News - Warzone: Huge New Weapon Updates. New Weapons, Aftermarket Parts, More. Warzone 2 Weapon Update

mw3 new weapon

It's going to be even more solidified as a great mid-range, potentially long-range option if you can throw on some 5.56, ammo on that for sure, and then lastly. I don't quite understand how this is considered an aftermarket part, but according to the game files, the M16 is going to see an iron sight aftermarket part.

I can't imagine how many players are going to use this. The M16 is notoriously one of the worst weapons in the game, and it's been that way since the day Modern Warfare 2 dropped, so I don't think too many players are going to be going out of their way to say. Man i can't wait to use the Ironside M16 aftermarket part, but it's apparently going to be coming up here in a future update, so a surprising amount of new weapon leaks here in aftermarket part leaks I think this is a good thing, though this means that we're going to continue to see these essentially weekly updates that add in new weapon-based content and keep things feeling fresh even if they're not the most competitive thing at the end of the day.

mw3 new weapons

It does give you a reason to either grind something out because you need the aftermarket part unlock for your seasonal, camo, or if it's just something you want to mess around with and see what it actually plays like. It's so cool that the content is actually sort of extending the longevity of overall play time here, for sure, but that being said, that is going to wrap things up for this one.

Those are all of the new weapons and aftermarket part updates that we have sort of rumored or leaked as of right now. If you are new to the channel, you want to guarantee that every single day you are up to date with all things going on in COD. Until next time, take it easy, have an awesome rest of your day, and I'll catch you later.

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