News - Warzone Season 3 Update. Rebirth Island, Weapon Balancing, What's The Meta, And More

It is a one-shot head shot up to its first damage range, and with the right attachments, you can extend this even farther. You can also build it to have pretty decent handling, and it seems like it's probably going to be a little bit better than the XRK stalker. Now this again is not a Kar98. It's not like a crazy-fast, quick-spotting sniper, but for what we have in the game, this is probably going to be the best one.

So now let me very quickly go through what guns were buffed and nerfed. So these are the patch notes for Call of Duty for this season. So the Ram 7E caught a very big Nerf; it is no longer going to be the meta assault rifle. It'll be okay, but definitely not the meta-small Nerf of the DG 56; it already wasn't that good, so it's not worth using.

warzone 3 loadout

Lockman 556 from MW2 did get a small buff; it'll be decent, but definitely nowhere near meta. M113 C from MW2 got a small buff again, nowhere near meta, but maybe decent. F-Advancer very small buff again, not meta; Tempest Razer back small buff again, not meta; all the MTP2 guns none of these right now are going to be anywhere near the meta or the best guns, but they are trying to slowly buff those up looking at the battle rifles.

The bass B did get a pretty hard Nerf; it was decent before but definitely not worth using now. The MTZ 762 also caught a Nerf; it was good again, probably not going to be great now with the SO8 subverter. Now this did get a Nerf. However, with some of these changes that we found. I actually think the SOA subverter is and is going to probably be a fantastic gun, minus its pretty slow handling, slow aim-down sight speed, and slow sprint to fire.

warzone 3 meta

But the averter is going to be a very, very good gun. Sidewinder, I did get another buff. Sidewinder is again a weird gun that shoots very slowly. It'll be decent if you can hit your shots, but it's a hard gun to use, all right? Lots of changes to SMGs so the main two here the ram 9 the amr9. They killed these guns huge Nerfs do not use either the ram 9 or the amr 9 they are simply not worth using anymore I do not know why they Nerf these so hard all of these other SMGs rival 9 hram 9 Striker 9 wp9 wcp swarm, all of these got small Nerfs to their Sprint fire time so the time it takes to run and bring that gun down very small Nerfs to all these not quite sure why they did that though the striker nine however got a buff to its range and I think the striker 9 is going to be my initial like top SMG right now at first glance I think Striker 9 and HRM 9 are going to be my top two I think wp9 will be a great option as well.

Now we did get some small Buffs to some MW2. SMGs, and the mx9 Lockman Sub Bass P, but again, none of these are going to be top-tier meta; they just might be fun to use if you want to use something else, moving on to the lmgs. We, the Brewin, got a Nerf tartic and got a buff, which I think will be a good option.

warzone 3 rebirth island

Probably not meta, but a very good option. Tac evolver has a small Nerf, which will definitely be a good option, but it is probably not meta for Resurgence rapage, ACR, and Raal. All have adjustments; again, none of these are going to be meta, but they'll be okay to use. Tempest torrent got a small Nerf that wasn't that good before; not sure why they nerfed it again.

Snipers now all of these snipers actually got small Nerfs to their aim down speed, so they made them even slower, which is unfortunate, but again. Mo Sniper is the new one that's the best sniper to use right now. I think, and then a few small changes, to some of the pistols. Retti got a buff, and the wp.

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Stinger a kimbos also got a buff. Now I won't keep going into too much detail, but one here I want one thing I want to point out is the SL razor Hawk laser light. This got a buff so that the flashlight and laser are not visible at the hip. I think this attachment will be phenomenal to use on a lot of SMGs and snipers.

warzone 3 season 3 update

Also some other notable attachments that got changed in vt7 spear fire, where everyone uses a small Nerf to avoid the sprint of fire penalty. The DR6 handstop got a small Nerf to the ads; movement speed is still a great option for SMGs, and then the brewing and heavy support grip that everyone uses on their long-range recoil control attachments got a small Nerf to how much recoil control it does as well.

You really quickly want to cover some of the equipment, like lethals and tacticals, that got above that, change the sexes, and get a small Nerf breacher drone adjusted. Claymores got a big buff. Claymores are looking really strong right now. Molotov, buffed drill charge, adjusted, or, I'm sorry, drill charges got a nice buff.

warzone best loadout

The therm grenade buffed proxim mine got adjusted, but overall a buff C4 is buffed, so overall I'm still going to probably run throwing knives for Resurgence, but if you're a more passive player. Claymores and Prox Mines are both looking pretty good. Gs., that is g gs. This website is free to use.

There are some premium features, but the majority of this stuff is totally free to use, and we have created an algorithm that literally ranks guns and gives them a score, so you're going to see 10 out of 10 out of 10 9.89, and it ranks these guns by a meta category—a category that goes all the way down to BCD F, and you can sort by close range or long range.

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You can sort by different builds, all sorts of stuff, and it's going to give you the loadout for these we can compare, the builds for these you can compare, so if we add some, you can look at TTK charts. You can look at a bunch of different stats here. Again, the loadout has more STS to compare. I'm going to be doing a more updated article when we get a little bit more information.

warzone meta

But here's my quick summary of what my top weapons are: for close range, the Striker 9 and HRM 9 are kind of my top two right now. This Striker 9 build is a ton of fun. The same HRM 9 build that we've been using for a while is also going to be another one that's really solid. There are some other options, but those are kind of my top ones for long-range right now.

SOA subverters are looking really, really good, and then the MTZ 556 is another great option. There's plenty of other good long-range options, but they're kind of my rough top two, and then that more sniper is going to be incredible, L good as well again. Feel free to check this out yourself. Gs, but make sure you're subscribed because I'm going to be doing an updated, in-depth article of the top loadouts here in the next few days, and we'll have tons of loadout articles, settings articles, and guides to get better at the game.

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We also stream here on YouTube, so if you're new here, maybe drop a subscription and come sayo in the stream. I'm going to leave you guys to watch the rest of this gameplay. This is my first 20-bomb on Rebirth since we've been back. Overall, I had a lot of fun today. I'm curious to see what you guys think, but I am very excited to be back on Rebirth Island.

Rebirth Island Resurgence is BACK in the Call of Duty Warzone 3 update! In this video we cover the new weapons FJX Horus SMG, the 1 shot MORS snipers, weapon buffs and nerfs, what's the new meta, and more! Become a YouTube Member to receive exclusive perks.
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