News - Warzone Top 5 Meta Loadouts Season 2. Warzone Best Class Setups

after update

In today's article, we're going over the top five metal loadouts to use in season 2. We've gone through all the patch updates and patch notes. There's been so many different changes, but I got everything for you guys here today. The first gun we're taking a look at here today is going to be the Ram 7.

The Ram 7 is still going to be incredibly good here after the update we have a kind of revised build here for, and so it's not going to deal with using that Jack BFB. Though you guys can definitely still use that, let's get into our ideal build here for this gun. The first attachment is going to be the VT7 spe fire suppressor, which keeps us off the radar.

Our recoil control, all bullet velocity, and of course our damage range are all really great things to have on the ram 7. You guys can still definitely run the Jack BFB if you really want to, but just kind of keep in mind that will be like your zero recoil build, as opposed to this one's going to have a little bit of recoil, but it's going to obviously keep you off the radar, so just kind of keep that in mind, so that's going to be our first attachment right there.


Next up, we're going to go into the barrel section, and we're going to go through on the xrk, core Mark 40 heavy barrel, helping us out with that gun kick control, aiming idle sway recoil control, and of course blow velocity and range. You lose a little bit of your overall mobility, but it's not something we're too concerned with here.

As we can see, we get a plus 12 and 13 and a 15% increase on our effective minimum damage range, and of course, our bullet velocity and recoil control help out by 5 and 8%, respectively, so overall, this is a really solid barrel to have because this is primarily like a Resurgence-style assault rifle that you can, you know, have great success with on the big map.


This is definitely a little bit more geared towards Resurgence just because you're utilizing the iron sights, so this is going to be our second attachment. Now we go on down into the under Section and we're going to go find a bar under that's going to really help stabilize the gun out and that is going to be the brew and heavy support grip so this is going to help us out that gun kick control aiming idle sway of course horizontal recoil and firing aiming stability, and I want to point this out though in terms of like your aiming idle sway a lot of guns actually got a pretty serious buff here and that which helps out mouse and keyboard players so if you are on mouse and keyboard it'll help you out and just of course controller there'll be a lot less aim idle sway for some of these guns and when you zoom in so things should feel a little bit more Snappy in that regard, but moving forward here we have the Brun heavy support grip which is really solid and helps us out with 12% and 11%.

modern warfare 3

Or just a general recoil gun kick and our horizontal, though you do gain a little bit of vertical at 4%. It's not something we're worried about at all because a ram 7 is very easy to be able to control and especially with a little bit of aim assist and rotational aim assist I mean you're able to stay on target, now as we move on down here to the magazine section we're going to go throw on the 60 round drum of course this is what we run no reason you should ever run the 40 doesn't matter if you're playing solos or Duos or whatever it matters just always go for that 60 that is just the way to go so go for that 60 round mag and lastly we're going to go on back here to the stock section and we're to throw on the HS 3.4, pad then this is going to help us out that General gun kick control and recoil control and we can jump into our extensive stats there our you know detailed stats we get a plus 20%.

And 8% on those, so that 4% we got from that vertical is not something we're worried about at all. We have the HPS 3.4 pad, which will take care of any and all of that sort of issue, so this is going to be my full build right here. Definitely try this one out. Ram 7 is fantastic after the update.


The next one we're taking a look at is going to be the AR9. So this gun for whatever reason did actually not get nerfed in any capacity and it is the fastest ttk SMG in the game the HRM got nerfed, that's still going to be really good but the amr9 is definitely like the number one meta SMG for you guys to be able to run so let's give you guys the build here for it first thing we're going to go straight into that Barrel section and we're actually going to go throw on the tectonic micro integral suppressor, so what this is going to do is going to keep us off the radar help us Sprint to fire speed our aim down sight speed and of course our aim walking speed it's really nice because this does help with our overall Mobility but of course because it is an integral suppressor, it keeps you off the radar it's a nice little two for one attachment making you faster at close range and keeping you off the radar which is pretty sick, now we're going to go on down here to endow section you going to throw on the dr6.

season 2

Hand stop so this is going to help just pretty much exclusively, with our overall Mobility for aim walking speed ads speed Sprint to Fire and of course movement speed making you just feel a little bit faster and running around it's going to be behind my face cam here but we get an increase of 4 and 10% 9%, 9% and 8%, on our respective categories here of those ones in the pros so this is just overall fantastic and it makes you feel better at close range kind of able to Bob and weave dive around a little bit and that's I mean that's huge thing when it comes down to you know outplay ability in war zone is being able to move and having an SMG that's mobile is pretty crucial so we got that on there for our second attachment, now we're going down to the magazine we're throwing on the 50 round mag not the 100 round drum I know some people go for the 100 but I don't believe it's not like it was the wsp Swarm and Prime meta swarm.


You pretty much only need the 50 rounds on this thing, though you can. If you want to have some fun with it, you can you want to have some fun with it you can definitely go for the 100. I'm not going to stop you, but you will be a decent bit slower than running the 50. In my opinion, I think the 50 is perfect; you don't need to go any higher or lower, for that matter, for the 30 or the 20.

20 is ridiculous. I don't know why on God's screen Earth you'd ever go for that, but 50 is definitely a way to go. Now we're going back here to the optic section because the iron sights are pretty garbanzo beans—pretty trash. We don't really want to deal with that, so you guys go for something like a slight reflector, which would be a really good option, and one of my other personal favorites if we scroll down here just a little bit is going to be the Nar model 2023, or the MK3 reflector.

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