News - You Must Try This Insane Weapon Warzone 2 Zombies

mw3 ram 7 zombies

Ridiculously, powerful I didn't expect it to be this good when people said it was good that it actually melts especially if you got it like the right tier Pack-a-Punch for the tier Zone that you're in like a tier 2 Pack-A-Punch in tier 2 Zone this thing absolutely, melts like genuinely fries the zombies that are going to come near you but let's have a little look at what the tier 2 Pack-A-Punch can do against the tier three zombie let's just see I mean it's to be fair, it's not bad I've definitely used, a lot worse guns than this it's really not too bad against the armored zombies it's a lot slower I'm not going to lie but against the standard zombies it's not too terrible I'm not going to lie to you guys like I have definitely used a lot less powerful guns in this game against the tier three zombies when they're tier 2 Pack-A-Punch but of course our main objective is going to be to tier three Pack-a-Punch it and then we can really start testing it in that tier three Zone against Mega Abominations.

Bosses, hvts, and all that sort of stuff. Okay, so we've got a tier 2 disciple we have got to try and kill right now, so let's see how quickly this thing can melt the disciple. If we just focus purely on the disciple, I mean, it's not going to be either. Okay, it is actually kind of fast, I'm not going to lie, and it is now getting through the disciple.

mw3 zombies

Hellhounds actually annoy me in this game. There's something about hellhounds; they just might be the most annoying things in this game, but let's try and get a couple shields on, and we'll take this disciple real. I mean, it is absolutely melting through the disciple, and there it is, there she goes, deciple is gone.

This thing is not messing around at all; it's actually very powerful. I'm very impressed with how good this gun is. Okay, so it took us way longer than I would have wanted. As you can see, we've only got 15 minutes left of this game to actually get enough cash to be able to tier-free Pack-a-Punch.

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But we finally got there. My teammates were pretty useless; they didn't really do much; they just kept going down, and I kept reviving them, and I just got to the point where we ended up eventually just leaving them because they weren't exactly helping out in any way, but we have managed to get enough money to tier three pack-a-punch this thing, so hopefully we'll be able to run in quickly and do this before the zombies do appear.

mw3 zombies dark aether

tier three pack-a-punch on the new Ram 7, let's see how powerful this is going to be in the tier three zone, and we've got a fair test because they're all right behind us straight away. I mean it's not going to mess around it really isn't going to mess around it's going to absolutely, melt through our opponents, zombies don't really stand too much of a chance which is absolutely great that's perfect considering we are in the tier three Zone I don't want to be messing around I don't want them to have much of a chance against me so let's now try and maybe let's see what these guys up here are doing we can maybe join a team try and get some more contracts together take down a mega Abomination all that sort of good stuff, but I mean overall I'm very impressed with how gun this how good this gun is I know a lot of people were telling me Harry it's a good gun if you've not used it try it but this thing absolutely melts I'm not going to lie it's actually very good I'm very impressed with how good this thing is hold my drill charge real quick.

mw3 zombies dark aether ram 7

Are there any more hellhounds that want to come at me right now because they are honestly going to make me lose my mind? These hellhounds and, honestly, disciples, can stay away from me as well. I'm going to try and sort of join up with a different team in Tier 3, just because then I shouldn't go down as easily.

Hopefully, we can stay up a little bit longer. That should, hopefully, be a good plan. We're going to try and join up with this team that is just in front of me to see if we can get any help there. So both my teammates decided to go down in the Tier 3 zone. I'm going to try and resist them, but honestly, these zombies are a rapid one on me right now.

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I'm not going to lie; they are super, super fast. Let's pop that down to see if we can do enough damage to actually take some of these out, and instakill is going to come in clutch, which means we can just melt through them. We should be able to go and get our teammates back nice and easily as well.

mw3 zombies dark aether rift

That was an absolutely huge play for me. I've managed to clutch that one up; one of them is, I believe, full dead, and the other one needs reviving. I'm pretty sure no; we're going to be getting both up perfectly, which is absolutely beautiful. Get some of these contracts done. I do maybe want to try a bounty to see if we can get a Mega Abomination as a hvt.

And see what sort of damage we are going to do against that, but I mean, even in a situation like this, you can quite easily. Get yourself out of it and just melt through the zombies. Whether it's hip-firing ads in it doesn't really matter. This Ram 7even is going to do some serious damage, especially at Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch in the Tier 3 Zone.

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It's going to absolutely melt the zombies you're coming up against. Okay, so we have got a bounty target to actually try and take on, which is going to be a mangler, so we'll see how quickly we can take a mangler down in the Tier 3 zone with this ram. So here we go. We're coming up on The Mangler.

mw3 zombies dark aether solo

Now let's see what sort of damage we can do to this thing. Even from a distance, it's going to absolutely fire me. From a long, long range, I need to see if I can try and get a little bit closer to it and do some damage. My teammate seems to have backed off and isn't sort of helping me out with this fight, which is annoying because it just means I've got to try and deal with about 65 zombies that are all following me right now, and my teammate also seems to have gone down.

He might be the one that's further away, and this isn't ideal. This is not ideal. I have totally run out of ammo. This is not the ideal scenario to have found ourselves in. Hopefully some of these zombies I killed a minute ago just dropped a bunch of ammo, and I can pick some of it up at least.

mw3 zombies ram 7

It looks like all they dropped were plates, which really isn't going to help us out. We'll pop that down, then try and take out a bunch of them, which is exactly what's going to happen. Give me some of that ammo, and then I can really start focusing on this mangler that's in front of me. Me so it's not doing an obscene, amount of damage it's not doing crazy damage I need to sort of back up here and just try my teammates left which isn't ideal because, just lead me in a 1 V one situation against a Mangler, which wasn't what I was trying to find myself in okay so he's going to catch up with me he's going to catch up we'll just back up I've run out of ammo again I've got 41 bullets in the tank which is not ideal because I don't now know what I'm going to end up killing him with because I don't have the ammo to actually take him out, okay guys so overall the ram 7 seems to be very powerful against zombies I mean once you get to out the hvts and things like that seems to slow down a little bit the damage doesn't seem to be as good as it is against the zombies.

Which is the case with a lot of guns in this game, you get some guns that are bad against normal zombies but really good against bosses, and then some guns that are good against bosses, sorry, good against zombies, and then bad against bosses, which seems to be the case for this round seven, doesn't seem to be too great against the higher-value targets.

In this video we take a look at what happens when you pack-a-punch the ram 7 in mw3 zombies! Pack-A-Punching the ram 7 in MW3 Zombies This Happens. Pack-A-Punching the ram 7 in MW3 Zombies Best Weapon.
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