News - Warzone 3 New Movement Guide. Pc/ps5/xbox - Controller & Keyboard Settings

controller movement

On a plate, all you could do is go ahead and start the plating, and then you can get in here, and all you have to worry about is snaking, you know, so that's basic information gathering, and you can utilize either just to kind of figure out how you're going to play the situation. Because not every Situation's, one size fits all you're going to go ahead and kind of have to adjust, to the situation a lot of times if you're in the goog you might not need to do aggressive snaking because you only have a little piece of cover, maybe it would make more sense to do a Crouch bam, maybe you want to go ahead and shoulder Peak because the walls are kind of tall and you don't have a half wall so that's when you would shoulder Peak that's when you would do the slide ads slide cancel at the edge peek back into cover only to give yourself enough of your Edge so that you can go ahead and get that Gathering info so you can use however much movement you want to use depending on those scenarios.

New zip movement skills part 1

New zip movement skills part 1

As far as these next ones these are kind of important, when it comes to Battle Royale because of how many Zips there are in the game and this is the redeploy balloons or the drones, or the Zips that they have on the edge of buildings there's so many of these and in some of these cases in the example that I'm going to give you mountainer shows off why it's so good keeping in mind that side note if you fall from 13 and a half 14 meters you're going to go ahead and insta die if you have Mountaineer you can go up to about 27 MERS before you die so that kind of allows you to hit the ground, get back up on the zip and not worry about it if it is on Lower ground something like this example so first one off is super easy and I think this one should be utilized, 100% of the time regardless of skill level because as you can see from the side by-side comparisons.

controller settings

We have the bottom two, which are faster animations. Than the top one the top one you walk up to any zip and you'll use whatever your interact button is, and you can kind of see the animation's a little bit slow, but the bottom two do the animation seamlessly. With going up vertically saves off about a second of Animation cutting it down from about 5 Seconds down to four which is pretty significant if you're trying to get out of there it's not going to be helpful in every scenario you use it but it will optimize that extra second to you to just get up and at versus actually going up on there then pre- aiming through the smoke if you threw a smoke you can kind of see how much faster that is in kind of real time head-to-head comparison, bottom two I want to kind of see if there was a difference between jumping on and then melee while jumping on maybe that was going to be faster but it turned out it was the exact same as you can see from the comp comparison, on top of that they've added new Mobility Tech at the top of Zips if you go ahead and press back or hold back, while you press jumping off of the zip at the appropriate time it is a timing thing it takes a little bit of practice I probably spend about two minutes.

New zip movement skills part 2

New zip movement skills part 2

Like, what the heck, why doesn't this work? Before. I kind of got the rhythm of it, and you kind of see how it works in action, where you're able to jump up and you're actually able to fire your gun significantly faster before the other person even reaches the top of the zip and has to take themselves off and typically is going to be dead, and this is super useful if people have the procs mines bouncing betties or whatever if they have Claymores, or whatever the case is, or if you think they're camping it holding the angle, it gives you that little peer advantage, same thing like we were talking about info.

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And you can get that shoulder peak; this is essentially the shoulder peak. And you can catch some people off guard even if they're highly skilled players; they won't expect the average player to just jump up, peek up, and already start landing shots on them like they come around the corner. You've done a slide cancel while you aim down sight while you're shooting them.


This is super effective, and here's actually a live match of this exact location. A top player metaphors is utilizing it to kind of take on this guy that doesn't really know what the heck's going on and then takes him out so this is a perfect example there's many more you can look up and this is how I would utilize this where you can come up and it's even smoother, just in traversing the area and it works on every zip that is attached to a building so you come up you could just get up and it takes a little bit of practice so maybe take five minutes to learn it and then you're probably good to go where you're going to have a high, efficiency of using this when you go ahead and kind of climb these Zips Next Movement is one of my favorite movements and that is the drop shot in this specific example you're going to go ahead and see how the drop shot is super effective I tend to like this one just because this is what I'm a custom dud from playing Call of Duty forever.

When and how to dropshot

When and how to dropshot

I didn't really get into hard-core bunny-hopping. Or any of that type of hopping. I'm always more into a drop shot, and there is a little bit of nuance to it depending on how far you are away. The movement might be better or worse, typically when you're close within like 10 meters of a player. The drop shot is generally one of the best ways to knock the target off because of the way both aim assist works, visibility works, and just tracking works in general.

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That little micro reaction is enough for you to land a couple shots, make yourself a harder target to hit for that quick second, and then you win the gunfight, hopefully by then, and then you get out of there. It's not always enough to drop a shot, depending on the situation. It might be more beneficial to do a drop shot and then sprint out of the animation so you kind of break away and get away from the action and then redirect.

modern warfare 3 movement

In this particular case, I kind of knew where most of these players were, so you can kind of see I drop a shot and then I back off. I drop a shot, and then I back off. I rotate out, and I'm kind of quick with that part of it, but you can actually, depending on where your target is in this particular case I kind of knew where most of these players were so you can kind of see I drop shot and then I back off I drop shot and then I back off I rotate out and I'm kind of quick with that part of it but you can actually depending on where your target is in positioning, basically set up your exit route so you're not a sitting Target the entire time you're doing the drop shot, so there's a couple other mobility things we no longer really have the Bunny Hop, which I know a lot of people will call.

When and how to mini bunny hop

When and how to mini bunny hop

If just somebody's jumping, they'll call it the Bunny Hop, but it really kind of got nerfed into the ground with War Zone 2. I'm a fan of the Bunny Hop, even though I never really like going out of my way to make sure I do a ton of the Bunny Hop. What you can see here is that you can still kind of hop in place a little bit, you get a little bit of action, and there's two different ways you'll do this if you're up close.

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