News - Watch This Before Going Into The "new" Dark Aether Warzone 2 Zombies

mw3 zombies dark aether bunny locations

Don't be afraid to run out of here. get yourself a little bit more time kind of round them up a little bit and then jump back in you can get them all lined up here we've got another energy mine ready to go here and then like we always say take your time do this that's not very good bled is it now the last contract, is on top of the mall, right here and one of my favorite ways of getting up on top of the mall is going to be right through here it's just down the road, you use this ladder and then you come up through here and then through this garage, you just come up right here and this connects to the roof of the mall just like so and then if you take a left and on the front or back of the mall wherever this is there's nice little stair steps as if it was made just for you to climb on top of it and then right up here to the Bunny and the mall is in this corner of the map right here and this contract.

Is always going to be the ether extractor. Contract now this is the contract that I really don't Dally with; I just use Casmir on, so that's why I think I'm a little heavy on Casmir. I think if you're a more skilled player than I am, you don't really need all these Kazmirs. But in my opinion, it's just a little bit more efficient.

mw3 zombies dark aether contracts

I like I said I don't want to take the chance you want to throw your Casmir, so that way when you're overloading these extractors, you're not getting hit by zombies because if the zombies are on the other side of the extractor they don't get affected by the Casmir, we'll use an energy mine here because we've got some boss zombies here we're going to try to take out kind of train them around here my there's so many so many zombies here like I said they could throw a whole bunch of zombies at you boy some manglers, here throw another thing here another energy mine, man we're just going to we're just going to throw Casmir here that's all right we'll just do that overload it and there you go you're all good.

Just like that, you're done with those manglers, man. They're no joke. So the faster you are, the less you'll have to deal with those manglers and boss zombies here, but now we can take a tour of the map here, so we spawned right over there underneath that balcony, and if you come down this street, this is where we fought the Mega Abomination.

mw3 zombies dark aether keys

If you come right over here, you can see there's another, dark ether exit portal right here; that's an Xville Porter right down there in the Mist, which is pretty cool, additionally. In this building, right here, we have another exit portal. Look at that right inside this building; there it is. You can see it just peeking through the door right here.

Just yep, dark ether exits right there. Here is a potential Pack-a-Punch location. You can see we're right next to where we ended this contract on the top of this building right here. In this section of the map, there's a potential pack-a-punch spawn location. If you're wondering where the Wonder Fizz is, well, if you look really hard, you can see it is floating in the air.

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Right here, you can jump on top of it. You can get all of your perks right here. I don't know exactly how you're supposed to get to it without the scorcher; that's a little silly, but if you have the scorcher, it's right there now. Right across or right up the street is this building right here, and this building is going to be special because this is also a potential spawn location.

mw3 zombies dark aether rift

For the pack-a-punch machine, I believe it'll be right around here now. I guess I do know how you're supposed to get the Wonder Fizz machine because right over here there tends to be a rift, really commonly. Right in this corner right here, like I said, just up the road now, in addition to that, in this building right here there is our third Xville port portal.

Right here is pretty cool, and the mall right here is just like the story of Mission, a huge infested stronghold, so there's a bunch of ammo caches in there. It's the typical infested stronghold, but when you come up to the start of it the beginning of it, yet again, we have another one of these ether tears.

mw3 zombies dark aether solo

And that'll get you way on top of the map right here now in this very top right corner of the map right around there that is going to be another potential Pack-a-Punch, location moving just a little to the north here you could see just right there we have our fourth [__]] fourth and final Xville portal right there, pretty darn cool moving West, we can see we have the soccer field or the stadium or whatever it is here, but just a little to the north.

I believe in these buildings somewhere. Ah yes you can see right there is the dog housee if you need or if you have flesh or if you need a dog in here you can get some flesh and put it in that dogghouse right there that is going to be, in right around here it actually has cool dogghouse right there cool so in the top corner of the map right there now inside the stadium there's not too many things but there is one really cool thing if you haven't seen it before you have this rock you can interact with right here then on the left side of the stadium, right over here we have another one of these rocks we can interact with and then on the front here front side of the stadium on the left we have the last rock that we can interact with and that is going to start an instrumental, version, of 115.

mw3 zombies dark aether solo easy

And you can see the big difference between this and even Tier 3 with how many zombies spawn and respawn right next to you. You do not get much time on your own here. This dark ether is a lot easier than the other dark ether it's a lot more wide open but it's still the dark ether it's still going to be intense it's still going to have a lot of zombies coming at you and clearly even if you're experienced you can easily go down just stay on your feet and knowledge, is power and actually here's the last little thing there's a little bonus hidden cash right there isn't that nice look a green weapon you can get a green weapon in the dark ether isn't that crazy but as I said most of the skill most of the success you're going to have is by how set up you are I could have gotten easily two four more Casmir and just made this an absolute Cakewalk, or I could have you know actually used the scorcher but you know for the authenticity of the article I didn't want to use it aggressively.

mw3 zombies dark aether solo guide

Now part of that setup process is using the right gun for the dark ether, and if you don't know what gun to use, I found one that is absolutely addicting. Be sure to check it out here and stay. Beautiful, **

The New Dark Aether Rift for Season 2 of MW3 Zombies takes place in Sa'id City but before you go in, you're going to need to know where the contracts are, where the pack a punch machine is, der wunderfizz, and even some aether tears.
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