News - Warzone: All Early Season 2 Update Patch Notes. Major Fixes, Gameplay Updates, More (warzone 2 Season 2)

modern warfare 3 season 2

the XRK stock or no stock confirmed to be being fixed The Ram 7's have several different barrels that are bugged across the board. There's also a visual bug with the Jack BFB, where on some weapons it shows it is locked, but that's actually just a glitched second Jack BFB compensator. There is one that's always unlocked in the center of the compensator list, so if you're wondering why that's bugged and you're like, Okay, I did the challenge for the Jack BFB, why can't I use it?

It's just because you're not looking at the right one. Scroll through the rest of the list and you should find that, but these bug detachments that have appeared as locked for several weeks in this case should all be getting updated here with season 2. With season 2, they're also investigating a couple of things here for multiplayer, including the time stat not being tracked properly in hardpoint, within ranked play, and certain items in ranked play that are restricted that you can actually select but then they don't show up in game, which is causing you to mess up your class setup.

modern warfare 3 season 2 patch notes

They're just going to update it, so you can't select them whatsoever. Then, on the zombie side of things, we only have one guaranteed fixed schedule, and that's some visual effects on your HUD when you're using Kimbo weapons, a pretty niche issue, but they do have a fixed schedule for that. Other than that, the only new update that we have here is that they're investigating players encountering an issue with the fluctuation camo, but this should, for the most part, be completely fixed.

They haven't put out a full update with patch notes saying they fixed this, but it was fixed in the back end the other day. I've seen plenty of reports saying, Hey, I can unlock this now—the 10 kills without reloading challenges working across the board. They do still have it listed here though, so in some cases you might experience it, but maybe someone in your party doesn't have a full rollout and should be coming with that if it's not already fixed for you, then we shift focus lastly to the war zone set of things.

modern warfare 3 season 2 update

Admittedly, they haven't updated the trell board here super frequently as of late. However, we do have a few things that by this time should be updated, considering they've been on the trellis board for quite some time, initially redeploy notifications. They said this way back in December that they were investigating redeploy notifications not playing, so there's an enemy in your AO or an enemy dropping on your head stuff like that; it just doesn't play when someone's dropping in on you.

By now, this should be something that is updated. They've been focusing on audio a decent bit in some recent updates, so hopefully that's one that's, you know, finally updated here in season 2. Also, with the automatic resupply, they're still looking into issues where you're going to resupply things and it's not giving you the correct items, so if you have a knife, sometimes it gives you a thermobaric or a seex, and you're like.

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Wait a second. I didn't pick this up. That does still happen occasionally, so that's when they're looking into it. They're also looking into several issues with melee damage, where sometimes you do more melee damage than intended. You can, like, two-hit knock a player, but then it's supposed to be a three- or four-hit knock.

modern warfare iii

At times, it's just really inconsistent and really obnoxious in those close-range fights, so that's definitely a big one. Some of them are on Ekhan. They have been temporarily disabled for quite some time now since basically early January, so we should see some updates to the overall map interaction so that you can stop glitching on certain ascenders, and they're actually in use once again, and then map distortion.

This is a big one; they only have it listed for Zikan, but it's also an issue on Asika as well, where you're walking around and suddenly the map's geography is just glitched out. There's some places in Ekhan where, like, a whole unrendered city loads in front of you and you can't see what's going on there.


There's some hills that have super glitchy spikes coming out of them, and then on Aik, just sometimes in the sky, that same unrendered city just spawns in, and it's in your visual, you know, area there, and it's super obnoxious and annoying, so they are looking into the map. Distortion problems are going on there as well.

Keep in mind that these are just some of the early confirmations and previews of some of the patch notes for season 2.

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