News - Why You Can't Consistently Drop 20. Kill Games Warzone 2

vondel tips

Hold out these enemies that are behind you know there's a few enemies behind you so go ahead and hold those enemies out take those kills, and then from there we can really start to worry about what's going on in front of us she doesn't have any smokes she's got stuns here so we got to kind of worry about what's going on but again she's got high alert so trust your actually she doesn't have high alert she's got quick fix so that's actually really good to know that we don't have higher, now one she does end up shooting this guy a little bit too quick here she kind of gives away her location which is why I think this guy rotates so far to her right I think if she doesn't shoot that guy he kind of jumps straight in and you might be able to get that kill now we are in a little bit of a tough spot here but this is where the durable gas maskk comes into play use this durable to your advantage.

vondel tips and tricks

Use durable to your advantage we're going to push this forward just a little bit here one flying in above, right so one flying in again not quite able to get that kill with theist unfortunately and now we rotate still 10 other people so still potential here to drop the 20 kill game that's the crazy part she hasn't gotten a kill in what feels like forever, yet because of her start we're still in a spot where we can get it now got to be really careful here because of the ftac siege you know water end games people are going to be in here with the water so really tough spot here she's somehow able to get out of the water she's somehow able to survive this as she pops up here two guys go down she's able to get that kill but doesn't actually get the kill herself notice she's still stuck at 17 right here little bit unfortunate, but still stuck at 17 now she does find the durable gas mask 95%, so quick swap those one on the bridge right there.

warzone 2 how to get more kills

Yep, one on the bridge straight in front of you gets shot at from straight across, so we just play durable here, just play patient, just chill for a second, not a whole lot we can do rotating in early here besides PL up, now we do have to kind of work our way in a really brutal circle and pull good shots right there to get that break.

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I can't quite get it, but I'm still worried about this team, and once again, there's not really anywhere for her to go, so she's got to play this patient. Still didn't get that kill 1 V2 V1 situation with 17, so she's got to kill the rest of the lobby here in order to get that kill good job bailing her out there out in the open hit some shots used a little bit of movement, and now it's basically a 1v2 situation, to be able to clutch the 20 but like I said she probably with a little bit of gameplay strategy could have been pushing a 30 kill game right here and when we talk about dropping the 30 and 40 kill game 40 is probably a little bit aggressive when we talk about dropping the 30 kill game the biggest part is staying in the action as much as possible and that's where the UAV, really allows us to understand okay where is everybody, and how do we get ourselves back in the action also allows us to make the smart decision and get that momentum we pop UAV we get a kill we act on Mini map pings we keep getting kills from there okay last guy W one is still kind of over to our left side one is straight ahead right here now unfortunately in this moment.

What's going to end up happening is that right here you're going to see one of the enemies end up dying, so she's playing her cover. Well, she still has a little bit of time right there to eliminate him, so somehow that guy dies, but she doesn't get the kill right there in that unfortunate situation.

warzone 2 tips

The guy died of gas, so now it's a one-vs. In one situation, I will say this is a little bit tough, and maybe this is where you know you could start to talk about like a 4K player versus a 1.2K player 1.3. I do let you know if you see this enemy I see, Him. The first time I watched this, I saw this guy.

Did you see him right here? That's where he's right over here. I saw him over to the left side right here. I'm expecting him to be somewhere over this way, so my eyes kind of went there, and I will see him right here. That's where he is; he's right there. Knowing that information, we played the head glitch right here.

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Unfortunately, she ends up going down, so I hope you found today's article helpful. As I say, let's get better today, and I will see

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Today we're taking a look at one of the biggest reasons why you can't consistently drop 20 kill games in Warzone 2.
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