News - Warzone 2's Packet Burst Problem

black ops 4

I hope you guys are doing well. If you've been watching any type of Modern Warfare 3 content at all this year, including my own, you've probably noticed that little packet burst indicator that's in the top left corner of most game plays. If you're a PC player you've probably encountered it at some point in time it is a major pain point for this community right now and there doesn't seem to be any answers and trust me I'm hardwired in I have great internet at the moment and it's not my PC there is something wrong on the back end of the servers for Modern Warfare 3 and it completely, deteriorates the experience that many can have, and this server problem exists not only when you're playing the game but when you try to update it as well remember when we got the Season One update some of us pre-loaded it some of us were welcomed with a another 40 gig update some of us had a 200 gig update it really just depends, it's clear there's no optimization whenever they bring a new update out there's no way to actually streamline it to make it so players exist the least amount of downtime as.

Possible, and then, of course, there was the whole battle. Net Fiasco, last week where people that had Battle. I, myself included, could only play against other people that played on Battle. There is little insight into the population in Battle. Net is not very high, and with metrics like skill-based matchmaking restricting the number of players you can be matched with, yeah, it led to long cues and terrible connection games, but the terrible connection games even exist when you're on crossplay.

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It's almost as if ever since Call of Duty implemented crossplay, their servers have never been stable enough to support it. go back to Modern Warfare 2019 I believe it was that they introduced the original war zone they used to have their servers be able to hold 150 different players. What's the War Zone in Modern Warfare 3?


There are 100 players, and this is 100% because of the load on the server. It's not because the map can't support it; I think people would support larger lobbies, not smaller ones, but here we are in 2023, where there's no accountability for mistakes like these or oversights like these. I understand that this is a large undertaking, and we're seeing it with ex-defyant; they're having server issues that they're working really hard on, and that's why we haven't had the game yet, but why is it that Call of Duty can also work on their servers and make it a more streamlined experience across all?

On platforms, the current experience in Call of Duty is either infiltrated by packet bursts or by extremely long Q times or pings, and I don't think that's acceptable considering the fact that this wasn't an issue in older games like we're 5 years removed from Black Ops 4 and that game had a more stable matchmaking system than what we have here in Modern Warfare 3, and it's just simply unacceptable.


I'm not the only one that's experiencing this; it's across the entire community, and at some point it needs to be held up as not up to standard, which I guess might be the new slogan for Activision not up to standard. While there are many things that are great here in Modern Warfare 3, the majority of the things that aren't up to standard are controlled solely by Activision: the matchmaking, the servers, the optimization—all of that is just completely mishandled.

Think of just how bad the season 1 update was, the data corruption notices, and the fact that everybody lost their created classes. The fact that I just realized that my kill streaks reset to kill streaks instead of score streaks, and I had to reset them again. These aren't massive problems, but they're showing a lack of attention to detail.

xtz ferocity

Heck, even with the fact that so many different players are experienced, file sizes for the update were just extremely weird; it's a lack of optimization. It's a lack of call-of-duty care, which brings us back to the server problem right now in Call of Duty: the packet burst problem. I can go play any other Call of Duty, whether it's Black Ops Cold War, here on my computer or go back and play a couple games on my Xbox 360, and guess what?

The servers feel more stable. They feel like they work. For whatever reason in Modern Warfare 3 and this existed in Modern Warfare 2 as well, the servers feel a lot less stable and a lot less consistent. And that lack of stability leads to a lot more BS that happens in games, which leads to a lot more frustration, which lowers player retention.

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Again, this is something that Call of Duty cares about a ton; their player retention means so much to them, as it should. But this is another factor that decreases player retention and keeps players playing your game because of the frustrations they incur while trying to enjoy your game. The fact that I'm getting packet bursts almost every 10 to 15 seconds is a problem with your game, especially considering the fact that I can play any other game in my library that does not have the same issues.

Whatsoever, whether it's dead by daylight Apex Legends doesn't matter those games do not have the same packet burst problem that Modern Warfare 3 seems to have, and it's unacceptable, now of course Call of Duty gets away with it because they don't really have any true competition right now and maybe it changes once exify comes out or Halo infinite continues to get better or maybe the next Battlefield game seems to actually realize on some of the potential that Battlefield has whatever it might be that could lead to the kick in the behind that Activision needs to actually start to stabilize their servers or perhaps Microsoft might try to implement some of their own, changes so that the game can become more stable.

Because, as it stands right now, this is how you lose consumers. Faith, this is how you push more and more people away from your game because you're showcasing to your community that, hey, nothing works as intended. We have issues that we don't really want to fix, and it was a big issue with Modern Warfare 2, something they're trying to rectify here in Modern Warfare 3, but it's still a problem, and it does need serious fixing and serious addressing if we're going to move forward here, so I'm very curious what you guys think about all this.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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