News - 1 Fastest Killing Chimera Class Warzone 2. Best Chimera Class Setup

To actually utilize, some of the sights -- not the iron sights -- are decent, but they're not necessarily the greatest. We're actually going to go to a red dot site in my personal preference, and this is going to be the Kronen Mini Pro, so this is the blue dot.

Cronen mini pro

Cronen mini pro

You have to level it up to, I think, level seven; it's either that or level 12. Definitely go ahead and do that; that's a very easy early-level unlock to be able to utilize on the entirety of all of your guns, and finally, for our last tune here today, we're actually getting to pretty much go ahead and max this thing all the way out to The Far Side.

Because I mean, what we're trying to do is put that site a little farther away from us, which makes the gun seem a little bit farther away, which is definitely a good thing and can help with that visual recoil by allowing you to see more around you, which is definitely a huge thing. We also want to tune this for a little bit of ad speed, so we're going to just kind of take a look at this here and see what it really does.

chimera class mw2

I wouldn't have to go too crazy with it, but we get that very large jump here in the handling category very, very fast. Then after that. I want to get some great ad speed, and this is going to be my final tune, so let's actually hop back in here, and this is my full build with thing now let's go to the firing range.

All right, now that we're here in the firing range, we're going to be able to take a look at this thing and kind of test it out and see the recoil pattern. So, I mean, it just bounces up a little bit, and you have to kind of pull it down, but that's, you know, just to be expected if it strays back and forth pretty well.

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You'll see that in the gameplay, of course, of the MGB Tech. I mean, this is a really fun gun to be able to control with those closer and mediumish ranges; we're not using it for long range; that's just not really what this thing is if you want something that's got a good range. maybe an M4 assault rifle, but otherwise, this is a really fun gun to be able to use.

chimera class setup

Don't go anywhere; it's an absolute banger. People who attended focused a lot on the aerosport as opposed to you, Tuesday Small, because they're not trying to get messed up on it, which I can understand. We definitely need that ammo, as we have like none. Call it in and get the nice little W., this is such a good game man, he's the honey badger, and I'm so happy that the authentic honey badger side being like works for it too is that this is a lot of fun to use man a lot of fun.

I think someone's about to take me out right there, nice little 77 kills in KC, and we'll take the end of the week, man, any day of the week.

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