News - Warzone Is Running Out Of Chances

Okay, we've done this before; it worked, but now we have to do it again because it wasn't there at launch, and whether that is straight-up design decisions or it's a result of, you know, rushed development times, whatever the case may be, it's just ultimately. Where we're at now, there's still a lot of redoing and not a whole lot of brand new, not a whole lot of innovation, here and there, and that's probably going to remain the same throughout the rest of MW3.

modern warfare 3

War Zone. Raven says they've got multiple fan favorite features in the pipeline; that's going to be several seasons worth of content going forward, and then by the time we get to a place where we're at all the equivalents. I guess you would say that for the features and innovations of War Zone 1 now being alive in the MW3 War Zone in the current state of War Zone, then the Gulf War has arrived and we're at a new integration, and hopefully that means that by this time go for and beyond will be where the true innovations of War Zone come, where it's not every update.

The true innovative time frame for warzone updates

The true innovative time frame for warzone updates

Hey, there's a couple of new things here, but it's mostly all these things that we loved before that we now have to reintroduce, and hey, this season's just going to be based around fixing this broken thing that was already updated back in War Zone 1 but broke again with War Zone in the past couple of years.

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Ideally, it's just a whole lot of new updates, new updates, and new updates every single time we see major patches. So hopefully, all that having been said, you kind of see a more clear vision. I guess of the idea that war zone could be running out of chances, we see these significant updates year-over-year, season-over-season, and recently it's just been a whole lot of redoing because of the undoing of war zone 2, and that said, that's sort of a disinteresting thing for some players.


You know, they want to bring their friends back to the war zone. Hey, look at all this new stuff, but there's not all that much new stuff in some cases, so hopefully this turns around and sort of corrects course as time goes on as they do reintroduce these things and stabilize things out, and we get back to that almost one-to-one feeling of war zone now compared to war zone back in the day during its peak and its golden days of Verdansk.

Cold War, and whatnot, how long that's going to take, though really only time is going to tell going forward, the seasonal updates probably should be more positive.

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