News - 1 Best Tips To Improve At Warzone 2 Ranked Play. Fast

All right, guys, just trust me with this one. Go watch them play. Go watch their VOD. Go look at the mini-maps. You will learn things that you would never have learned just by playing the game on your own. I promise you, they know stuff that you shouldn't know. You know what I'm saying, and arguably, more importantly, Watch your own VOD, please.

modern warfare 3 tips

PlayStation and Xbox can now record their VOD. If you have a way to record your VOD, please watch it back. I edit so many of my articles, and I see myself dying somewhere. I'm like, Why did I just die? Right there, guys, there are so many things you can grab from your game play that you can nitpick, pull, and, like I said, go back to private matches.

Work on that aspect of your game by watching your own gameplay and watching you do stupid stuff that you don't even realize is happening in the game while you're doing it. Getting other perspectives on your own gameplay is super, super huge. Have your friends watch your gameplay. Watch your friends gameplay for them, guys.

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I promise you, this is so important. All right, guys, so I hope I was able to help you out at least a little bit. Stay tuned for that article when it comes out. I'd really appreciate a follow over there; we've been going strong almost every single day over there, guys, so please, it would really mean the world to me anyways, guys.

mw3 ranked play

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