News - My New "honey Badger" Setup Is Like Hacking. Best Chimera Class Setup" Warzone 2

best chimera class

Now look at YouTube; y'all know the Chimera, aka the "Honey Badge," is one of the best guns to use in the game after a release in the Season 2 Reloaded update. All I'm going to try to do is go ahead and look at this amazing MGB gameplay. It almost got a triple nuke and got a double crash. It's going to be at the end, so make sure y'all like it.

And subscribe, and hey, let's hop into some MGB gameplay. Think about this shit when I do screenshots. I just put in the general right there shit that was a whole like two damn near three weeks' worth of content shit and they were all just banging now obviously the game slowed down so I ain't getting that no more right now but that was back to back literally back to back shit and I have a 100K view article on a shit class setup shit for the first time ever.

It's starting to look like if F556 keeps shooting, he can say whatever. [Laughter] If he could say that sh*t practice would do whatever you want at that point, sh*t, are you doing the MP5? Everybody was on that stuff. No, see, because in Rebirth, but we, but I'm telling you all we did was send it for it, and we're going for game play.

best chimera class mw2

We ought to sit here chilling and talking; that's it; we literally just sat there talking and chilling now that this game is on. Yeah, like, no, like, this is what it is: man, point, located. No, I'm saying that even if you don't share audio, you would definitely be listening while playing. 171.

Kills man ggs, y'all now coming through for the class to the Chimera, aka the Honey Badger, we have the Slimline Pro optic, this is our Precision Sight Picture Optic, one of the best and cleanest objects in the game, and I put the opposition on far and get that aim down side speed so we can aim down sights and get into those gun fights a lot quicker.

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Our next attachment is the FSS Shark Fan 90. This gives us that aim and idle stability and a really good underbelly, so it's a really good underbelly to use, and to tune this as well. I gave you aim walking speed just so we can have some added straight speed on our weapon, and I also added recoil stabilization because sometimes this gun at a little distance can shake a little bit, so you add that recoil stabilization in there just.

best chimera class setup modern warfare 2

So you can control your gun a lot more, but so far our next attachment we have is the 300 Blackout, which I will point out is just to add that shite and power; we really don't use it for that; I just like to use it for the added bullet velocity. You know, bullet velocity is how fast our bullets travel.

Making it so that we can always hit our targets a lot faster and we put recoil smoothly just to smooth out the recoil a little bit more so we can control it a lot more and have that extra repo patrol next. We have the 45-round magazine, and it comes with a 30-round magazine, so if you feel like you only need 30 rounds, you can swap this out for a whole other attachment; that would be up to you.

I recommend running like the VOK laser or whatnot, but I just got the 45-round mag. And then, last but not least, we have the D37, grip. This just adds that recoil control, like I said, so we can control our weapon a lot more and stay a lot more accurate. To be able to tune this, we put the Sprint on fire speed all the way up just so we can engage in those gunfights off the Sprint a lot quicker, especially when you're playing shipment.

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