News - Warzone's New Resurgence Map And Mode


You can see the pois look pretty much exactly the same; we've got keep and we've got Terrace's. We've got Lighthouse, and the map is mostly the same with just a few changes, such as Winery, which has a little bit of a chasm or fissure; you can actually go right down into the wine. Celler which is a cool addition as well as ground zero being a little bit bigger and if you remember Fortune Keep it had that huge gap in the center of the map that you could kind of go into, take the zip out of that is still largely here with a little bit of a different color scheme, little bit of a different matap but it's the same fortune keep that you know and love here's a little bit of the rules from my friend Majin here on how this works exactly so there's not going to be any toxic load out in ranked but regular fortunes keep of course you can so no shotguns No one shot snipers, riot shields, or things of that nature, which I think is good CU.

If you want to play a rank play, you want to feel fair; you want to feel like it's the same game that everybody can play by the rules, if you think about the CDL. Right, you don't get to use whatever you want; you have to use the same SMG and AR loadout, which makes it really based on your gun skill, your knowledge, and your movement.

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That's whether you win the gunfight and not some stupid broken shotgun. So I don't know what you guys think, but I feel like this is a great overall map on your screen. Here is the new Fortune's Keep Resurgence map, except it's the same one that you and I really loved in War Zone 1, with enough changes that it kind of feels like a new map, and this game play is courtesy of Lucky Chamu.

fortunes keep

Thank you, Lucky. I appreciate you, Lucky, and a few other creators, including TCAP. Joo Swag Repul and some other guys that you know got flown out to test this out, and they're all saying that this mode played really well and they're excited about it. Well, what exactly is this mode, and what does it look like?

Well, as you can see, the Oldtown area of Fortune Keep looks pretty similar to what we're used to. The only difference is that now throughout the map there are different fissures and chasms, and if you go to a winery, there's actually a hole in the ground that you can now go directly into the wine cellar, as well as turn on the water in there so that it kind of flows up and everything floats on top of the water.

I was trying to find some gameplay of it, but I couldn't, so when this drops on February 7th. I'll be here live on YouTube showcasing how to do everything and how to get into it, and I honestly can't wait for next week. Just can't come soon enough, but some other things that you guys are going to want to know about this mode with Fortune Keep are that there's supposedly going to be a public lobby and ranked lobby for Fortune Keep; there will be no ranked play for Resurgence on Battle Royale Ukhan and nothing on Vond Ora.

fortunes keep 3

It's literally only going to be on Fortune's Keep, and I think that this is a good balance because Fortune's Keep has 51 people, which is a good balance. It's not 40, like Aika, or 45, like Aika; it's a decent balance; not too many, like Vond having 70, which means that the lobbies are going to be super competitive.

And I think that is a good thing because, what is the number one thing that people say about Resurgence players, especially professional Resurgence players? They play in bot lobbies; they can't do it on the main stage. I think this is an experience for if you were a casual player who doesn't play the game much and wants to get into competitive Call of Duty.

fortunes keep back

I just went to my first Call of Duty major this past weekend, and I absolutely love the atmosphere. I love seeing competitive Call of Duty, and I think Resurgence is the future of Call of Duty. I think that in Battle Royale, a lot of people don't want to sit and spectate their teammate; they don't want to wait forever to get into fights, so I've been saying for a long time that ranked Resurgence should come to the game, and I had quite a few people say that they thought I was crazy and that they don't even like this update to begin with.

They think that this is not going to work; it's not going to be good, but there is a feature called the death fee, and what that means is that anytime you have to respawn in rank resurgence, you're actually going to lose Sr, so Sr, if you didn't know, is basically points that you can get to the game to move up through the different ranks (Silver-Gold Iridescent.

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Top 250, etc.). As you move up those ranks, you'll get things like cool skins, know different things, like different weapon blueprints, and all good rewards, and I think Resurgence is a really good combination for this. As you go into the iridescent top 250, you're going to lose points for dying.

fortunes keep is back

Sr, and I think that this is going to be a more competitive experience because people are going to be playing closer together; it's not going to feel like your pub lobbies, but for those of you that don't want ranked Resurgence, boom, you now Fortune's keep that you can play, so I think this update with the four different weapons that we're going to be getting a new map ranked Resurgence a bunch of different, tuning.

Bunch of different user interface quality of life changes I think that season 2 is going to be such a great update. I mean, you can kind of see Fortune keep in the background here and what it looks like now. It's very similar but a little bit more of a chasm in that center of the map, a little bit of a different color palette.

fortunes keep update

I don't mind the color palette here. A lot of people are saying, You know, I wish this could be like War Zone 1. I want the movement. I want the feel and look of War Zone 1. You know, this still looks like War Zone 2. It still looks like War Zone 3. But obviously, it's fortune's keep. It's the map that we all love, and a lot of people, I think, are just going to love this update because of the fact that they have something familiar about having a map that they really enjoy.

A lot of people feel like Vond is sort of a camping simulator. Personally, I like Vondal. I think it plays well; it's got a lot of players in it, and the pace is decent in the Battle Royale mode, which was cool for dropping nukes and having a little bit more of a slower play style, but Fortune's Keep is the real revival that we're used to from War Zone 1.

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And even though it's not exactly the same, it's similar enough, and I. One thing that I think a lot of people are going to take away from this is that they think Rebirth Island is probably going to change when it comes to the game. Do you hope that Rebirth Island drops exactly as it is? Do you think rebirth should have been ranked?

Fortune's Keep is finally back in Warzone, but THAT'S NOT AT ALL! Ranked Resurgence is coming to Warzone for the FIRST TIME EVER and here's EVERYTHING you need to know! It is returning on February 7th with Warzone's Season 2 Update.
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