News - Weapon Rarity Vs Pack-a-punch: Which Is Better. Warzone 2 Zombies

aether tool

If you've played zombies, you know pack-a-punch: the higher the pack-a-punch, the better. Sometimes you'll get some hidden benefits; you get the extra ammo, etc. Please thank you. So right now we have a gray Hoger 26—not pack-a-punched at all, not even really built for zombies—just pretty standard, so what we're going to find is a non-armored zombie, and we're just going to start shooting them.

We're pretty much never going to kill this zombie this way, so that's your standard damage in Tier 3. When you jump up to an uncommon ether tool or the green ones, you'll now get 50% more damage, so 150% or one and a half times damage, so watch as I stick that on. Still not going to get you far in Tier 3, but you can see it is doing more damage if I start unloading on him.

Okay, we're actually at least draining his health a tiny bit, jumping forward to the rare ether tool or the blue one that jumps to 100% more damage or double damage from the regular gray gun, so now, as you can see, as we shoot him, he gets a little more damage, and you start shooting them there. You see, it's still not going to get you through three at all, but it's better now that epic or purple is three times damage.

black ops 2

Okay, now we're starting to do a little bit of damage again. This isn't going to get you through tier three, but remember, we haven't pack-a-punched at all yet. Now, when you go to the legendary ether tool or gold, you're going to do 300% more damage, also known as four times the damage of your gray.

black ops ii

There he is. Suddenly, you can kind of get through if you start throwing some head shots in. You can kind of get through tier three if you really, really need to, so if we switch it over to full auto, we're still kind of far away from this. Anyways, you say like okay, not bad but we can kill a zombie in tier three if we need to so that's four times damage but where it begins to get interesting is Pack-A-Punch, so Pack-a-Punch the raw ethereum Crystal or Pack-a-Punch one will take you to double damage will also double or sometimes quadruple, your magazine capacity and increase your reserves quite a bit so we do that right, now we have 120 rounds we got 600 on reserves but what the game doesn't tell you is that when you Pack-A-Punch for level one it does two times the damage however it does two times the damage, of your current gun so we already have a four times multiply with the legendary ether tool we just pack-a-punched one so now it's 2 * 4 damage Dage, so we're with one pack-a-punch and gold ether; we're now doing eight times more damage; if we had the pack-a-punch and only the uncommon ether, you're only doing three times more damage, so you see how it's changing quite rapidly, so let's take a normal.

Zombie, all right now suddenly you can handle that right now when you go to refined ethereum Crystal or Pack-a-Punch level two, that is four times multiplier, so with Pack-a-Punch is you need to think of them as multipliers, not as a damage increase, so Pack-a-Punch level two is four times the damage of whatever your current gun damage is, so now we have four times the damage with their gold ether tool times four the raw ethereum Crystal or Pack-a-Punch 2 now you have 16 times damage cuz that's what 4 Time 4 is, so now watch if we try to take this.


Zombie, you see the difference there now again if we only had a purple tool that's only three times damage that's three times four that's 12 times damage versus 16 so the higher you get in Pack-a-Punch is you're going to get a multiplied higher level off your Rarity or your ether, tools, so even like this guy little zombie, look at the damage on that, so this is 16 times damage.

Now our last one is Pack-A-Punch 3, or your flawless ethereum crystal, which obviously you can do at the Pack-a-Punch machine. Also, the Pack-A-Punch for the raw floss theum crystal is an eight-time multiplier, so eight times damage. If we had a gray gun, it would just be eight times stronger off the rip, but we have the four-time stronger gold ether tools, so 8 Time 4 is now 32, so again, let's shoot this guy a couple times.

cod mw3

This is level two with gold, still powerful, and watch level three with gold. Look at that, bump that into full auto, and this isn't even like a great zombie gun. I just got it because it has a lot of rounds and can be auto or single. Look at that; suddenly you can handle Tier 3, so the important thing to remember is that the Pack-A-Punch is a multiplier of your weapon damage, and that includes the ether tool damage that gets added.

On now, Tier 3, not a big deal, so let's go to our regular gun. Here now, we're not going to be able to kill anybody with this gun, so let's go pack-a-punch. See what we can do now. We're still gray on this one, so this should only be two times damag. So even with the kimbos, you can technically kill somebody now, but it's not great, right?

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So let's go pack a punch. Okay, it's doing slightly more damage, not a lot more, but I mean, you could theoretically kill somebody with this right, then you go Pack-a-Punch three, so that's four times more damage, and now we're at eight times more damage. Remember, our weapon rarity is still completely normal; it's still gray, so now with Pack-a-Punch 3 with the Aimos, you can get a few kills in Tier 3, but as soon as you start stacking that ether tool, that's what's going to completely change the game for you.


So a couple thoughts on this: the first thought, wait a second. I don't know you could glitch the Mega here; that's kind of cool, so we're in this area here and the Mega's just chilling. I don't know if this works for all Megas, but it's definitely working for this one, I would say. The Ether tools are definitively more important than Pack-a-Punch in terms of acquiring items or schematics.

The reason being that any round you can always use Essence. To upgrade your Pack-a-Punch to Tier 3, you really only need 30, 000; it's 5, 000 for the first level, 10, 000 for the second, and 15 for the third. If you get 30, 000 Essence, which once you get good at the game, is not hard to do, you can Pack-a-Punch 3.

modern warfare 3 zombies

But you cannot spend money to upgrade your weapon. Rarity with an ether tool can only be found or crafted now; they're not hard to find, especially if you're running high-tier contracts, but keep that in mind when you're looking at items and things like that. I would say an epic or a legendary ether tool is far more valuable than a refined ethereum crystal or a flawless ethereum crystal.

That being said, if you can get both, it's way better because you save 30 minutes of grinding time. You can just go and do whatever you want if you come in with the gold ether tool in a flawless ethereum crystal, which you can check out in my duplication articles if you're into that right here. If you're not totally fine, keep that grind going.

Also read:
OneAverageDan breaks down weapon rarity and pack-a-punch and exactly how the damage stacks and works together in MW3 Zombies.
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