News - Warzone: The Major Season 2 Reloaded Update

All season 2 reloaded update details for warzone & mw3

All season 2 reloaded update details for warzone & mw3

Of course, the season 2 reloaded update, or the midseason update for season 2, as it's also known, is actually going to be a pretty significant update across the board in terms of content and gameplay updates alike, whether we're talking multiplayer. Warzone, or even zombies, and so today we're going through everything.

Warzone/mw3 season 2 reloaded release date

That we currently know about season 2 reloaded and starting with when the update's actually going to happen, and as I'm recording this article, there has been no official time frame released for it, but they've also previewed several different things happening in season, and especially with the event schedule, you know, from a week-to-week basis.

It does seem like, with how they've previewed those March 6th is going to be the most likely launch date for season 2 reloaded, but that's still up in the air, so if we get any further clarification on that.

All modern warfare 3 season 2 reloaded content & updates

All modern warfare 3 season 2 reloaded content & updates

March 6th does seem to be the most likely time frame for that based off of all the context clues that we have, but then jumping into the actual update-specific content. Every mode is getting a decent amount of updates with this. Let's start first with the multiplayer side of things, then we'll work our way into the more universal stuff going between war zone zombies and then the entire game's new content.

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So for Modern Warfare 3, we've got a couple of new map updates happening with season 2 reloaded. The first of which is going to be the return of Dos House, as you may remember. This is actually a map from Vanguard, one of the better maps for grinding camos and getting a lot of kills just because it is another small map they are remastering, but it's going to be on top of a skyscraper.

mid season update

So this just means I'm going to be able to fall off the map more, woohoo. But it is going to be fun to have this back. There's not going to be any destruction, as the developers did tell us in a call earlier on, so it's not going to be like one of Vanguard's Dos houses, but the layout will be roughly the same.

We also have some new variant maps dropping alongside, a new event with season 2 reloaded, so we have like the whole Decay event coming up. It's going to change around some of the maps. Skid Grow is going to be Skid Row, but it's all overgrown and infested, so it's going to look different. It's probably not going to play all that differently, but visually, it'll be a little bit fresh.

Then there is Airborne, which is like an infested terminal. Essentially, there's hives all over the place; there's like spores and whatnot, so they just look a little bit creepier and eerier. Is that the correct word to use? We're going to run with it, so the gameplay on those maps won't probably change all that much, but they will look different when you're jumping in there.

We also got a couple of new modes dropping from Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer. As well, with season 2 reloaded, including the return of Bounty, which basically glorifies Team Deathmatch, it's still TDM. However, the leader in kills on each team is marked by having a flag on them; they are the bounty; they're the high-value target, so you get some extra points when you go through and you eliminate that hvt, and that can obviously update throughout the game.

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If one person ends up overtaking another in terms of kills, they then become the bounty in the HVT for that team, so it's kind of a more aggressive TDM. I guess you could say then personally that I'm really interested in this one just for the sheer enjoyment that you're going to get out of running around with the style of characters, Jugger Mosh.

This is basically a mosh pit mode where every player is a juggernaut. So the health is going to go crazy here, and I'm really curious to see how that affects Gunplay. Gunfights: what kind of builds are people using? It's going to be a pretty significant twist on general gameplay here, so Jugger MOS is another one to look out for.

All modern warfare 3 zombies season 2 reloaded updates

All modern warfare 3 zombies season 2 reloaded updates

We then shift focus to some of the zombie-oriented content, and quite frankly, the only updates that zombies are getting throughout all of season 2 are happening with season 2 reloaded, so this is a big zombie update. All things considered, although big in Zombies isn't necessarily compared to, you know, multiplayer or war zone, there is much more significant, it seems, but we are getting a decent amount of zombies content updates here with the midseason update initially.

We are getting a new story act here, so you'll have some new objectives and some new quests to go through and complete, and there will be specific rewards for those that'll continue on the overall storyline. There's also going to be a new dark ether rift. You'll be able to go into the map and teleport to this new Rift area and take on the new adventures that then brings to the story and brings to Gam Playay.

modern warfare 3

There's also going to be some new challenges and new schematics, so there's going to be VR1, a wonder weapon schematic that you can actually get from the mags of the holding schematic, which is basically. You never have to reload when you have this active. Your ammo from your stash is constantly being resupplied into your current magazine, so you never have to take the time to reload, so using something like an LM with 200 rounds on it can go crazy with this because you never have to stop holding down the trigger there.

Then there's also going to be a bloodbender key schematic as well, which is quite literally just the key to the motorcycle, so you can easily get that if you want that in a game, so pretty standard there for the schematics, but there are some fun ones, and lastly, there is going to be a new warlord called KS. Hopefully I'm pronouncing that correctly, and this is like a tactical, poison-based boss that's going to be up at the Orov military base area, and there's going to be like all sorts of different traps with poison grenades and trip wires and stuff like that, so you'll want to have a gas mask when you end up pushing through and trying to attack K's in the game, then let's shift focus over to the war zone, and as we get into this part of the conversation, a quick reminder if you are new to the channel every single day.

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