News - Warzone: New Best Controller Settings You Need To Use. Warzone Best Settings

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Motion sensor aiming is like gyro aiming, and that's for very specific cases of people wanting to use that. It is a cool thing for sure, and some players could be really good at it, but most players just want to leave this off; that's not really going to be too relevant.

Best warzone controller gameplay settings explained

Best warzone controller gameplay settings explained

We then get into the gameplay settings, and again, there are some important things here that have changed since launch as well. Obviously, you want to have automatic TX Sprint on for one saving your thumb sticks; you're not mashing and destroying those and destroying those, but two obviously with slide canceling coming back and TX Sprint automatically refreshing.

Via sprinting, having this on means that you'll be tack sprinting as often as possible when you're not manually stopping it. Obviously, we know there's a stamina bar refresh in this game. Now when you slide cancel in the slide motion, it's paused. There's other things that can pause it, so when you are able to tack sprint, you'll always do that automatically.


This is one that was actually updated post-launch with a hot fix. This setting basically used to be slide cancel Sprint, and you didn't want to have that on, and now they've changed it to obviously slide maintain. Sprint and turning this on basically means that you're not going to get nearly as many dead slides or awkward situations where you're trying to slide cancel so definitely definitely, turn that one on, auto move forward I don't want that on single tap Sprint for tack Sprint Behavior really only applies if you don't have automatic tack Sprint on but like I said for the sake of your thumb sticks you probably want to have that on there grounded mantle I keep on off because I just don't want to be randomly mantling, things mid gunfight this happened a lot back in war zone 1 so I keep that off I keep the Airborne automatic mantle as partial so I can choose when I'm basically going to mantle something there and then automatic mantle hang I do not want on because ledge hanging is by far the most annoying mechanic in the game I don't really think it needs to be in the game but this will stop you from doing it in some awkward situations.


Slide and dive behavior is one that I'm really back and forth on; personally, I want the snappiest possible slide cancellation. I could get it. I want to be able to press my thumb stick and immediately be in that slide animation so that I'm not getting any dead slides or anything awkward. You know situations, there and if you have slide only on you do not have the option to dolphin dive now there is a weird glitch where you'll randomly dolphin dive at times and I still can't figure out what causes it but that's something that happens for everyone one even if you have slide only on, but if you have tap to slide on and you'd be able to hold it to dolphin dive this means that every time you're actually going to slide and you tap your thumb stick in or whatever your you know dive and slide button is there's going to be just a slight delay, so that the controller waits to see if you are actually tapping the button or holding it and that to me after playing slide only is just a super obnoxious feature, so I'm currently keeping this on slide only the devs have said they're working on a way to input different keybinds for sliding and Diving which will be super clutch but for the most pristine and smooth slide cancelling.

warzone 3

Slide only is probably the better option here; unfortunately, you don't get the dolphin dive momentum, though when you're trying to like dolphin dive into parachutes, there plunging underwater. I keep on trigger parachute auto deploy. You definitely want this on off so you can get as close to the ground as possible before pulling your shoot, which means you'll get to the loot faster and you can fry enemies out of the sky better there.

I don't want to manually open doors, so I've got sprinting door bash on ledge climb behavior I have as a mantle only, obviously. Ledge climbing in general is kind of awkward in certain cases, depending on where you're at on the map. Behavior hold: changing the zoom for me is going to be my focus button and my sprint button, so that's more of a personal preference thing.

warzone 3 best controller settings

If you want to change that to melee, feel free to do so. Equipment behavior: I have on hold pretty standard there; my weapon mounts ads and melee because I'll never accidentally do that, but you can change this to whatever you want or you can turn it off if you don't want to mount, but I wouldn't suggest that because mounting reduces recoil like crazy as we know and the exit delay I have on short, for tax stance I have this on ads plus my down on the d-pad.

That way, again, I'm never going to accidentally do this in a fight. You know, ads in Sprint. I might accidentally do it in melee. I shouldn't accidentally do it, but it's possible I'm never pressing down on the d-pad there, so I'll only do that intentionally. I don't change my ad sticks; I keep them as directional buttons for the backpack control.

warzone 3 controller settings

I don't like my weapons auto-switching when I run out of ammo, but that's more of a preference thing. The C4 detonation one by one is definitely the way to go here because you can throw your first C4 and then blow it up right away. If you have this on grouped, you have to throw all the C4 in your inventory, which is just not convenient.

You don't want to be forced to throw two. If you only need one to, you know, break armor or knock an enemy, manual fire behavior is something that you don't want to have on hold because, truly, this will hurt per gameplay more. This is only intended for semi-autoguns, and it makes it so that you don't have to keep pressing your trigger over and over and over again.

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You can just hold it, but what it does is make the fire rate way slower, actually on the semi-auto guns, and that's not ideal whatsoever, so keep that one on press. Vehicle behavior here doesn't really matter too much, and the same goes with the overlay behavior as well. That being said, those are the best controller settings and the newly updated controller settings you want to be using here in War Zone for the most smooth and seamless gameplay possible.

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