News - 10 Changes Coming To Warzone



Now one shot, the cat sniper in particular, is what we saw at the early gameplay event. And to clarify, because I've seen people say you can onot right now anyways, and you can, although they didn't have it initially, they made it so the explosive rounds will onot if you land that head shot that drastically decreases the bullet velocity of the gun, though down to like 400 to 500 m/s.

Now, with the cat in particular, you could put High Velocity rounds on, bringing it up to like 1200 m/s over double. There is almost no drop on this thing, and it can still take one shot head-on, and you can even now penetrate walls. Another drawback from using those explosive shots is that, for all we know, that might be the only sniper that can one-shot the others; they might do what they did at the end of the initial war zone, making it so snipers can one-shot but only out to 50 m.

modern warfare 2

If they aim down too fast, we'll see what they end up here. I am going to build out and test all of these. I already have some initial builds that I'll be testing as well, and we'll even share them with you guys prior to the launch of the game if you want to see what I'm going to be running, but the point is that this is going to be extra dangerous.


To be peing a sniper because anybody sniping right now is either using the easier sniper but cannot one-hot you or they're using a very difficult-to-hit sniper, that once you get past 150 M, you can dodge those shots pretty easily. That might not be the case anymore now as we get into the next five I want to break a bit more into the movement and gameplay elements, particularly with the six reload cancels.

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If you start a reload, you can cancel it by hitting switch weapon twice, swapping back and forth your classic YY that most of us are familiar with. It's no longer going to completely lock you into an animation, allowing you to continue to fight if you need to. If you start that reload, maybe even an LMG.

modern warfare 3

Nice buff to those because they take so long to reload at any point. Double-hit the button, and you have your gun back out. It's only going to have what's remaining from the mag of what you were trying to reload, so if you're already out, you're screwed, but it'll give you a lot more options in your gun.

Play Seven, stems will boost your movement speed using this to run from the zone, comboing it with a dolphin dive to jump off a cliff to get even more movement to fly first further or dive off that ledge allows you to cover more ground or use it to chase down an enemy while trying to survive this in addition of course to healing your base.

Health combo: sliding, re-engaging, and getting into a fight when your health is low. This is what we see a lot of the best players doing, especially in combination.

Slide cancel

Slide cancel

With eight slides , canceling is easier. But it is a little different. First off, you can now shoot while sliding, although that does take you to the tack stance caned, so it's not quite as accurate but still deadly, especially up close, even better while mids. Slide the cancel so that, at any point, you can stand up.

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This is different from the current style in the game in that if you slide, you are locked into that animation for the next 3 seconds. If you're sliding into danger, you're just dead. This is different even from the old system, though, in that it's easier to pull off where you can slide and then just hit jump to stand back up.

mw3 warzone

Slide cancellation will also not recharge your tactical sprint. This is why you saw people slide and cancel absolutely everywhere, because it would let you traverse the map further and faster. Now there's no need to do that outside of maybe spamming it across the field to avoid getting head shot by those snipers we talked about earlier, but your tactical sprint—you running with your gun up in the air—will automatically recharge by itself, even while you're still running and sprinting.

Another note for controller players within the controller: game play slide dive behavior. Many of the players have switched to slide only, which means they're not going to dive, but it gives them a fast response to being able to slide.

Gas masks

Gas masks

Number nine gas masks are now manual, we've had a lot of complaints about how gas masks work and they've had to make many changes whether you're going in and out of the storm for parachutes and we don't need to get in all that, from the event we saw that when you find a gas mask it will automatically, put it on once you pick it up and you'll see a slight silhouette on the edge of the screen but it's very minor that means you're not going to have a gas mask animation when entering or exiting the gas and you can take it off as well which will instantly store it in your bag and give you the animation of taking it off although this does take up a slot at least from what we last Saw but I likely just recommend keeping it on because it also.

new warzone

Now counters, gas grenades, which are massively annoying but not too commonly used as they are hard to pull off, now it's going to be even harder, most people will have that mask, and finally number 10 One of my favorite things, save for last, is that you now always have a pistol when traversing, meaning if you are in the water, if you're on a ladder, or if you are ledge hanging.

Always have a pistol

Even if you bring two other guns that you have on or none at all, you will pull out a magical pistol, but of course it is just the basic starter pistol, but it is quite good and has a very fast rate of fire. Don't be shy on that trigger; this is going to have a lot of gameplay implications. But if you dive into the water and the other person doesn't even realize they have a pistol to use, pick up some free kills.

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Of course, this is still our classic war zone that diverted a lot away with War Zone 2, but it is back, and with all of these changes and improvements, on top of, so much more to explore and see on this massive new map. I can't wait to get out of it. I'm live over on Facebook every weekday at 10 a.

M pacific, and I'm going to be playing a lot of this, and if you want even more gameplay, Strategy Insight: Stone Mountain plays on my second channel.

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