News - 20 Pro Tips & Tricks You Need To Know Warzone 3

This is what I use pretty much 90% of the time unless I'm jump-shooting around a corner, but I'm usually slightly canceling around corners every single time tip number 13. Byy stations are back out of Zone. Something that the old war zone had was that bus stations would close very quickly out of the zone, and portable buses were automatically closed once they hit the gas station.

This is something new in this new war zone. Basically, you have 30 meters before it closes, so you can ping it and get a feel for it. If you see it very close to the edge of the gas, it's 100% open, because as long as it's not too far—you know, you have 30 m—like I said before, it actually closes.

warzone 3 changes

A lot of the times you see buy stations outside the gas station near the gas line, it's like back in the old one, it's like okay, you can't hit it in this game again now you can hit them, so it's really cool, even portable buys as well, which is pretty awesome, you know, so make sure to remember to utilize that, go save your teammates, go buy a UAV.

Don't be scared, Tip number 14, and I feel like this is pretty important. If you don't have this on, make sure to turn the setting on and apply all armor plates. This is going to be extremely important when it comes to being in a mix when it comes to having a lot of gun fights, because when you have to just apply one plate at a time, it's very slow.

warzone 3 guide

The guy has to apply the plate, which kind of cancels the animation you got to apply it again, so applying the plates are Al are one very slow. It feels very clunky in a way. Tip number two about that is that when you're applying those plates, you can move around, you can get Mixie, you know you don't have to hold the triangle or press the button again, you're automatically already plating, you can utilize your movement, you know whatever your next step is, you're not thinking about, okay, let me press the triangle or whatever, but is to play it again.

I got to play it again, you know, so it allows you to do very do things very well on the map tip number 15 whenever you're changing your attachments on the weapons. If you press L2 or whatever button it is for you to show more, it could be L1, or whatever console you're on or PC. It's going to basically show you more information about the attachment, which is really awesome because they didn't have this in the past in Call of Duty, and it tells you the numbers to see how much it takes away from ads.

warzone 3 how to get more kills

The cons, the pros You can do that with every single attachment. You can compare them at Tip No. 16 quick Fix is your best friend for regenerating. This game is very slow. Quick Fix helps with that one. Usually, when you start pling up. I think it's like a half-second delay that immediately starts healing you, so you pretty much get your health back a second later as soon as you start playing up right, and obviously, if you get a knock or a kill.

warzone 3 how to get more wins

I believe it also gives your heal back and you start healing right away, so this is a good perk, especially for the new war zone, and it allows you to take on multiple enemies at once. Tip number 17: Turn this setting off, parachute, and auto-deploy. You want this off. Here's why it basically as soon as you get too low to the floor it automatically opens up your parachute this makes you easy to get picked and you can't really make any plays on anybody when you turn this setting off you can dive on people very quickly now it takes a little practice before you start breaking your legs a lot like Tim to man but, this takes practice and once you get it down you can fly down on enemies very fast very quickly and catch them off guard you can get jumps on a lot of people this can save your life like if you got to fight down very quickly and get somewhere and like to play your life maybe you're getting shot out the air if you have all the play on, you're just going to get picked and you're going to die so make sure to have this setting off tip 18 You can make your mini map bigger, so usually your mini map is a circle.

But if you turn it into a square in your settings and interface, this is going to make it bigger so you can see more on your mini map. Tip 19, which is a pretty cool new thing they add in this game, is that if you look away from a flash, it actually does not affect you. We're talking about CS Go style, so you can flash yourself, turn around if someone is about to push you, and it will flash him but not you.

warzone 3 tips

This is kind of fun to use, and to think about, just know that if you think someone's about to flash you and you turn around or turn your head around, you either would get slightly affected by the flash or not at all, which is pretty awesome, and you can also use this to your advantage. Tip number 20: Gray bags actually have really good loot in this game.

As a munition box, it can contain equipment. These gray bags are very, very good. One of the best things you can open compared to the past Call of Duty was 20 tips on how to instantly improve in the new war zone. It helps a lot. We could potentially do another one in the near future. I hope you guys all have a fantastic day, and don't forget to catch me on Twitch.

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I'll catch you all later.

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