News - Warzone 2i's Campaign Is Bad


Today I'm going to be reviewing the Modern Warfare 3 campaign. I know this is a little bit different of a article compared to what I normally upload, but I did make a Modern Warfare 2 campaign review in which I praised it. I thought some of the different missions with the crafting ref fund and that one stealth mission had some kind of horror element to them, and I thought the atmosphere was just really well done.

However, you can already tell where I'm going with this because you saw the title of this article. The Modern Warfare 3 campaign is probably one of my least favorite campaigns in the entire Call of Duty series, beating only the Black Ops 3 campaign because that one was just horrible. That was nonsense, but this one honestly isn't too far off.

If you're worried about spoilers, I will be discussing them, but I'll save those for later, and I'll let you know when you can click off the article if you don't want to be spoiled. But my major complaint with the campaign in this game is that the missions are just boring. Gameplay-wise, I'm not expecting it to be anything crazy; it's Call of Duty.


I expect Call of Duty gameplay, but usually Call of Duty campaigns are these massive setpiece-driven linear experiences, and that's really what makes them special for me. That's what makes me want to play them—looking back at the great Cod campaigns, you know. Back in Black Ops 1, you have this mission controlling a gunship just wreaking havoc and destroying villages, and the OG MW3 starts out with a giant battle in New York City.

You know, just these massive moments and set pieces, but in this game, it really doesn't feel like anything major happens. It's really underwhelming, the phrase new gimmicks and I use the phrase new lightly are these new open combat missions, where you spawn in or land on a big open map and have an objective to go and do but you can also just look around for other equipment and guns laying around as well and when I first heard about these I was very worried they were going to be over utilized and take away from the overall experience of a traditional cob Mission which I'm unfortunately sad to say that I was right these missions suck.


There are. I think, three or four of these open combat missions in the game, and not only are they just completely boring, but they also don't make a whole lot of sense considering who we are playing as they are basically MZ or war zone shovelware disguised as campaign missions, which just screams to me that they didn't have enough time to make actual campaign missions, so these were the cheap rep placements for them.

All you do is run from objective to objective with some AI enemies sprinkled about, and that's it. Nothing else happens; just there's no cinematic moments that take place here after the first one. I really just tried to speedrun past all the other open combat missions because of how boring they were.

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They could have easily just been spec-ops missions in the multiplayer. All they would have to do is allow co-op, and it would feel no different. I'm not even kidding, and the reason they make zero sense is that I'm supposed to be playing as a tier one operator, a member of the highly elite Task Force 141 sent to solve the world's problems and prevent a war, but I have to drop down and go scavenge for a level three combat vest that can equip three armor plates at once.


Or I have to go and run around to find a better weapon in a loot crate because the one that's assigned to me at the beginning isn't the best one for the job. How does that make any sense? It's even so bad that in one of the missions there is an area where you can repel right at the beginning, but unfortunately, being a Tier 1 operator, the best the military has to offer you doesn't have one, so you have to go and find one before you can do that.

Get this shitty ass war zone content out of the campaign; I want nothing to do with it. It's like they're trying so hard to get the War Zone crowd to play the campaign by saying, Look, guys, you've played War Zone. Look, you can loot in the campaign too. It's just like War Zone. It's so awesome one of the missions you even deploy.

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By jumping out of the back of a plane like you would in a war zone and parachuteing down, I expected Ghost to just flat out. Ask me in my communications where we are up, Johnny. It just doesn't work; it's not good. It made the campaign a slog to play every time I had to hop back into one of these open combat missions.

Also the armored enemies—this was something I didn't like about MW2. The armored enemies that just take a whole mag to kill—it's not fun, even taking multiple head shots. Sometimes I hated it in the previous game, but they brought them back in this game, and it's just as bad. just more shitty war zone mechanics and a mode that was always about the cinematic experience, like you're playing a badass action movie.

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I don't really want to blame the developers for trying something different here, but this really isn't different mechanically; it's just copying and pasting War Zone into the campaign where it should never belong. Now, that was a pretty big rant, but not every mission is like that. There are a couple of missions that I did enjoy, like the first mission of the game.

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For instance, this one does feel like your typical Call of Duty mission: going down into a prison and into the goolag. With the lights off, shooting people on the way down, all the prisoners eventually get freed, and it's this massive battle, and this is what I'm looking for on a Cod campaign. If every mission was like this, it would be fine, but it's not because, directly after that, you were just fed DMZ missions.

The snow level also wasn't that bad; that was probably another one of my favorite missions because just the scenery of having the snow is cool, although I did hate the fact that the enemy snipers not only had thermal-proof vests so you couldn't see them with your thermal scopes, but they were also armored, so they took multiple shots to kill a sniper.

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You also don't really see too many new weapons being used in the campaign. I was trying so hard to find some Modern Warfare 3 weapons to use on the ground, but a lot of the enemies are just equipped with Modern Warfare 2 weapons. I can't tell you how many times I just picked up an expedite 12-shotgun from the ground on these missions.

I always look forward to playing the Call of Duty campaigns each year. But this one is NOT good lol. An already short campaign ruined by lazy "open combat missions" and an overly boring storyline that doesn't go anywhere over the course of the game. Get 3 Months of the rated VPN for FREE by using my referral link.
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