News - Why You're Not Winning Warzone 2 Battle Royale

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broker machine here I hope you're all well. It's been a while since I've done a tutorial for the rest of the course. I've got 30 wins in this game, and I felt like maybe it's time to do a tutorial on how to win in zone two. So this is part way through the game; we're not going to talk about the start of it, your loot, and all that good stuff.

I'm sure you can figure that out; it's pretty straightforward, but where you win the game is really towards the end; the decision-making here applies for the rest of the lobby, so if you can watch this and understand what I'm trying to say, you can take that knowledge and win the game. So we're going to have a look at a couple of games that I've won; two of these are from today.

Now, I'm not going to sit in the corner for the entire game here; I'm just checking around to see what's going on. A UAV has parked, and whenever one does, it's always a good idea to take a little breather, have a look around you, and see what's going on. For this, as you can see, the circle is just ahead of me, and I'm going to take the high ground here.

call of duty warzone 2

High ground tends to win, so you always want to be trying to get it if you can. I was in a risky position there, and the only reason I was I just wanted to see if anyone was around me. Plating up. I'm going to have a little peek at this guy to see if he's available to take down, but I'm not going to focus too long on this one.

A lot of people make the mistake of sitting there and focusing on players for way too long. Do not make that massive mistake. This guy just said, "Do you like cheese in the lobby?" This was quite a funny one, I've gotta say, and as you can see, we have taken the high ground here again. Don't focus on players for too long.

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I'd love more kills, but unlike the win, this was my first solo win. Actually, I've had quite a lot of wins in squads. 30 wins total, two solos, and, yeah, we're going to take the high ground again, but I'm not giving up the position just yet. I could move across the roof, and if you circle in the upper left there, you always want to be checking that out.

call of duty warzone 2 battle royale

No, I'm not focusing on that too much; I'm checking to see what's going on, obviously. Like I said. Don't quite get in there; I am going to show the loadouts later on in the article, so don't worry if you want to copy them. See, what I'm doing there is holding the position. I'm a little exposed on the roof, but I'm just going to hold it.

I'm going to get the kill on the right side. He's going to take me, so I'm going to go left and finish. This guy doesn't seem too happy about that, okay? I don't know; I'm not sure I'm coming to check my corners. You always want to be checking corners; don't sit in one position for too long; don't get tunnel vision, not just on players but on the map as well.

Don't stare at one spot for way too long. Now, you see here, I'm moving up with a little bit of cover in front of me just to conceal myself a little bit now. That push there is a key movement. Turn the corner, aiming outside where I think the enemy is going to be. We're a little bit behind cover, but we're going to make a little move here.

how to win warzone 2

This guy's been destroyed. I get flashed, but I don't worry about it. It's his Bobby's. Talking about cheaters, play more there and watch out for claymores. Now, look at this final circle. This is where I am talking. It's all about the positioning. I'm going to drop in and check my corner there to make sure no one's chilling, and then we're going to do a little nice movement there behind the box, having a look around to see what's going on, checking the bushes this guy pushes, and he's getting nasty now.

We're going to move as soon as we get that kill, just to see what's going on. skeeboard I felt like it was the right play there, and look at the circle and the cluster. The strike is over on the left there, and I don't really want to move there. There's a guy on the left there doing a little bit of cover once again.

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This guy wishes many mistakes on me; he pulls me a cheat very, very hard. That guy, Mad, probably should be at school. Now look at this situation here. The enemy on the right side is getting shot by the left, so I'm going to throw some smoke to make it look like someone's pushing in there. I thought there was a window in that one, but there wasn't, so this is where the gas comes in.

how to win warzone 2 battle royale

Oh, dolphin dive dance; get out of that. Only got one play out, so I'm just going to keep moving in here if this guy's lights are on to me; I'm dead anyway, so we're going to keep moving, watching the circle teamwork, going aiming, outside behind cover again, and Big Tip always get behind until I try to conceal yourself.

All good; two people left. I see them fighting, not for one, but for the second there. You go; that's the win. I hope you enjoyed that little bit that is now on the screen. I hope it's helpful. I feel like if I do a tutorial at the beginning of the game, I don't think it's going to be that helpful.

how to win warzone 2 solo

I think it's pretty straightforward: get money, get guns, and then be on your way. Now, we're going to go into a second game here, so if you want to copy those loadouts, make sure to take some screenshots, Foreign. Okay, on to the second game here. I find myself in the middle of the circle, pretty much in a tower called the Vans nerve, and the sniper is going to jump off here and take your vehicle to the next position.

You don't want to hover around; that's a good way to just get shots. I do prefer the armored vehicle over this one, which looks like a Ford Escort or an old Ford Ryan. Maybe we're just going to try and, hopefully, beat some people out here. People aren't usually that great at aiming on the vehicle, so I like to risk it here and there, always checking in at the buy station, but you won't see me hovering around one for very long; there are very few buy stations in this game.

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We go try to get that guy, somehow miss him, he likes clothes now to jump out of the vehicle and go for the guy I decided not to I want to get a better position. He might have the height on me; I was thinking about the zip line to the right. Nope, my thinking here is that this guy or girl is probably going to sit there and wait for me to come that way, so they're probably going to wait around and see what happened there.


Just look what happens. We take a nice flank. We always want to flank as much as possible. I mean, even on the downside here, slow down a little bit in this area, and there he is. There you go, there's the down this area as I was saying here is a very campy place you want to check your corners across, the bushes, lots of vegetation that you can use to conceal yourself as you're moving up or down the map you always want to check and this little spot there you notice quickly there's a little bit of cover a little limp on the rock face there you can use that to your advantage if anyone is chasing you.

Guide To Winning Your First Victory in Call Of Duty Warzone 2. We're on the brand-new map Al Mazrah, trying the Warzone 2 best loadout and weaponout of all the Modern Warfare 2 weapons! Hopefully we'll find some secrets and easter eggs along the way.
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