News - Warzone Season 2 Bringing Resurgence Ranked, Zombies And The Walking Dead

Plural, so blank is available via several blank multiple blanks and also active throughout the area of operation, so we'll see as time goes on, but more surprises in this context seem fun, interesting, and engaging. I'm in then war zone continues by adding a new tracker, the squad WIP streak, so this is going to be tracked both in game and in your long-term stats, so if you once you fully eliminate a team, you get one point for the squad white streak, you then have 90 seconds to kill a second squad, and that jumps up to two, but then every time you kill a squad.

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A white flare goes up to let everybody know you're getting to work and you better go get them, so that's actually going to attract both in-game and across the board in your long-term stats, so it'll be one more way of rewarding people for being aggressive, not camping. Then they threw in a few more additional features.

The first is the research vessel, a mobile point of interest in Fortune's key, so this is going to be a giant ship of some sort that's moving around, says helipad, ascenders, a variety of countermeasures, and more blank to discover what it is. Wonder Weapons I don't know, but that's going to be a moving point of interest and then a new kill streak, The Bunker Buster, so use binoculars to designate a target.

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This is designed to be one of those missiles that just absolutely level a building, but they're not actually going to destroy the buildings. When you hit that building on top, it's going to damage everything, and then you put gas inside the building to force people out of that building. This would be really valuable in-game.

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Just that one building left in the safe area where you could bomb It fills it with gas, forces everybody out, finishes them off to get the dub, and lastly, provides portable decontamination. The station field upgrade is back, so that's basically a little bubble that'll protect you from the storm. The interesting thing though is that you can use it on the ground in water on platforms.

Or, on a vehicle, it could potentially be mobile, and if you use it close to a buy station, that buy station will actually reactivate. This has huge potential to make some incredible gas plays if you're throwing that over a gas station. In the gas, now you're buying another gas mask or whatnot and moving forward, and to top all this off, for the first time ever, the war zone is ranked to resurgence, which is such a good move, so now resurgence is going to have meaning.


Beyond just the individual game or trying to get as many kills as you can, there's going to be a full-ranked mode. In this mode, you have to be at least level 55, hopefully to prevent hackers, but we'll see. But you need trios. It's going to be on fortunes to keep obviously resurgence. It says fire sale and restock happen at fixed circles; no other public events are available; vehicle restrictions; no tured vehicles I hope the restricted gameplay elements buy station inventory adjustment all that there's going to be a bunch of different skill divisions like ranked always has then because it's Resurgence, they're actually adding in something where when you die and come back in the same round you'll actually lose a little bit of your Sr points which is good so you can't just keep dying and not have any penalty but it's not going to be a big penalty like when you full die out and then lose all your Sr points for that round furthermore they're rewarding people for the long term so the first killer assist is plus 100 Sr 10 kills, 25 kills, 50 kills, 100 kills Reach the top eight, top five, and top three and win a match.

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These are all one-time Sr bonuses that you can get that don't have to do with that specific match, but it's kind of grinding. Over time, they want to reward you with more senior points. Now, as far as rewards, there's going to be a ton of them. You got a new camo, new calling cards, and a new emblem.

All the goodies—it's going to be great. I think adding Resurgence as a ranked mode is going to be absolutely fantastic. For the Call of Duty War Zone now, in addition to all of that stuff that we just mentioned, they're also bringing four new weapons. You have the BP50 assault rifle. A modular Bullpup chamber in 556.

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Modular bullpup chamber in 556 High rate of fire and exceptional accuracy. Predominate mid- to long-ranges, so this is going to be a fast-firing, more mobile assault rifle than the typical not-so-fast one. Your slow one could be a good sniper compliment. We'll see if it can actually put out the damage and get that good time to kill or not.

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You then have the Ram 9, a submachine gun more maneuverable and agile than its assault rifle counterpart, the Ram 7. This bulp-up SMG chambered in 9 mm lethal at close range, so I'm guessing it's going to be a high mobility type of weapon, so it has best in-class reco control and mobility as well as the most rounds on reserves of any.

SMG, does that mean it's going to have over 100 rounds because there are already SMGs with 100 rounds, but maybe just more reserves? This hard-hitting rifle dominance at mid- to long-ranges thanks to a low rate of fire and predictable recoil This one is really giving me those MTZ interceptors. Vibes; we'll see if it's a new king or if it's going to be weak, and the last weapon by far what I'm most excited about is the soul render; it's a melee, in season, so it's not going to be right when you start, say, a cemon blade capable of razor sharp cuts and deadly melee action in close quarters combat, but here's the thing: your aim button while holding fire enables a guard stance.

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Release the guard for an instant slice, allowing for expert timing when rapidly approaching a victim and offering excellent damage and better mobility than any of the larger weapons. Take this into the fight when facing down the living or the undead. This really seems to me like it's going to be a great zombie game with the option to actually block, which would be so helpful.

In Zombies, we'll see what it's like in the war zone. It's still really interesting now. Speaking of weapons, there's also going to be seven new aftermarket. The aftermarket part completely changed the characteristics of a gun, so it's like having seven new weapons. I'm only going to touch on one right now, but I'm very excited for this.

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Check this one out. The Jack limb, Ripper, is an underbarrel attachment for several weapons unrivaled at creating close-quarters carnage. This underbarrel chainsaw makes quick and messy work of anyone foolish enough to stand in the way. Yes, there is an official Chainsaw coming in Modern Warfare 3, and specifically.

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I'm thinking about Modern Warfare 3 zombies, but maybe this thing will slay in War Zone as well, which would be hilarious, but in this aftermarket part right here, you can just throw a chainsaw on the underbarrel, which is freaking fantastic. I'm looking forward to the chaos that we're going to be able to create with this thing.

Full Look at All the new events, modes and details of Season 2 of Warzone.
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