News - Warzone 2's Anti Cheat Is Complete Utter Garbage

false ban

I hope you're all having a fantastic day. Now, ladies and gentlemen, today's article is extremely important to me to go ahead and get out there because, honestly, the anti-cheat for Call of Duty Mod Warfare 3 has been nothing but an utter disaster. This isn't the first time this anti-cheat has been discussed.

Ricochet, you know, throughout the community, we've heard about Ricochet for years and years now, and every single year that goes by, we run into the same exact situation. And of course, at some point, this has to come to an end, but you know. I know my voice isn't that big, and you know. I'm not going to reach out that far, but hopefully we can get the word spreading a little bit here.

We can get, you know, people actually discussing it, talking about it with your friends, talking about it with your family, sharing these articles, maybe even making your own articles, and maybe one day we can resolve this horrible situation that a lot of individuals are being put into. But of course, ladies and gentlemen, before we go ahead and dive deep, if you do enjoy what you hear today, don't forget to go ahead and subscribe and hit that bell.

i got banned in modern warfare 3

m, , eastern time all right so ladies and gentlemen for those who don't know already, once the new version of War Zone was introduced into Modern Warfare 3, there have been just, like honestly, massive and when I say massive I truly mean massive band waves occurring all across the board and not just bands but also Shadow bands as well and Shadow Banning is almost just as bad as normal Banning, because you know with all honesty yeah normal Banning sucks but if you get Shadow banned first and foremost you don't know right off the bat you know you are still going to be able to you know get yourself into lobbies you have to manually check your account to see if you got Shadow banned and nine times out of 10 when you are shadowbanned the lobbies that you're put in are probably going to be stuffed with cheaters, so you know you're not you're not in a win-win situation here no matter what you're screwed you're either going to be perab banned or you're going to have to verse cheaters 24/7.

i got banned in warzone

But typically, this would not be a problem in any other game that you could think of, but like I said, once the war zone dropped for some strange reason. I don't know if there's any reasoning behind this or something occurred, but the second war zone dropped, and tons of people all over, you know, social media.

I personally use Twitter, and of course, if you guys want to socialize with me over there. And basically, the problem that is happening right now is that if you do indeed get enough people to report an individual. For some strange reason, they will just get shadowbanned right out of the gates, and again, like I said, getting shadowbanned doesn't mean that you're necessarily doing anything; it just means that you're under inspection.


They're keeping a close eye on you so they can confirm or, you know, deny that you are cheating. But like I said earlier, you know the downsides of being shadowbanned, even though it doesn't mean you're perab banned and it doesn't mean that you are actually cheating. You then have to go against a bunch of other people who are either Mega Sweat Lords who are also getting you know reported like no tomorrow or people who are cheating, who got mass reported and are temporarily on the shadow ban list until you know a real person can come inspect their account and say yes, okay, this individual is cheating, then they get Perma banned, so yes, this anti-che.

It's honestly ruining a lot of experiences because when people get Shadow banned, they don't even bother loading up the game anymore. They're not going to put up with that, you know. First and foremost, you're going to be searching for 2 years to find a game. That's when you start cycling through, and it's like, okay, searching for 10 ping, 20 ping, 40 ping, 50 ping, and then you're all the way up in the hundreds waiting, you know, 10 plus minutes to find a lobby, you know nobody wants to do that in the first place, and then find a high ping lobby, and then secondly, when you do get that high ping lobby that you had to wait a half an hour to get, it might be potentially packed with cheaters.

modern warfare 3 anti cheat

All in all, you know this anti-cheat needs to be overhauled, but at least the shadow band system has to be completely reworked. I wouldn't even be salty if they just, you know, went behind the scenes and put the majority of their focus into this right here right now because, yes, Modern Warfare 3 does need a lot of work.

From my perspective, I don't know you guys. You know it's actually not shabby, and I wouldn't be mad if they took a couple of weeks to just hyperfocus the shadow band system to make sure it works properly. But here's the thing: isn't the shadow band system a part of the anti-che, which is Ricochet, and has nothing to do with knowing Sledgehammer?

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So realistically, you would think that they would be able to work on this without even interfering. With the development time of the actual game itself, why haven't we seen any drastic improvements? It seems year after year after year, instead of improving, it just gets worse and worse and worse, and this is what Activision has been hyping up for years.

modern warfare 3 false ban

And honestly, the only cool thing about Ricochet is that it just trolls cheaters, but I'll be real with you guys; I would much rather, and I think a lot of people will probably agree with this as well. I would much rather have an anti-cheat that works than trolls and cheaters, right? Like, it's great and all that, but it can mess around with them, and you know, whatever.

I just want something that functions, and yet it does function; it does band cheaters; it does its job, but it doesn't do it well enough; and the number of people that have to suffer the innocent people that have to suffer just because of this antiche that they incorporated. It's unnecessary. NE, but I will add this.

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I will add this as well. I don't think it is completely the anti-che fault for the shadow band system being so aggressive, even though, yeah, you know, maybe they could tone it down. But I think it also has to do with the community. You know all the Call of Duty players out there. I'll tell you right here right now that people jump to accusing people of cheating so quickly.

modern warfare 3 false bans

Every single game, you could watch some content creators out there; you could watch some players out there; you could watch some clips out there; it doesn't matter. People always say that a man is cheating. It could be, you know, because he landed good shots, he has a great position, and you know the timing is right.

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