News - You Should Be Using The Tombstone Duplication Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies And Why. Mwz

max weapon level

That's a mistake. Never shoot lasers at me, buddy. Look it, Blue rare ether tool three plate armor A three-plate armor vest is fine. Large rucksack that kind of stuff's fine, but blue should not be happening from a tier three Mega Abomination; it's supposed to be hard to kill that it's like a little mini boss right.

I think Tiers might still be the best guns in the game. I know a lot of you, when you watch this article, are going to be like, Well, you're a cheater, and you shouldn't cheat, and you should earn it naturally. My argument for that is that this is a player-versus-environment game; it's co-op, meaning I am not competing with other players.

So if I exploit with a tombstone and duplicate my items because I don't want to grind for 30 minutes every time, it doesn't affect you. More so, I would say that it actually brings a NE benefit. Most people that play games, if you're anything over 20, have a job, have responsibilities, might volunteer places, might have a family or a spouse, kids, etc.

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You're not jumping on to go play for four, five, and 68 hours like professionals do; you have an hour or maybe two hours at the end of a long week to play, so do you want to spend 50% or 60% of that time just getting your guns to the place you want so you can go run the dark ether, or do you want to go R in and make it so you can run four or five dark ethers in one night instead of one or two?

This isn't a war zone; we are not playing against real people. If this were a war zone and we're using an exploit like this, then 100%. It's an issue, and you should be banned, or at least Shadow banned temporarily, until you make better decisions. Kind of a thing, but it's PVE, and so for me in single-player games in PVE games like this, have fun, enjoy the games, and if you want to play with dupes and this kind of stuff like in Zelda, you want to duplicate your weapons.

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If you don't also want to, no judgment is right. But just play the game that you want to play in the way that you want to play, also speaking of running with your squad and Tombstone duplication. The people in there, most of whom are zombie players, are pretty family-friendly. The people are great if you're looking for a squad, no matter what skill level you are.

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