News - Warzone: The Vaulting Updates

The warzone vaulting updates explained

The warzone vaulting updates explained

ladies and gentlemen. Sort of a new thing that we've seen happen a couple of times already this year within War Zone in Modern Warfare 3 is these various things that I'd refer to as vaulting. Updates, this whole termal vating I think just stems from fortnite it's something they've sort of done throughout the years as they've seen updates where certain pieces of content and gam playay items become vaulted, they get put into the Vault they're removed from the game they may return at a future point in time but it's just a place where they can actively update things and change things as needed and remove things if there's balance issues or if they're you know outdated for whatever the gameplay Loop might be and Call of Duty has sort of taken a page out of fortnite's book with these and started implementing this for various different reasons and within this article I wanted to talk a bit about what these vaulting updates, have done so far and sort of what to expect with them in the future, why certain things probably don't happen as I think a lot of us would like them to and just in general what this means long term for COD now that they've sort of gone this route with certain updates so obviously it's something that's actually happened a couple of times already throughout the year we've seen various different elements of gameplay quote unquote, vaulted.

The various vault updates we␙ve seen in warzone so far

The various vault updates we␙ve seen in warzone so far

A couple of broken attachments have risen up in recent months of War Zone gameplay. Initially, the snake shot the dual wield tiers, with the snake shot ammo breaking the Clos range meta being the most dominant option in the game for any close-range engagements. Those were broken for a couple of days, Raven said.

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Hey, you know, we know that the snake shot ammo on the Tei is insanely broken, so we're going to disable the snake shot ammo for this time period, and once we have a full fix out, we'll reintroduce it into the meta. So they took the snake shot ammo attachment and basically made it so that yeah, you could see it in your gunsmith, you can put it on your loadouts, but you couldn't use it in game; it was completely disabled in public matches, and then just recently.

They went through they actually nerfed the snake shot ammo so the damage is way lower than it was before and now it's back in the game so it's been unv vaed of course we also saw a similar thing happen to the Lockwood 300 melstrom dual trigger which turned the Lockwood 300 into an absolute Beast for close range as well basically, a one- shot knock through like 10 m as a shotgun and shotgun should be good in the close range they just shouldn't be the only option in the game for close range so of course they also went through with that and they nerfed the Dual trigger they vaulted it removed it from all the public match loadouts just like the snake shot ammo and then it's been reintroduced now that they've gone through and heavily nerfed it so it's not really an issue anymore, we also saw a similar situation not with attachments or you know weapon issues but with the Gaia skin the evil Groot skin from mww's.

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Call of Duty has begun vaulting certain things in the game that are problematic. Here's the thing, though:.

Why haven␙t they vaulted broken meta weapons?

Why haven␙t they vaulted broken meta weapons?

You know you think, Okay, we're going to remove things that are insanely broken. what about weapons just straight up for instance, throughout the course of War Zone MW3, so far the Interceptor has been an extremely, extremely problematic gun, gamebreaking, in certain situations they did Nerf it to at least balance it out some but it's still been a go-to option for, several weeks now several months at this point really since launch it's been the go-to choice right things like the WASP swarm as well like clear obvious met weapons that are well overdue for Nerfs and we know that things are going to be changing in the future and they'll be adjusted, as necessary maybe even by the time this article goes up there will have been some updates hopefully cross my fingers for sure but you know it's clear that there's been you know overdue, meta updates that we've needed that just haven't happened and so you see things like okay the snake shots were so broken they were vaulted.

modern warfare 3

The dual trigger was so broken they were vaulted. What's the deal with weapons? Well, here's the thing with Call of Duty: we know they love their money. Store bundles are always working. You know you might have game-breaking updates like season one reloaded, but you know for sure that store is working.

You can purchase your bundles, you can get your new blueprints, and you can get your operator skins. Those will always work basically flawlessly, and it seems like the store updates do happen very quickly if there are any issues whatsoever, right? And when you look at these different weapons, yeah, sure, there are a couple of blueprints that might offer Snak Shot Ammo for certain builds or the Dual Trigger on certain builds from previous games, but when you look at just straight-up weapons like the Interceptor, for instance, there's been several bundles that have dropped featuring The Interceptor has a decent meta-build.


There's been several bundles that have dropped with the Swarm that offered, you know, good setups that players could use right away. If they were to go through and say, Hey, we know the Interceptor is extremely broken right now; we're not able to fully test a metab balance pass on it yet, so we're just going to vault it.

Well, guess what happens? They don't sell any of those bundles, which is a lot more impactful. On things like store sales and all those different blueprint options, if it's a straight-up weapon being removed from the game rather than just an attachment here or there, in terms of expectations, well, it definitely seems like they're willing to use this sort of vaulting system to their advantage to balance things out quickly when needed here and there.

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From a larger standpoint, major problems that are you know directly correlated to weapons in and of themselves might not be nearly as vable. I'm just going to make that up as a word here. I feel like it describes it appropriately, so expectations certainly should be tempered here in terms of what may or may not be vaulted or removed.

In the future. I mean. I would bet money on the fact that we're going to have more broken attachments and more broken guns further down the road as we see new aftermarket parts introduced with other seasonal updates.

Full integrations will be vaulted once again in warzone long term

Full integrations will be vaulted once again in warzone long term

This does always help grow the channel, but vaulting in general can be used for these specific things here and there: broken attachments, broken skins Whatever the case may be, it also has a much broader meaning when it comes to the long-term future. Of War Zone, obviously, War Zone 1 existed.

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