a 20 bomb is still plenty achievable when the lobby is this small at this agage in the game usually it's going to be tough for the other teams to find each other and for the lobby to die out quicker, now at this 9-minute Mark here I want to point out something that's really important what my buddy does here is he drops me his primary.

If you all haven't done this before, it's a very good strategy when your teammate has responded and you're both in a pinch. You guys can't get to the loadout, and you guys can't get some loot very quickly. Splitting your guns is a great way to make sure that you guys have a fighting chance against any teams that you come across now.

The truth behind dropping high kill games in Warzone isn't that you need to download cheats or buy an expensive PC. In reality, you're just making some simple mistakes that can easily be corrected with practice! So in this video, I break down two different 20 bomb gameplays and cover more than 24 total tips to help you improve! Hopefully everyone who watches is able to take away at least a couple of things that help to start to drop high kill games.
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