News - Warzone: Top 5 Best Assault Rifle Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Meta Weapons

New top 5 best assault rifle loadouts in warzone after new update!

New top 5 best assault rifle loadouts in warzone after new update!

ladies and gentlemen. The rifle category here in War Zone is becoming a lot more competitive after some of the recent meta updates, and so with that, today I wanted to break down the top five best assault rifle loadouts you want to be using right now. We're starting.

Warzone best stb 556 loadout after update

The first one you might not realize is that good, but it's the stb, 556, from Modern Warfare 2.

The only real drawback is its magazine capacity, because other than that, it has low recoil and actually has a ridiculously competitive TTK. Over the mid- to long-range, there are some of the other best options that we're going to be talking about in this article, so don't be sleeping on the STB 556.

modern warfare 3

This thing is actually very, very good, so initially here I am using the 2.5-times Eagle Eye. You're going to see this on the majority of the setups here today. This is my choice for mid- to long-range optics. It's super clean. Super accurate if there is one that you like more than this, though always go for comfortability, so just keep that in mind.

Now, as mentioned, magazine capacity is a problem. Here, 42 rounds is the max, and it's got a decent fire rate, so you are running out of ammo. Its damage per mag is not phenomenal despite the ttk being great, and that's why this is at number five as opposed to, you know, number three or number two, right?

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But 42 is sufficient. You can make it work; it just takes some time to get used to that. Rune heavy support under the barrel of course hurts your vertical attack bit and your ads, but you're getting better gun kicks, so less visual recoil, and better horizontal control, which makes the pattern more predictable, and that's really clutch in the long run.

I've got the rear guard barrel, which just helps out with velocity and range. It's already super low recoil, so no control benefit here is not really a huge deal, plus we're using the Spirit Fire suppressor, which is even better control, better velocity, and better range, so it's helping out there with that three-in-one combo.

Like I said, this thing is a slept-on gun. Not many people are looking at this as a top choice, but it's actually surprisingly good.

Warzone best chimera loadout after update

Warzone best chimera loadout after update

Another weapon I feel like people might be sleeping on is the Chimera in terms of rifles for the close to mid-range. Really, there's no better option than this. This thing's got a ridiculously fast TTK in its first damage range, so it's more like a sniper support-style assault rifle. Build this on honestly is a go-to for sure, so initially here for some close to mid-range I do like the Elos site, the MK3, reflector if you like a nidar more, a slate, or even if you want to go for a 2.5.


You absolutely could use that; instead, there are certainly plenty of options for that. The 45-round mag is also the max here, and the fire rate's not too crazy, so this is sufficient for sure. Even in things like trios and quads, it'll get the job done just fine. I do use the angle under Barrel in this case; it's got similar pros to the Breu heavy support; it's not going to do as much for your gun kick, but it's still helping out with horizontal, which is super important, and it's not actually hurting your ad speed; it's only hurting your vertical controls, so good payoffs for very minimal with that one.

I've also got the vorpal barrel on here, which helps out with range, and then also your general movement speed, which is just a tad bit, so it makes it a little bit more aggressive, and lastly, you have some options here for your suppressors or your compensators. Shadow strike if you're comfortable with a control works fine; it's not going to slow you down obviously anymore, so it still stays aggressive, and it just keeps you off the radar.

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Spirit Fire is obviously always great for that 3 in 1 combo. If you're okay with slow ads, it's a 20% decrease, and that's not super great for a close to mid-range gun, but if you're okay with slower ads, you could also go all the way in on the Jack BFB. It's a 10% decrease in your ads, but it's giving you crazy control, so you could be super accurate with that if you were interested in that too, so you certainly have options.

It just depends on your level of comfortability. With the gun either way, this thing is going to be really good as we get into the top three here.

Warzone best holger 556 loadout after update

Warzone best holger 556 loadout after update

It really does help the channel grow, but at number three here, taking home that bronze medal got the hogre 556. They did actually just buff this close range option, like the close range damage is a little bit better, but obviously it's really meant from mid to long range, where again it's limited in magazine capacity, but it's also arguably the easiest gun to use in the game.

This thing is so low recoil, so even though you only have 40 rounds, you're still going to be a laser beam with this thing, and it's got a really competitive ttk, especially within the category itself, so again. I've got the 2.5 times. Eagle ey, the 40-round mag as I mentioned is the max, which is just a bummer in general, but you can make do with it for sure.

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Bruin heavy support here; no surprises. I've also got the spirit fire suppressor yet again, but once more, if you're okay with the, you know, loudness showing up on the map, it's that advanced UAV ping and a slight slowdown to your mobility. Jack BFB is always an option these days, and lastly, I do go for the Cryos 6 Match Barrel. This is that 3 in 1 range velocity and control, yet again, just increasing that efficiency in the mid to long range where we're going to be using this the most, but as a rifle, this thing's pretty versatile; it's pretty aggressive, and even something built like this can definitely get the job done in a variety of ways.

Warzone best sva 545 loadout after patch

Warzone best sva 545 loadout after patch

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