News - Warzone: New Best Controller Settings You Need To Be Using. Warzone 3 Best Settings

modern warfare 3

I keep on one, and I do keep that ad sensitivity on instant, and then this is where things get very important, as well as the gradual uptick of your advanced, custom sensitivities. Per your Zoom so low Zoom would be like a default iron sight or like a simple slate reflector or something like that then of course we have our two time Scopes our three time Scopes our four to five time zooms so on and so forth all the way up to high Zoom which would be like some of those base sniper Scopes as well and what I do here is actually a couple of things these in game obviously but a few things out of game as well to really just perfect my general Aim so as far as my ads sensitivity multiplier, goes when I have these lower Zoom Optics I'm usually using those for close to mid-range gameplay and I like to be just laser accurate with those so I do end up knocking down my sensitivity some so that it's not too fast in those close-range fights where I'm overshooting, my enemies when I'm trying to ads and snap onto them right so I feel much more accurate dropping this down to about 8.

Now, if you do have a keyboard and mouse lying around, you could always plug those into your console if you play on a console or, obviously, on a PC if you're playing on a controller there, and you can type in the exact values here, like 0.83. You wouldn't be able to get it unless you hover over it with your mouse and then go through and type that it just be increments of five, which is what I have everywhere else basically, but then I just gradually increase this over time all the way back up to one for my sniper scopes in super long range fights like that in high zooms; you don't want to have a lower sensitivity multiplier.


Because then it's going to be too slow. To actually keep up with enemies, so this is by far the biggest thing I do in game to help my aim out now that said out of game I also use. Control Freaks, and these are wildly important for better aim as well for a handful of reasons. Obviously. I've got my base default thumb sticks on my scuff controller here, but with the control freaks.

I raise the height of these and add better grip to them as well, so for instance, on my right stick here. I'm using the Destiny 2 lightfall stick, and on my left stick here. I'm using a Vortex control freak, and so I'm getting better grip on these. I'm also extending my range of motion on these, which is super clutches, and this helps a ton with not only grip and feel on your controller.

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Have that on the controller while playing without it. I mean, I respect it, but it's just obviously not the smartest thing to do considering how good an assist is in COD right now. Still going for the Black Ops assist type; there's been a lot of talk about this versus default.

Warzone best controller gameplay settings

Warzone best controller gameplay settings

But initially here now for all of our gameplay settings these are also wildly important there's some new settings that have been added here over time so automatic tax Sprint I'm still going for it saves your left thumb stick basically I don't have to constantly click in and spam my left thumb stick to get that full-on tax Sprint and the second you have tax Sprint available you'll always be doing that as well so double w, there that's 4vs.

mw3 settings

Slide maintain Sprint this is something they actually updated post launch we've talked about it a couple of times but I like having this on because it really makes it feel like I'm never getting any dead slides, whatsoever, when I'm trying to slide cancel previously with this off I just felt like it was not really helping much in that area it felt awkward and kind of clunky so that's something I would recommend turning on don't have Auto move forward I want to do that manually, now if you don't play with automatic tack Sprints I would recommend having single tap Sprint on there so you only have to press your thumb stick in once to start that Sprint feature or that tack Sprint feature so it again saves your thumb stick and that's really important for longevity in controler, life right for Grounded mantle Airborne automatic mantle and automatic, mantle and hang this is the trio of things that I have set up so that I don't ever have awkward mantling situations now for me personally I wish I could just turn off ledg hang entirely.

I hate that feature; it's super annoying to run into, but having this off, partial, and off means that you're not going to randomly mantle things, like if you're not looking at them or when you're not trying to jump and mantle them; it just won't happen that frequently, so that's like a trio of settings you want to pair up together.


Another new update here that we saw recently was an update to slide and dive behavior, adding in this hybrid setting that makes it so that you have that instantaneous. Slide of slide only: there's no input delay whatsoever on your slide cancel, but if you want to dive, you can just press in on your left thumb stick and then press in once on your right thumb stick, and you'll end up doing a dive motion slide only, which still has that glitch, slash.

Equipment Behavior hold weapon Mount activation I keep on adsm Mele so I don't ever actually accidentally do that in like a gunfight, it's nice and quick to get into that short exit delay although I'm pretty sure that's mostly placeo, there tax Dan animation this is another important one I had this on ads and then down on the d-pad.

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Just so that I never accidentally activate this in a gunfight, some of these other ones, like ads and Sprint, or even double tap ads, might accidentally do it in a gunfight, and then you're in the tack stance, and you might not want to be there in that situation, so they just make sure that I'm never accidentally going into the tack stance.


I do keep that on toggle so when I do manually go into attack stance I will always be in tack stance unless I toggle it off again so it's just not constant recycling, on death R always have to go back into it just defaults to that prioritize, interact is still the go-to for war zone looting you're not going to have to hold the open up chest or anything you can quickly get guns and quickly go through you know doors and whatnot to.

Keep moving, and keep your movement fluid. Their armor plate behavior is still sticking, all because you want to be able to put on as many armor plates with one press of a button as possible. Of course, this just speeds things up. On the ads, stick swap backpack control is going to be directional buttons with a deete completed weapon ammo switch.

warzone 3

I've gone back and forth on this, and I really just settled on off here because having my weapons automatically switch for me when I'm not ready for them to. It throws me off sometimes, so I like to manually be able to do that C4 detonation you want one by one, so if you have two C4, you throw the first one, and you can blow that up right away before throwing the second one.

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