News - Winning Isnt Everything, But. Warzone Tips And Tricks


Instantly, luckily for us, the enemy happens to fall right into our lap, which is unlucky for us as our aim is not that good, but we're able to connect with the shot. Shees, that's okay all right all right so our teammate win the Gog, and it looks like we're about to jump off and out of here and what a problem I have with this the fact we only killed one of the enemies, that I know of we only killed one wasn't a squad wiping the guy we just knocked he just fell down and of course bled out because of the impact so I think the rest of his team's here or they might be over here so as we're floating across we first off clear this and then if it's clear then jump but once we jump make sure you're keeping your eye on the right hand side of the mini map that way they don't shoot you from the air but I do believe there's one guy at one of these three, buys why would the teammate leave but he can buy back a squad once he gets our kills and there goes Apollo.

warzone 2

Down pides are taking some damage, as well as Kratos pulling a shot real early. This is dangerous as well, but don't be afraid to lose a little bit of altitude. Right, even if you need to clear the rocks, cut that [__] again because if he peaks up, which he does, and he's looking in your direction, easy beams.

Harder all right nice crack can he follow it up with the sniper now I would have tried one more time, all right so Kratos does go down this is a very awkward spot to be in so our teammates for some reason Dove to this build not sure why it's not even safe need to start focusing on the next best spot to be which would be this building here so now Kratos got caught out and these guys are to have their eyes on this building the whole time you got to really rely on Mr.

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Hakei right here to be putting some bullets into the enemies otherwise these guys are end up real, [__], all right vehicle gets out, in a really weird spot, and the building I said we should have got to earlier, of course there's another team up there. It's going to be a hard fight for them. Look, they took too long to rotate; they rotated in the wrong position.

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They're getting caught up with all these little microfights, and again, the bigger picture is getting safer. You have to survive more than just the enemy, players. Again, I have no idea why our two teammates, Kratos and I, went to that building. I just don't; it was terrible. Play; also, look at this; Haki has no idea what he wants to do.

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Do, no idea I still believe there's enemies over here cuz we never did kill those players that kill our teammates, and here we are left looking right looking left looking right going back left going back right and going back left again he has no he's clueless, why is that he's not utilizing his brain trying to figure out a strategy on how to rotate and again I wouldn't even take these shots at these enemies cuz you're not going to be able to double tap them before they clear on the bridge and we got to work our way that direction so in my eyes I want to let the enemies forget about us make them think we're dead just like we thought they were dead and lo and behold they're not right make them think they're dead or take the truck, either one of those this going to be a hard rotation regardless and look again micro fights if there's another player here fine, but let's dip let's start thinking about getting safe, blue does a good job jumping down we need to go with him though and [ __ ] Apollo breaks his legs and be did they all break their legs are you.

Serious smoke out; no smoke. Now I don't know if Kratos broke his legs or not, but the fact he's not getting executed kind of makes me think he did. That was a waste of smoke. You're going to need that for Kratos's body, and now we're making our teammate sick. It sounds like there are footsteps under us again.

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Notice the player real quick. Let's go back. This is where we needed that second smoke. If we can just smoke him out and go to him, we're fine, although it did sound like there's a guy under us. So let's see. There's definitely a guy under us. No doubt, no doubt, there was he who just got killed by that.

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Guys, okay, Kratos is dead, unless he has a durable gas mask. Other than that, though he's dead, I would say, Yeah, why would we waste our time with that? I don't even know, because now that we're dead, you got to play your life, you got to think about all the circumstances, and look if your teammates have mics, and clearly, because they all have matching names.

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I would think they're in an Xbox Live party, right? Like hey, you got a gas mask; he says no; you just walk away from his [__] dead corpse. Now, we're joining them in the afterlife, boom really no reason for it at all and again if we would have played that from the beginning relatively smart and not taking dumbass shots at enemies pissing them off rotating together if we would have went with blue we could have resed them instantly but no team work right there at all you can see in the gameplay and that's really what cost in this game was straight up teamw, work, there's a lot of other things like of course being decisive right there costed your boy his life big time with the gas mask and going for the res and things like that but all in all it was just a fundamental, aspect of teamwork is really what [ __ ] them all right we've got several flare in the ground this is where inventory Management's got to it's got to be good it's got to be really good we want plates I don't like the fact we're laying here we don't have smoke so we can't throw a smoke and again we have all this area that we're vulnerable from if the enemy Peaks up so I don't like this I don't want to stay here too.

He's dropping a lot of ammo and picking up the other flare. It was a necessary play. I wish he would have had a little bit faster inventory management, but I'm not going to hit them for that. It's harder for some people than others, all right, so the roof, of course, is where I want to go. It's the high ground.

warzone 2 tips

This is Crim to the Crim. This is Bay. This is where you want to be. You want to have your whole team here, too. Originally, I wouldn't have shot at him. To be honest, I would have closed the gap, pushed up a little bit more to make sure if I shot him, he would die, and also scanned around and saw where the other enemies were.

Winning Isnt Everything, BUT. Warzone Tips and Tricks. The Best Keyboard.
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